Pirate battle part one

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Suddenly, there were a series of booms, and I saw the cannon ports on the side of the ship light up as the cannons unleashed their fury, flinging the remorseless balls of red hot metal right at our ship. Our entire vessel shook under the force of the impacts, and I saw wood splintering everywhere as the balls broke into our ship. The crew under the deck took cover behind barrels and boxes, mostly protecting them from the splinters of the wood. They got right back up and pushed the cannons, then, Senchou drew her sword and pointed at the enemy ship.
"FIRE!!!" She yelled.
The thunderous booms rang out throughout our ship, shaking and rumbling the wood underneath my feet. The entire crew yelled in triumph as most of the ammunition landed, making their marks in the ship as they blew big holes in the hull. I saw that some of the balls also struck the cannon ports, knocking out numerous cannons aboard the enemy ship. Our crew roared again, and the other ship slammed down in the water as the crew reloaded.
"MEN!!!!" Senchou roared at the top of her lungs. "LOAD THE GRAPPLING HOOKS!!!! WE'RE BOARDING THESE SCUMBAGS!!!!"
The crew yelled, and I saw them grabbing grappling hooks with chains and loading them into the cannons. They aimed and reloaded them, and I saw some of the crew grabbing planks of wood to bridge the gaps between our ships.
Suddenly, the enemy ship fired again, and I saw three metal balls slam into the hold, and they crashed through the decks, breaking random items that were down below.
"Captain!!" Jansen yelled from the hold.
"They've hit the rum!!!" He yelled. "The forward hold is ruined!"
"THATS IT!!!" Senchou yelled at the crew once again. "They've hit the rum! We fight to the death now!!!"
The crew yelled again, and I noticed that the enemy ship was getting a lot, lot closer now.
"You down there!! Load shrapnel into the remaining cannons!" Jansen yelled.
"Aye!!" The crew member ran down into the hold, then came back a moment later with a big barrel in his arms. He slammed it down on the deck, then pried the top off of the barrel and pulled these cracked cannonballs out of the barrel. They put them in the cannons, then put them out of the holes and aimed at the enemy ship.
"FIRE GRAPPLES!!!" Senchou yelled.
BOOM!!! The cannons fired the grapples, and they stuck into the enemy ship, breaking into the hull and grappling them.
"Fire the shrapnel!!!"
There was a series of other booms, then suddenly, at the very end of the boom, there was a horrible shattering noise as the shrapnel balls broke apart, sending sharp shards of metal at the enemy crew, creating a gross mess of blood and gore down in the gunnery deck of the ship.
CRASH!!! The ships slammed together, and ten guys pivoted over the railing and onto our deck. Immediately, there was the sound of swords clashing as the metal swords slammed together. Two guys ran up the aftcastle stairs, and while one headed for Jansen, the other one headed straight for me.
"I'm gonna gut you like a fish!!!" He yelled.
He pointed his sword at me, and I let go of the wheel as he charged, swinging wildly to kill me. I ducked and dodged, then I closed the distance with a kick, sending him sprawling on the deck. He groaned, then got right back up and swung, and this time, the sword landed a solid hit, cutting across my face and just barely not blinding me for life. I felt the edge of the sword run from my jawline all the way to my hair, and past my left eye.
I fell to the ground, stifling a scream, and I saw him advance over me, holding the sword above his head and readying the finishing blow. But at the last second, I kicked him right in the knee, and he let go of his sword to crumple to the ground. I took the chance, grabbed the sword out of midair, and I spun, slicing his head clean off.
"Oh that's gross." I said.
I looked up, and Senchou gave me the biggest thumbs up and grin that I had seen in my life, almost like she was proud of me. I gave her a smile, and then, I heard yelling behind me.
Our ships had come a lot closer together, and this time, they crashed together again, and more men piled onto the deck. The rest of them stayed aboard their ship and readied the cannons.

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