Wrapping up An Even Looser End

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    "Okay, listen. All cards on the table, my power was destroyed. But Micheal, you have power FLOWING through your veins. You are extremely powerful, possibly more so than I, and with your power, and my craftiness, we can take down this imposter Storyteller."
    He stood back, then gestured to his mother and past him, and he gave me a smile through his blurry face.
    "And remember, we are not so different, you and I. We are almost the same. We are meant to be rulers of all those weaker than you and I! So, what do ya say?"
    I stood there, staring at the city around us, and I considered the offer. Me, a god among gods? Having free reign to do absolutely everything I want? And perhaps I could even bring my mother and Marine along for the ride. With that thought in mind, I turned back to Sebastian.
    "Aye, but there is a difference between us." I said. "I'm not a complete piece of shit like you."
    And with that, fast as lightning, I drew a knife from my waist, and I stabbed Sebastian through the chest, and he screamed, screaming so loud that the air around us began to ripple, faster and much, much more violently as the screaming intensified. And, as the scream reached a crescendo, the world around us shattered, and with a whirl, I was right back on the deck of the Silent Serpent, and I was still holding Sebastian. But, I noticed two things. First of all, his face wasn't blurry anymore. He had hollow sunken sockets, and the features of his face were still hard, but for the moment, I thought I felt fear emanating from him.
    And, in the very middle of his chest, where I stabbed him in the memory, I saw that there was a gaping wound, and as I watched, blood began to seep out of the wound, and his breathing hitched. I looked him straight in the hollow sockets, and with a final stare, I let go of him.
    Instantly, Sebastian plummeted into the water below, and I averted my eyes yet again as the horrific sounds of ripping, splashing and tearing filled my ears. I winced at the sounds, then, after a little bit, the sounds died down, and I looked over the side of the ship, searching for any sign of them, but all there was was a faint hue of red to the water.
    "Its done." The Storyteller said.
    I turned around to him, and he rested against the mast, running his hands through his hair. The moment we locked eyes, he smiled again, and I saw him nodding at me.
    "I am glad that you decided against siding with him." He said. "It was extremely wise of you."
    "Aye, I knew if I turned against you, you'd just kick my ass." I said.
    The rest of the crew started to laugh, and I leaned against the cannon, trying to get used to the eyepatch and hook.
    "Sooo, what now?"
    "You can go home."
    I stopped.
    "Yes, Micheal. You may go home, back to earth, and Los Angelos. You completed the favor for me, and in return, I can now reincarnate you. You will wake up in the hospital, as if you had never died, and you will be reunited with your mother."
    "Wait, what about Marine, and all of my friends?" I asked, gesturing to everyone.
    "They will remain here. None of them may cross over with you, for that would break many, many ancient laws. You will have to leave them behind."
    I turned to all of my friends, and as I scanned their faces, Jansen, Noel, Botan, Amelia, and Chloe were all staring in shock, but I looked straight into Marine's eyes, and I saw that they were beginning to tear up with horror. Truly, I wanted to see my mother again, or at the very least console her for the loss that she felt, but at the same time, I had such a life here that I would absolutely hate to leave. And as I stared right into Marine's eyes, I felt my heart moved.
    "No." I said. "Its a pirates life for me."
    The Storyteller smiled, but a thought popped right into my head, and I felt my face lighting up.
    "Can you bring my mother a letter, though?"
    "Of course, would you like to write one?"
    "Aye, just give me a minute."

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

    Creeaaaaak!!! Finally, I exited the luxurious Captain's cabin, and I folded up the note and handed it straight to the Storyteller. He took it with a smile, and I happily returned the smile.
    "I'm gonna miss you, man." I said.
    "Of course, I will as well." He said, then tapped his temples. "But every single one of you will always be up here."
    "Aye that." I said. "Will you ever return to us?"
    "I cannot, Micheal." He said. "But I'll send some signs and messages from time to time, I promise you that."
    I nodded, then gave him one final hug, and I watched as we went up to the rest of my friends, shaking their hands and hugging them while exchanging words of gratification, and eventually, he walked back to the middle of the deck, taking in the cool breeze, and he leaned down into my ear.
    "I have been meaning to tell you something." He said.
    "Aye, what's up?"
    "I can remember my name."
    "You can?"
    "Yes, I can remember it." He said, then turned around and looked up at the sky. "I am off to the Palace now. I wish all of you the best of luck."
    Every one of us returned with happy affirmations, and I watched as the Storyteller glowed brightly, his light nearly searing my skin, and in a flash, he was gone, just disappearing right from sight. And with that, the deck of the ship was silent as the Storyteller was gone, and I turned around to Marine and the rest of my friends.
    "So, what do we do now?"
    Marine smirked.
    "We do a bit of pirating!"

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