The doctor

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Finally, we had made it onto Mary Street, and all of us stood in front of the General Store, which was an unassuming little wooden building that sat sandwiched between two houses. Noel kept looking around, searching for the doctor that she told us of, but so far, it seemed she wasn't having any luck.
"Ugh, I know she's here somewhere." Noel said.
Marine got an impatient look on her face, and she turned to me.
"This is pointless. Let's just go find another doctor and..."
"There you are!!"
All of us looked, and sure enough, Noel was talking to a hooded figure in a hushed voice, not letting us hear anything they were saying. The figure kept their face and hair from being seen, but they were wearing a white shirt, with a red tie, a patterned brown half thigh-length skirt, and tights that extended from the point where the skirt ended all the way down to her boots. Strapped to her right thigh was a set of syringes, and strapped to her left was a presumably loaded gun, almost identical to the one that sat in my holster. She made a lot of hand gestures as she talked, then, she seemed to glance over in our direction, and she nodded at Noel, who then turned and gave us a wave to follow her.
"Okay, that's the signal. Let's go." I said.
The Storyteller and Botan both grabbed the stretcher that Jansen was laying on, and they carried him after us, careful not to lose us in the crowd. We weaved through the marketplace, then came up to a dank alley in between two buildings, and finally, up to a big wooden door that was built into the side of one of the buildings. The figure in the hood jangled a set of keys, attempting to find the right one while talking to herself and cussing up a storm.
"If I just labeled the fucking keys I wouldn't have this problem." She cursed, shaking her hooded head.
Finally, she seemed to find the right key, and she unlocked the door, went inside, and held it open for all of us.
"Come inside, and be careful with him!" She hissed.
I nodded, and I motioned for everyone to hurry and file in, which they did, starting with me, Noel, Marine, then the Storyteller holding Jansen, and finally Botan, and the girl in the hood shut the door, before turning to Noel.
"What the FUCK Noel?" She said, throwing her hands up in exasperation. "You know I can't be seen out in public, so what do you do? You scream 'There you are!' Like a FUCKING IDIOT, and almost attract the guards to us!"
She threw off her hood, and the sight astounded me. She had short blonde hair, falling just above her shoulders, and she had a monocle resting in her hair, the brim of it being gold while the glass shimmered with what appeared to be magic. She turned around, throwing her hood on a table, and I saw, through her angry expression, that she had cloudy blue eyes, like as if a storm was brewing inside of her head all of the time.
"Amelia, you're the only person I know of that can help." She said. "You have the best medical knowledge this side of the Rifts. If anyone can help us, its you."
Amelia sighed, putting her hands on the table, and I saw that her previously angry expression softened up.
"Set him on the table."
Noel made a fist pump, then, Botan and the Storyteller set Jansen down on a table and rolled him over, exposing the injury. Amelia came over to the table, and when she put her monocle on, I saw her expression turn into relief.
"He's a Siren, right?" She asked.
"Aye." Marine answered.
"Well, its a good thing you got him here while you did." She said. "I haven't even looked at the injury yet and I can tell he got here in time."
"How can you tell that?"
"Well, for starters, he's still breathing." She said sarcastically. "And given that he's a Siren, he hasn't started to turn into a DeathJewel just yet. The crystallization process usually starts around the eyes and the ends of the limbs, extending to the heart until he turns into a crystal. So he is going to be okay for the time being."
"Wait a minute. A DeathJewel?"
"Aye, when Sirens die, they turn into a jewel that houses both a pocket dimension, and their soul, so you can talk to them any time you want. If he was about to die, you would see the crystallization begin to take place."
She grabbed a dagger off of the table, then grabbed a glass bottle filled with red liquid and placed it in her pocket. She cut away the cloth that was around the wound, and when she did, I saw how bad it actually was. The cut itself wasn't horrible, since it was just an arrow, but the entire area of flesh around the wound had turned pure black, with a sickening shade of green tinting the edges of the cut.
"Poison. What was he shot with?"
"An arrow. By a lady named Fauna." I answered.
Her eyebrows furrowed.
"Never heard of her." She said. "But the poison she used is a very soft poison, called BlackDeath, but it hardly lives up to its name. The berry used in the poison is from a few islands that are south of here, clustered around the Isle of Animals. Did you all happen to go there?"
"Aye that. You're a smart one, eh?" Marine stated.
"Aye, I was ONCE the chief detective and chief medical officer of the Kingdom. I owned hospitals and medicine brands, but that all came crashing down after I was caught in an affair."
"An affair? Doesn't sound so damning to me." I said.
"Well, when its with the king's son, and the Queen catches you, and you run out while stabbing two guards with a lethal injection, it suddenly becomes a big deal."
I just stood there, in stunned silence, going over what she just told me, but she paid me no more mind. She examined Jansen's shoulder wound for a moment more, then looked up.
"I can fix it, easily." She said, walking over to her table. "Don't worry about it."
She looked over the vials and bottles of liquids on the table, and she grabbed a small bottle of red liquid. She put it next to a candle to see it better, then uncorked the bottle and turned to me.
"Sit him up." She commanded.
The Storyteller and I turned to Jansen, then forced him into a sitting position while she walked over, opened his mouth, and dribbled the liquid down into his mouth.
"Is that going to help him?"
"No it'll just kill him faster." She said sarcastically. "Of course it'll help him. Its my patented Healing Potion."
Amazingly, as I watched, the wound on his shoulder slowly returned to a normal color, and the wound began to close, his flesh closing over itself and closing the wound.
"Whoa, that was amazing." I said. "How did you make that?"
"Well, I can't tell you that, now can I?" She said. "Anyway, I presume you all have a ship?"
"Yup. A steamboat."
"Does it have a proper medical bay?"
"Well, no. Its got a barebones infirmary." Noel said.
She gave a scowl, then cussed under her breath.
"Pirates." She said. "I'm willing to offer my services to you, on one condition."
"Whats the condition?" I asked.
"You get me out of this town."
"Well, that was our plan anyway, to hire you. We lost our last medic."
"Then its settled. I'm finally getting out of this smelly shitbag of a town."
Then grabbed a briefcase off the wall and started scooping items into it, like scalpels, knives, a pair of scissors, bandages, and many other medical instruments right into the bag. She arranged some of them into special holders that she had in the briefcase, then, once she had everything she needed, she shut the briefcase, and then grabbed a second briefcase and started putting a ton of vials, bottles, beakers, and measuring bottles, shoving the lot of them into the case, then grabbing a bunch of ingredients and putting them into a separate part of the briefcase.
"Alright, if we visit the shipmaster in the harbor, we can get a better medical facility." She said "Don't worry, the shipmaster there owes me some favors, so you won't have to pay for it."
Marine nodded.
"Alright, lets go." She said.

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