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"The name is Officer Florence, and this is Captain Malmar, of the ninth Dominion fleet." The tall elvish man said, sipping from his cup of tea.
Now, after tying both ships together for the time being, the elves had boarded our ship and begun to help us, and now, we were in the Captain's cabin of the Elven ship, which was a much, much more furnished and comfortable than Marine's cabin. There was lush bedding and pillowcases everywhere, with a nice red carpet that dominated the floor. At the very back of the room, on the nightstand of the bed, there was what looked to be a metal stand with a vertical rod, no the rod had about five coils that circled their way around it. The only problem was that the coils were made out of ice, and they weren't melting. Instead, they were chilling the air around it, and that meant that the cabin was nice and cool, even in the near unbearable heat of the day.
And right in front of Marine, Jansen, and I was a desk with a bunch of frosty cakes and meats and breads of all different kinds, along with five glasses of wine. And at the other side of the desk, there sat Captain Malmar, being a rather heavyset Elvish man, with long, golden hair, pointy ears, and sparkling green eyes that seemed to stare me down.
"We wish to cut to the chase of this." Captain Malmar said, crunching one of the cakes with his teeth. "We know you, Lady Houshou, the Butcheress of the Sea. You've attacked many a cargo ships that run through both our kingdom and the waters that surround. And although I would get a very, very large pension for my retirement if I brought you in, I do have a few questions to ask."
Marine gave me a nervous look, but I squeezed her hand under the table, earning a short gulp from her as she turned back to Malmar.
"Go on." She said, gritting her teeth.
"Where is your ship?" He said. "The Silent Serpent?"
"Mutinied." She said, shifting in her seat as she eyed the cakes in front of her. "Charles Ackner, my second hand, he rallied the crew and dropped us on a desert island, right in Kingdom waters."
"Aye, and this ship?"
"Haven't used it for pirating much, I'll tell ya that." She said, regaining her confidence. "We've been on a job, more or less."
"A job?"
"Aye," She said, then turned to me. "Tell them, Micheal."
"Oh, there's this guy, in a region called the Deep Fire, and we really need him dead. We've just been trying to get to him for a while now." I said. "Thats the only reason we're out here."
    "And that monster? Why was the Kraken after you?"
    "Wrong place, wrong time, I suppose." Marine lied, squeezing my hand lightly.
    I squeezed her back as both Malmar and Florence considered our words, and after just a moment, Florence spoke up.    
    "It is true that they have no stolen property aboard the ship, so if they're telling the truth about that, why would they lie about the job? The story lines up, sir."
    "Aye that, it seems to." Malmar replied. "However, there is still one issue. What are we to do about you, Lady Houshou?"
    Marine fell dead silent as she stared at the desk in front of her, and Malmar picked up on that as he sighed, running his fingers through his hair.
    "Alright, we'll make you a deal. Florence, keep this off the books, aye?"
    "Aye sir."
    "Alright, we are in desperate need of sailcloth. Have you any on board?"
    "Aye, we always keep spare portions aboard the ships." Jansen said, twiddling his thumbs nervously.
    "Aye that, give it to us to repair our sails, and we'll let you go free this one time." He said. "That's very, very against the rules for us, since King Arthur Yukihana has declared a war on pirates, but right now, I see no other choice since the Kraken destroyed our sailcloth. But, if you are willing to give us enough sailcloth to repair, we will let you go free. Now, does that sound fair to you?"   
    Jansen was right about to protest, but I saw Marine slam her balled fist against his leg, effectively shutting him up for the time being.
    "Aye, that sounds right and fair to us." She said. "From one Captain to another, thank you Malmar."
    "Don't mention it." He said with a grin. "Ever. Never bring this up again."
    "Alright, Florence, oversee the repairs. All of you are free to leave."
    All three of us got up uncomfortably, ready to get out of the weirdly well-furnished room, but right as we were about to leave, Malmar piped up behind us.
    "Oh, one last thing." He said as we all turned to face him.
    "Aye?" I said uneasily.
    "Have any of you seen suitors ships from any of the other realms?"
    "No, not particularly, why?"
    "Well, the Fair Duchess Yukihana, daughter of the King, is set to be married soon to lift the curse placed on the king. And yet, no suitors have arrived." He said, slowly growing more quiet. "Well, I guess thats that then. Fair seas to you all."
    "Aye, fair seas to you too."
    And with that, we stepped out of the Cabin

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