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    He stood at the very edge of the fortress, watching as the ship with Micheal was coming coser and closer to his fortress, somehow having bypassed all of his defenses and the Silent Serpent, which really miffed him. Now, he had just tried to destroy the ship by launching a projectile of chaos, but right before it could destroy the ship, four of those ridiculous wizards had cast a protecting spell that somehow blocked the projectile, albeit just barely. He stood there, watching as the ship grew closer, and, much to his frustration, he saw Micheal standing on the bow of the ship, spying on his fortress with a spyglass. As he was watching Micheal intently, out of the corner of his eye, he saw his slave, Aqua, slowly backing away from him with a scared look on her face.
    "Where the hell do you think you're going?" He growled, still staring at Micheal with disgust.
    She instantly stopped at the sound of his voice, and she slunk back over to him, her eyes glued to the ground as she tried to avoid looking at him.
    "I, u-u-uuhm, I ju-just thought..."
    "Shut up. I'm busy." He said.
    "A-A-A-Aye sir." She whispered.
    He looked away from the ship for just a moment, trying to prepare another spell, but suddenly, a voice cropped up from behind him, stopping him in his tracks.
    "Well, you're still alive."
    The second he heard that voice, he froze, standing completely still as his mind began racing, trying to figure out a way out. He hadn't heard that voice for many, many millennia, but still, the moment he heard it, he recognized the wisdom, the power, the age, and now, the anger and frustration. He steeled his nerves, and secretly, he slowly prepared one of his throwing knives as he turned around.
    And here, about twenty feet away, stood the Storyteller, no longer in his pirates outfit, and instead, he was wearing something that Sebastian hadn't seen since his time in the Palace. It was the Armor of the Ancients. The armor itself was made out of a translucent, yet nearly indestructible substance, and all throughout the armor, Sebastian could see words, almost like holograms, floating through and somehow outside of the armor. The words would float and fly through the armor, then break off and float outside for just a moment before falling back into the armor. The armor looked almost like the armor of a knight from the Kingdom, but instead of having the helmet, he simply wore a crown of crystal clear and sculpted water, the water of the crown somehow holding its shape despite being a liquid. And at the base of the crown, there were golden letters, arranged to spell out "Storyteller." As he stared at the Storyteller, in all of his godly glory, he felt his throat beginning to dry up from the uncertainty of the fight that was to come.
And in his hand, he held a single short sword, but Sebastian immediately recognized it: the Sword of Deletion, capable of rendering any creature, no matter how powerful, erased from existence instantly once stabbed. The actual blade wasn't even metal, it almost seemed to be made out of the color red, just carved from the very fabric of existence, and as Sebastian looked into the blade, images began to flash though his mind, images of the fight between him and the Storyteller, his home world that he had come from, which had now long perished from a black hole, and of his ejection from the Palace of the Storytellers, down into the mortal realm below. The Storyteller hefted the blade, then pointed it right at Sebastian, both his eyes and his mouth glowing bright white, casting a menacing reflection on the glossy, volcanic stone of the fortress.
    "I shall make this as quick as possible for thee and I." The Storyteller said, his impossibly loud voice booming through the fortress. "Thou shalt have two choices. Either thou can surrender, give up thy power, and cast thyself from the side of this disgusting fortress to thy own death. Or, thou may attempt to fight me, and I will extract thy power, sever thy head from the rest of thy maggoty being, and erase thee from both the Books of Many, and from the Story of All, finally purifying all of reality from thine cancerous existence."
    Sebastian was speechless, but after a minute of attempting to process the threat, he finally swallowed, moistening his throat enough to be able to squeeze out a word or two.
    "I will not bow to the likes of you." He said, holding onto the dagger to be ready at a moment's notice. "I am the rightful Storyteller, and I will take it back at any cost!!!"
    Right as he screamed that last part, he unsheathed the knife and threw it, aiming straight between the Storytellers eyes. But, right when it was so close that the atoms nearly touched, the Storyteller reached up and effortlessly plucked the knife out of midair, causing Sebastian to freeze once again. The Storyteller pulled the knife away from his face, turning it over and examining it, and he smirked.
    "Thats cute." He said.
    As Sebastian stood there, in complete and utter shock, the Storyteller reached up, as if calling to the sky, and he spoke in the language of the Storytellers, which, thankfully, Sebastian still knew somewhat.
    "Come to me. Bury this tumor twenty leagues into the earth."
    And, once he said that, he flew upward, farther away from the fortress, and out of the corner of his eye yet again, he saw that, surrounding Aqua was a blue forcefield, with two words that he could see almost etched into the front of the forcefield.
    "Look up?" He read aloud.
    And thats when he heard a sonic boom behind him.

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