A Very, Very Bad Plan

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As I stood in that rowboat, about a hundred or so feet away from the ship, armed with a pistol, a sword, a few daggers, and two kegs of gunpowder, I had one of those come-to-Jesus moments.
"I really hope I know what I'm doing." I said, mostly to myself.
Finally, just as I was on the verge of looking even more stupid, there was a roar from down below, and the tentacles, once again, splashed out of the water, however, this time, they didn't splash up around the ship. Instead, the all crowed around each other, about two hundred feet away from both the ship and me, and suddenly, there was a massive burst from the water as the body of the Kraken raised itself above the water. And, right as I saw the Kraken, I dropped to the deck of my little rowboat, my knees growing weak.
The Kraken's body was absolute massive, rising about a hundred feet above the water, but that wasn't the part that freaked me out. Instead, it was the fact that the Kraken was halfway made out of wood, it's body being a mishmash of ship hulls, decks, cannons, and flesh that towered over the sea around us. As I looked over the top of the Kraken, I noticed that near the top of its head, there were five eyes. Four of them were gooey and natural, but the fifth one, the one right in the middle of the eyes, was just a large, burning orb that blazed despite the water that was falling from the top of the Kraken's head. The Kraken stared our ship down, paying no attention to me whatsoever, and finally, the thing began to open its large beak, and it roared, nearly blasting my eardrums into oblivion.
"Ohhhhhh what have I gotten myself into." I mumbled as I grabbed the small mast that was at the front of the rowboat.
I grabbed the rope that kept the small sail furled, and I pulled it loose, letting the sail catch some wind, and I tied it to the side of the rowboat, letting the sail stay open as I began to sail towards the Kraken at a rather high rate of speed. As the bow of the rowboat cut through the pitch black waters, I wiped my eyes, grabbed the pistol that was around my belt, and I clicked the hammer back, aiming it at the Kraken.
"HEY!!!!!" I yelled, trying to get the thing's attention.
BANG!!!! I pulled the trigger, and the pistol let loose a hail of sparks and smoke as it blasted a bullet straight at the Kraken. It didn't hit any spot in particular, but the force of it was JUST barely enough to get the Kraken's attention. The thing turned straight over to me, and it turned all four of its beady, gooey eyes on me and my little rowboat, but it's middle eye was still trained on the ship. It made a low growling noise, then, one of the tentacles splashed up right next to the rowboat. And, to my sickening realization, one of the suction cups on the tentacle opened up wider and wider, and a Krakenite began to crawl out of the suction cup. This one didn't even have a head, and instead, it was just a large amalgamation of coral that sat atop its shoulders, glowing with an unnatural green light.
"KRAAAAAAA!!!!!" It screeched as it crawled out of the suction cup.
It finally got out of the tentacle, and it jumped down onto the deck of the rowboat, nearly smashing on the barrels of gunpowder, but thankfully, it stationed its clawed legs on the wood of the rowboat. It raised a large, rusted sword, held it in both hands, and snarled at me, trying to intimidate me. I tried to push the threat out of my mind, and I raised my sword as he swung, successfully blocking the strike from the monster. I kicked at the thing's foot, and thankfully, I nearly smashed its foot to goo under y weight, causing the Krakenite to scream in agony and lunge at me, its teeth bared. This time, sadly, I wasn't even close to fast enough, and it sank its scummy, coral fangs and teeth right into my shoulder.
I screamed in agony, shaking to get the monster off of me, and I pushed with all of my might, steeling my muscles and pushing the Krakenite off of me as I held onto the wound. Blood and a turquoise substance oozed through my hand, and, after the shock of the bite began to wear off, pain started to course through my veins as the poison burned at me. I staggered backwards as the ship got closer and closer to the Kraken, and I held up my sword, trying to block any strike from the Krakenite. It tried to lunge forward, but I swung my sword upward, slicing its arm straight off as green blood leaked from the wound. It flared around, screaming in pain, but I wasted no time as I stabbed forward, stabbing my sword through the monsters neck. It sputtered and spasmed, but, after just a moment, it dropped dead against the deck, allowing me some more breathing room.
I collapsed against the tiny mast of the rowboat, grasping my poisoned, wounded shoulder in an attempt to stave off the pain. However, as I was sitting there, a dark shadow washed over me, and a torrent of water droplets started to fall against me, forcing me to finally open my eyes. Above me, there was another of the tentacles, and it was coming down on the rowboat, maybe a second or two away from smashing down onto me. This time, however, I simply closed my eyes, and I said a silent prayer, mostly to no one.
Miraculously, as I said that prayer, there was a series of booms, and a lot of ink and blood sprayed down on me as the tentacle was struck by something. I snapped my eyes open, and I saw as the tentacle was struck by another set of cannon balls, forcing it to retreat away from me as the Kraken roared yet again. I sat up, wiping my eyes clear of the blood, and I saw that the man o war had closed most of the distance between it and the Kraken. The front cannons of the ship were smoking, and as I squinted, I saw that there was what looked like an officer, standing on the foremast as he waved at me.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!??!" He screamed over the splashing, cannon fire, and monster roars.
"I'm gonna blow it from the inside!!!!" I yelled.
"Aye, but thats the only way we're gonna beat this damn thing!!!"
The officer was struck speechless by the comment, but before he could retort with some stupid remark, I turned around, holding my pistol as I still sped towards the Kraken.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

"What the hell is he doing, Florence??" The Captain of the Dominion ship yelled from the aftcastle.
"He's going to blow it up from the inside!!" He yelled.
The Captain of the Dominion ship looked down at the wheel, then he looked back up, as if he got an idea, and he started to turn the wheel to port.
"Well, thats not such a bad idea!!!" He said. "Maybe a crazy idea can kill a crazy monster!!"
Officer Florence took of running, using his strong Elven form to carry him across the deck, in between all of the anti boarder crews and gunners that were loading the cannons and running them out of the gunports.
"Sir!! What even is the plan?"
The captain of the ship looked down at Florence, and he gave him a smile, one that Florence knew meant they were in for a bumpy ride.
"We're gonna open it up for him!!"

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