Wrong turn

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    I stood under the rocky pass, the entire thing just being a big natural rock bridge that spanned the two outcroppings of volcanic rock. I stood in the shade with the rest of the crew as Jansen checked, rechecked, and checked the map over and over again, going over and scrutinizing every little detail that it had to offer.
    "It should be....right here."
    "Dude, we've been searching for hours." The Storyteller said to my left. "Why don't we just call it a day and..."
    "No, we gotta get this treasure, or Senchou will never let me hear the end of it." Jansen replied. "It should just be right here."
    He stuck the shovel in the ground, and there was a hard, metallic *CLUNK*, but, much to our dismay, the shovel had simply hit rock.
    "Ah, blast it!" Jansen said, spitting in frustration.
    Both the Storyteller and I looked at each other, with faces that spelled out immeasurable disappointment, and Jansen went back to checking that stupid map.
    "Y'all stand watch. Make sure nothing happens."
    He turned the map over and over in his hands, trying to get another look at it, and suddenly his eyes widened.
    "Wait a minute, there's supposed to be a lagoon right here. The treasure is in a lagoon in the middle of the island, but where the hell is the-"
    The moment he said that, I heard a sudden thump, followed by a whistling noise, and then, one of the crew members cried out in pain for just a second behind me. I turned and looked, and right as I did, they dropped to the ground dead, an arrow protruding from their eye socket.
    "Oh shit." Jansen said. "We got natives! Fight them off!!"
    Before any of the crew could do anything, there was a series of the thumps, and more arrows flew out of the tree line and struck them, some in the head, others in the chest, all of the arrows hitting their marks. It seemed that all of the arrows were aiming for the other crew members, because they hadn't even shot at me, Jansen, or the Storyteller.
    Almost as if it were intentional. But, despite that, the three of us all drew our weapons, holding them in front of us and being prepared for whatever they threw at us next.
    Another thrum, and I raised my sword just as an arrow came flying out of the tree line, right at my face. But, I managed to raise and rotate my sword just in time, and I was able to deflect the arrow.
    "Show yourself!" I yelled into the trees.
    Out of the tree line, suddenly, a woman burst right out of the line of greenery, wielding a bow. She was tall, with beautiful white hair that flowed all around her shoulders, and weirdly enough, she had the ears of a lion, both of them poking out through her hair, right at the top of her head. But I didn't have time to admire her beauty. I didnt have time to do anything before she swung the bow right at my face and struck me, knocking me out cold.

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