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She loved her laugh. She loved the way that Kiara's entire body would bounce with the laugh, as if her entire body was giggling. Even after being together for thousands of years, she still loved Kiara, their love not having dulled or fizzled over the years. She just couldn't get enough of her.
She took another sip of the wine, then took a slice of the garlic bread, put a bunch of the meat sauce and noodles on it, and crunched the bread with her teeth, taking a gigantic bite out of it.
"Honey, this is amazing." She said. "I mean, it was amazing the last hundred thousand times I've had it, and yet, you always seem to make it better."
"Is that so?" Kiara said, looking out the window at the fires of Inferis. "Calli?"
"Should we give them a rest for now?"
Calli looked out of the window, at the masses of tortured souls being punished for all eternity, and she felt a little bit moved by Kiara's words.
"Alright then."
She reached her hand over to the window, and she channeled her power over Inferis, reducing the levels of flame across Inferis. Immediately, the muffled screaming of the millions of souls died down, and now, they were almost quiet, giving them peace in their lovely dining room. Peace that, once attained, gave Calli the thought of telling her wife the news.
"Hey Kiara?"
"'ve decided that I'm not going to do what Sebastian wants. I'm gonna leave him alone."
Kiara dropped her fork, and the noise resonating through the dining hall. She stared Calli directly in the eyes, her own eyes shining with uncertainty and fear.
"Calli?" She said. "But what about Sebastian?"
"Well, I'll just tell him that I'm not interested in the deal anymore."
"You're not?" A familiar voice said behind her.
Immediately, she froze, feeling all of the hairs on the back of her neck stand up in unison. She whirled around, standing up from the chair, and she grabbed the steak knife off of the table and held it at the ready. And there, standing at the island counter in the kitchen, was Sebastian, wearing a very, very fancy and well tailored business suit, with an elegant black jacket, wrinkle-less pants, and polished shoes. There was a golden chain extending from his belt to the pocket of his jacket, probably attached to a pocket watch. Sitting in the lapel of his coat was a bright red flower, but as Calli looked at it, she noticed that the flower was literally made out of ruby. She stared right at his face, and although his face was still blurry, hiding his features, she did notice that his hair was very nicely groomed. And yet, all of the elegance was offset by the absence of his eyes, still being dark, empty sockets that scared the hell out of her.
"S-Sebastian." She said, her voice cracking under the weight of her own fear. "Th-the deal's off-f."
He remained completely silent, and her breath got caught in her throat.
"Repeat that." He whispered, his voice barely audible.
"I s-said the d-deal's off." She repeated, forcing her voice it of her throat.
Immediately, Sebastian lightly pushed off of the island counter, and he very, very slowly strode towards them both. Calli held the steak knife at the ready, then backed up to Kiara, putting her arm in front of her to protect her wife.
"I don't know if you realize." Sebastian said, stepping down from the slightly elevated kitchen. "But I am on a very tight schedule. I now have someone coming after me, someone who I have NO IDEA of their capabilities. And while I am sure that the Storyteller is still cowering within his stupid palace, I am in need of this idiot being destroyed. And now, you're telling me that the deal is 'off'?"
"Y-yes." She said, her confidence very slowly returning to her. "I don't like you threatening my wife and I. So yes, the deal is off."
"No its not." He said flatly, his voice resonating within the dining hall.
Without any warning, he charged forward, pushing Calli out of the way so hard that she tripped and nearly cracked her head open against the stone wall of the dining room. Through her blurry and reflective vision, she saw Sebastian grab her screaming wife and hold a knife straight to her throat, and that sent a rage through Calli.
"Stand down." Sebastian said. "This knife is designed to kill you gods. Just ask Fauna, or what's left of her."
He gave Calli a devilish grin, and the light from the dining room chandelier reflected off of his blurry white teeth. She gave Kiara a helpless look, then, she backed down, the anxiety welling up inside of her. She felt weak, giving into Sebastian's demands, but as she looked at his face, she realized that he loved having the power over her. She gave him a sneer, and he grinned yet again.
"The deal is back on." He said. "I want the kid dead. How you do it, I don't really care."
He gave a pause, and she saw his grip on Kiara lessen slightly.
"Bring me his corpse, and the deal is fulfilled. Do not fail me."
With that, he faded right out of sight, and Kiara ran into Calli's arms.

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