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I gasped, sputtering the water out of my mouth, and I sucked in a massive gulp of air. I paddled and clawed my way forward, and when I felt the texture of a rock under my fingers, I grabbed hold of it and pulled myself to the dry land of the cave. Inside the cave, it was still very dark as I climbed out of the water and conned my surroundings. Botan also let go of me and pulled herself onto the rocks, curling her legs close to her chest as she just started to wring the water out of her hair.
Right behind me, Noel surface, coughing and gasping, and she pulled herself to the rocks, dragging herself on the ground as she got out of the water. Finally, after Noel, there came the Storyteller, and then Jansen, all of them climbing into the cave.
"Alright, who's not dead?" Jansen asked, his voice reverberating through the cave.
"I'm not yet." I said.
"Me either." The Storyteller added.
"I'm still in one piece." Noel said.
"And I'm here." Botan added.
"Alright, no ones dead." Jansen said with a sigh. "Great."
I heard him fiddle around in his pocket, and then, he said something in a language that I couldn't understand. But, after just a moment, the entire cave was basked in a beautiful orange light, and when I looked over at Jansen, I saw that he was holding a glowing jewel in his hand.
"You spoke in the DeepSpeech, didn't you?" Botan said, giving him a look of wonder.
"Aye, that's right."
"And is that a Siren Jewel?"
He gave a nod this time, and he held it out for her to see.
"Where did you get that?" I asked.
"Well, when I was much younger, my dad gave it to me when I set out on my first voyage." Jansen replied.
He looked down at the Jewel in his hands, and a warm smile spread across his face, before he looked up at Botan.
"Lead on, we'll follow."
She nodded, and we started going through the cave. The walls were all metallic rocks, lit by the Jewel, and eventually, we came up to a wooden structure. It wasn't big, just two wooden posts and a beam that crossed the top of the both of them, but it looked strangely familiar. The strangest part about it was the fact that I felt that I had seen it before, but never in person.
"Wait, is this a mineshaft?" I asked.
"Yes, by whatever civilization used to be here, I suppose." Noel answered, her armor clanking behind me.
"It opens up through here, but be careful not to fall, yes?" Botan said.
"Aye, we should...wait, what do you mean 'be careful not to fall'?" Jansen said.
The cave suddenly ended, and there was a large wooden door right in front of us, sealing us off from the rest of the cave. The door had one window that just had iron bars crisscrossing it, and on the other side of the door, there was an orange light, along with a lot of heat and a strange popping noise.
I grabbed the bar that should have been the doorknob, and I pushed the door open, the metal hinges creaking loudly, and the moment the door was open, I was hit with a blast of heat and a horrible smell, like rotting eggs mixed with burning metal, like the time I had left the stove on for far too long. All of us, including Botan, gagged at the stench, and when I pressed forward, I saw that the floor opened into a large pit that led about thirty or forty feet down. At the very, very bottom of the pit, covering the entire bottom, was a massive pool of bubbling, churning magma, burning hot and steaming. As I conned the underground chasm, I noticed that the only way across was a set of metal posts that extended from the top layer of the lava, providing a way across if you were brave enough to jump over freaking lava. Which, I was not.
"What, do we... jump?" Jansen said, looking over the situation.
Before I could answer him, Botan ran ahead of us and jumped right on the first post, before jumping to the second without even thinking it over. I looked back at everyone, and the Storyteller shrugged before just jumping on the one that Botan jumped on. Jansen watched him do that, then ran and leapt on the post. I steeled my nerves, and I followed him when he jumped off of that one, and I perched on top of the post, waiting for the others to make their way across. The only person who hadn't jumped on the posts yet was Noel, but when I jumped to the one in front, she clumsily jumped to the one that I had been on.
"Never done parkour before?" I said as I did another jump, wary of the lava that was underneath all of us.
"Well, sometimes, but it wasn't big in the training course."
"Training course?"
"Its mandatory in the Kingdom!" Jansen huffed from up ahead. "Its a whole hodgepodge of anti-pirate techniques, along with a bunch of busy work so that the higher-ups can keep the cannon fodder busy."
"Excuuuuse me!" Noel said, an angry expression all over her face. "Cannon fodder? I am a knight, you filthy pirate."
I looked at the Storyteller.
"Have they been fighting in that cell?" I asked him.
"Like you would not believe." He replied with an aggravated sigh.
"Well guess what? I'm not the one who probably pads my bra!" Jansen yelled from the front.
Noel's jaw dropped, and so did mine, because she looked hurt from what he said.
"First of all, I do not, second, you should not be looking at a lady like that, and finally, I'm not the filthy pirate!"
OOF. I thought in my mind as I scored another successful jump. At this point, while they were arguing, I let Noel pass me up so that I didn't hinder her, and Botan had already made it across and was just waiting for all of us to complete it. As I looked up and tried to ignore Jansen and Noel's argument, I saw that Botan was tapping her foot impatiently, waiting for all of us to cross. Finally, the Storyteller made it across, and I saw him hold out a fist to fist bump Botan, which she reluctantly did.
I jumped to another one, and I saw that there was just one more that I had to make. I waited for Noel to get across, and when she finally landed on the other side, I jumped for the rock. But, the moment I knew it wasn't going to be pretty was the moment that my hand slipped, causing me to fall down, right towards the lava below.

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