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    I slowly woke up to a throbbing headache, feeling like my head was about to split open and spill everywhere. I felt that my hands were tied up above my head, so I couldn't even bring my arms down to rub my head and relieve the aching. I tried to strain against the bondage, but, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find the strength to break the ropes. I finally opened my eyes, squinting away the light, and I saw that we were in the middle of some big stone ruins. Kind of like the Mayan Civilizations of our world, there were markings and carvings all over the stone, which was covered in moss and vines and overgrowth. To my left, Jansen and the Storyteller were hanging by their wrists, both of their hands bound together by very, very crude ropes, and they were both knocked out cold. I looked over to my right, squinting to get the sunlight and the headache out of my eyes, and I saw this woman hanging by her hands. She was asleep, but she was quite beautiful. She had dirty gray hair, hanging around her shoulders, very large busts, and she had a strange type of dark metal body armor all over her, almost as if she was a knight of some kind. In the middle of it, hanging right around the front of her hips, was a small banner that had a knight symbol embroidered on it. Finally, on her left side, the side visible to me, was a big metal club attached to her hips, the handle being made of wood that had metal attached, and the head of the weapon was this sick looking piece of metal, studded with small spikes that looked extremely dangerous.
    "Hey." I said, trying to get her attention.
    She remained asleep, lightly snoring as her head drooped. I looked up at the ropes, and even though there was no way for me to break them, another idea suddenly popped into my mind. I swung my legs lightly to the left, then swung hard to the right, moving my legs as I did it, until I suddenly kicked the sleeping girl right in the thigh. She snorted, then sniffed, and then fell right back asleep.
    "Oh come on." I said.
    I swung my legs back to the left, then swung hard to the right and kicked her hard in the thigh. She groaned, and then suddenly, her eyes fluttered open and over to me, where she suddenly snapped awake and looked at me incredulously. When she looked me right in the eyes, I couldn't help but notice that her eyes seemed so out of place from her. They were a bright green.
    "Hey, who are you?" I asked, trying to remain calm.
    "I'm Noel. Noel Shirogane. Who are you?"
    "Micheal Fuentes." I replied. "Do you know where we are?"
    "Aye, I do. We're in the Arena, on the isle of Animals. A bunch of half human half animal people roam these parts, and whoever they come across, they make them fight for their lives against their top warriors."
    "And they caught you?"
    "Aye that. I was sent here by the Kingdom, to investigate the disappearance of ships and crews, and these people just burst out of the jungle and captured me."
   "So wait, what happened to your crew?"
   "I had no crew. I was in a one man sloop."
    I saw a shadow pass in front of the door, and then suddenly, a girl, a small girl, came into the room with us, holding a metal spear and pointing it at the both of us. She had a blue and white fuzzy robe on, with black tights that covered her legs. Woven over the black tights were other scraps of fabrics, and random belts, as if she was trying to collect them. Strapped to one of the belts, right on her left thigh, was a dagger the size of my forearm, contained in a sheath. I looked right up at her, and I noticed that she had light blue hair that was braided into two giant braids, and woven into the braids were two carrots, one higher than the other side. But the craziest thing was that she had two white bunny ears with pink interiors, and a little bit of fluff at the base of her ears that sprouted out of the top of her head.
    "Come with me, peko!" She said, using the tip of the spear to cut through the ropes.
I dropped to the ground in a heap, then got to my feet as she pressed the tip into my chest, causing me mild discomfort.
    "Keep your hands behind your back, peko! And dont try anything, peko!"
    "My name isn't peko." I said.
    She ignored me, and she prodded me over to the wall and made sure I was going to stay there. I heard crunching to my left, and I saw another girl and a huge, probably seven foot man step into the light. The man was large and muscular, and he had fox ears that protruded from the top of his head. The fur and hair on his head was white, matching his ears, but his eyes were a dark blue, which stood out wildly against the white. The girl was a lot smaller, maybe coming up to about his chest, and she had light teal eyes, with white hair and fox ears that had black on the very middle of the ear. She had light strands of black hair that intertwined with her white hair. She held up a knife, and then spoke right at me.
    "You and your friends are to come with us. You will fight Botan."
    The other girl, the rabbit one, looked over at her, almost in bewilderment, and she blinked slowly.
    "Botan will kill him, Fubuki."
    "Nonsense, Pekora. It will be an entertaining fight, to say the least."
    She walked over to my friends and the girl Noel, and she cut all of them down, holding them at knife point and prodding them forward.
    "How are we gonna get out of this one, man?" The Storyteller asked.
    "I guess I'll just fight and kill this 'Botan' person."
    The small rabbit girl, who I guess was named Pekora, gave me a loud laugh. It was the weirdest one I've ever heard, with her pronouncing each and every "Ha" that came out of her mouth, lowering and raising the pitch with each laugh.
    "What's so funny?" I asked.
    "You seriously think that you can best Botan?" She asked. "She is the best warrior that we have, Peko."
    "Why do you keep saying that?"
    "Saying what?"
    She gave me a dirty look, and she made some kind of low growl. But, it sounded more like a rabbit buzzing rather than a growl.
    "Its just the way I talk, Peko. You have a problem with it, Peko?"
    "No no no." I said, eyeing the spear that she still had pressed against my chest. "Its fine."

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