Gathering Allies

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    As I looked around at the five prisoners before me, I saw that while only two of them looked familiar to me, I still felt a sense of power from the other three. The first of them I recognized immediately, which wasn't a good thing. It was Fauna, the Goddess of Nature from the Isle of Animals, so long ago. I heard Botan tense up behind me, gripping her spear as she stared at Fauna, and I could almost feel the fearsome expression growing across her face. I turned to the right, and I saw that right next to her, there was a tall, rather slender and muscular black man, and he had an eyepatch that hid one of his eyes as the other one stared at me with a look of confusion. Right as I looked at him, all I could sense from him was war. Blood, smoke and corpses on battlefields, making up the raw essence of the horror of war. I backed away from him, and to the cell to he right, there was a woman, wearing a farmers outfit, with a white shirt and really short green shorts, and her hair was a bright orange, fading naturally into a pretty green. With her, all I felt was fire, lava and heat as she looked into my eyes, and that put me off quite a bit. In the cell next to her, there was another man, and this guy looked really weird. He wore a long, long black trench coat with a purple inside, and he had black gloves on that hid his hands. He had dark black hair with white bangs, and atop his head, there were very small cat ears that stuck out the top of his head, almost like Botan, but they were completely black. He gave me a wink as he saw me, and I turned to the last person, one that I really recognized.
    "Calliope Mori." I said, looking her right in her pink eyes.
    "Micheal." She said, looking at the floor in shame.
    "What the hell are you guys doing here?"
    "Well, we all had to kill ya laddie." The black guy said, sporting a heavy Scottish accent. "And we kinda couldn't do it."
    "All of you had to kill me for this guy?"
    "Aye that." The cat eared guy said. "We're gods, and yet you slipped right through all of our grasps. Well, except for Calli and Kiara here."
    He motioned to the red hair girl, apparently Kiara, and Calli, and they gave me remorseful looks.
    "I refused to go after you after that stunt you pulled at Atlantis, I refused to fight and kill you. So Sebastian defeated both Kiara and I, and we both woke up here."
    "What about Gura, was she a part of this whole fucking thing?"
    "Aye that laddie!!" The Scottish guy said. "She's the only one that managed to slip out of that pig's grasp."
    "And where the hell is she?"
    "Still down in Atlantis, I presume." Kiara said, all of them starting to come to the bars.
    I rubbed my temples, trying to get a hold of the situation, and I looked back at all of them as they pressed against the bars. All of them looked shamefully at me, and truly, I started to feel a bit of pity.
    "Listen kid." Calli said, her pink eyes nearly piercing through my soul. "I can't speak for Fauna, Oga or Shien here, but I can speak for my wife and I. If you let us out, we'll help you take down this guy."
    "Count me in on that laddie!" The Scottish guy, apparently named Oga said. "I think you could use the God of War on your side, eh?"
    "Wait a fucking second, if you're the God of War, then how the fuck did you get captured in her with the rest of them? I mean, I could see the Goddess of Nature being captured—"
    "Hey!!" Fauna protested, banging on the iron bars with her hands.
    "Nah you deserved that, and you know it." I said. "But seriously, how did the God of War get captured?"
    "How did the Goddess of Death get captured? Or the God of Thieves over here." He said, pointing at Calli and Shien respectively. "Its just the fact that he's much, much more powerful than us, laddie. He's a Storyteller, and we're gods. There's not much we can do."
    "Aye, but if you let us out of here, we can help in any way that we can."
    Before I could answer that, I heard a boom from far above me, and I felt the prison shake as a set of screams, both of them filled with rage, came down out of the sky, sounding like they were getting closer. I had to act fast.
    "Nows your chance, laddie." Oga said. "If you let us out of here, the anti magic cells will cease to hold us, and we can help you as much as we can."
    I looked over at Noel, Botan and Chloe, and all of them nodded in unison, and I turned back to the Gods and Goddesses.
    "Aye, I'll let y'all go."
    With that, I looked for the first time at the locks of the cell, and I saw that there was just a simple bolt lock, and I looked back at Oga incredulously.
    "Are you guys serious?" I said. "You couldn't open the damn door by yourself?"
    "Laddie, if we touch the damn thing while we're inside the cell, it just won't work. And we can't summon any of our minions either, because of the anti magic inside the cells. He's thought all this out lad. Only someone from the outside can open the cell, and only he and this poor girl, Aqua here, were allowed in the prison at anytime."
"Oh, aye that." I said, thankful that these guys weren't just stupid.
I slid the locks up on lol of the cells, and as soon as I let Calli and Kiara out, they ran to each other and hugged, jumping up and down while crying. Truly, my heart melted for them as I thought about Marine, and how much it must've sucked for them to have been separated in a prison, but now, I had a much, much bigger problem to deal with.
The screaming was getting louder.
"Alright, I'd love to sit around and play chit chat for as long as I can, but we really gotta go help out the Storyteller."
"Aye laddie, lead the way!!" Oga said.
At once, all of us, including Aqua, drew our weapons, and we charged out of the prison, ready to bring the fight to the Man from the Stars. The moment my head was above the top of the ruined prison, I saw that above us, there was the Storyteller and he Man from the Stars, both of them duking it out on the air as they slashed, stabbed and fought with each other. I couldn't even risk yelling out his name to let him know we were here, because if the Man from the Stars heard it, we'd all be dead. Thankfully, I soon realized that I didn't exactly need to. They were slowly, but surely, fighting their way over to us, and with that in mind, I turned to the others.
"We gotta ambush this guy." I said. "Since he's kind of a god of gods, taking him by surprise is the only option tat we have for defeating him, right?"
"Aye, that sounds right." Oga said, drawing a glaive and holding it at the ready. "Battle stations!"
And all of us hid as best we could along the rocks and ruins of the surroundings, and I clicked the hammer of my gun back while holding my sword at the ready. I still wasn't a very good swordsman, but, the on thing I had going for me was that I was a pretty decent marksman, an he act that this guy was probably going to come after me if I shot him. Maybe I could distract him long enough for the Storyteller to figure out a way to take care of him. I slowly peeked my head up and out of my hiding spot behind some rocks, and I watched as the Storyteller and the Man from the Stars fell out of the sky and onto the surface before all of us, and they tumbled over themselves, before placing their hands on the ground and panting.
"Damn it." The Man from the Stars said, having the EXACT same voice that I had heard in my dreams so long ago. "You really put up one hell of a fight."
Between his panting, I saw that, for the first time, the Storyteller looked pissed, and his eyes and mouth were still glowing white, which only added to the look.
"You talk too much." He said, wiping his mouth. "And maybe thats why you were such a bad Storyteller."
I saw the Man from the Stars draw his sword, but I popped up from my hiding spot, quickly aimed my gun, and fired one of the most accurate, beautiful, and deadly headshots that I had ever shot in my life. The bullet pierced straight through the right side of his skull, and he fell, hitting the ground with a wet thud.
"Thats for the ship!!!" I yelled, then jumped over the rock and ran over to him.
He was still stunned from the shock of the hit, and I took the opportunity to run straight up to him, sword drawn, and I stabbed him through the torso, causing him to cry out with pain.
I was still full of rage, but as the rage began to die down a little bit, I saw that the wounds began to close up, and I pulled my sword out of his torso as the wound closed. He stood up, his face glowing with hate, and he finally spoke to me.
"You will not stand in my way, you puny mortal." He said. "For I am the rightful Storyteller, Sebastian!"
Immediately, I started laughing, pointing at him as my chest heaved over and over. What a genuinely ridiculous name for a supervillain, and boy, did I make sure he both knew and felt it. I saw that he was slowly growing angrier and angrier, and I also saw that both Noel and Botan had popped up from their places and were laughing hysterically, all of us doing our best to bully Sebastian. He stood his ground, attempting to stare me down with his blurry, empty eye sockets, but as I kept up the laugh, I began to notice him growing angrier and angrier, and in a flash, he raced over to me, attempting to swing his sword down on me, but I raised mine and blocked it, my muscles straining as I tried to hold him away from myself.
"NOW!!!!" I yelled, at all of the ambushers.
Everyone immediately popped up, aiming all of their weapons, and I saw so many things happen at once. All of the Gods and Goddesses threw weapons and blasted Sebastian with all different kinds of magic, and my friends popped up, aimed their weapons, and they fired, while Botan chucked her spear as hard as she could. He was pierced by as many weapons as was possible, causing him to double over in both pain and shock, and he collapsed to the ground, trying to figure out what just happened. And with that, I turned to everyone else with a determined look on my face.
    "GET HIM!!!" I screamed.

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