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"Micheal??" Marine screamed, dropping down to my side. "Micheal, are you okay?"
I still felt sick, almost as if my stomach was trying to send something back out the way it came, but after a fleeting moment, the feeling passed, and I gave Marine a nod.
"Aye, I'm okay." I said, getting to my feet and standing back up. "I think I'm fine."
In fact, I was more than fine. Honestly, I felt nearly amazing. Everyone except for Philip and Gawr Gura gave me weird looks, so I gave them reassuring nods as I met their eyes.
"I'm fine." I said. "I just felt kinda sick."
The moment I said that, Amelia gave me a suspicious look, but I brushed off the feeling and looked back at Gawr Gura, who had a slightly concerned look in her eyes.
"Sorry about that." She said. "Many who stand in my presence feel sick from the aura of my power."
"Is that what that was?" I asked, a little bit bewildered at the explanation.
"Most definitely." She sad. "Now, before anything else happens, I got word that you have something for me."
She shifted in her seat, then placed her hands on her knees.
"A certain artifact. The emerald tooth, where is it?"
As she said that, I slowly reached into my pocket, and I pulled out the emerald shark tooth and held it in the palm of my hand. Now, despite being made out of crystal, it glowed warmly, as if I was holding a battery that had been on for too long.
"What do you want with it?"
She gave me a toothy smile, and from this distance, I noticed that her teeth were pointed, just like a shark's, and for some reason, I felt my hands loosening its grip on the tooth.
"We must complete the statue, for it is a key to the great power of our city and civilization." She said. "We need the emerald tooth, and if you deliver it, we shall reward you handsomely."
"Reward??" Botan said, inching closer to us. "What kind of reward?"
"We will host the biggest festival and celebration in the history of our entire empire." She said, raising her hands as if praising her own words. "We will have loads of fun, great foods, and many marvelous events for all of you for bringing us the final piece."
Suddenly, she disappeared, just blinking right out of existence and leaving an empty chair, but the moment she was gone, she reappeared right in front of us, maybe only being two or three feet away as she stared up at us. For the first time since I saw her, I noticed that, behind her back, there was a blue, glossy shark tail that waved back and forth, almost like a dogs tail. She stood up straight, soothing out her shark hoodie, and she raised her hand in front of her.
"Now, do please hand over the relic."
Instantly, I reached my hand out, and, without a second thought, I handed the relic to her, and a massive smile grew over her face. She turned to Philip, tossing the relic in the air and catching it, and her shark tail wagged back and forth.
"Philip, notify the citizens of the festival and begin the preparations." She said, then turned to us. "All of you need a wash, and we will provide you with fashionable outfits to help all of you blend in, whilst being expressive in your own ways. So please, follow the guards there, and they will take all of you to the bath houses and assist you any way that they can."
Suddenly, behind us, the doors to the palace opened back up, and two well-tailored guards pushed the doors to a stopping point and gestured to all of us. I looked out of the doors, and parked in front of the palace was a very, very fancy carriage, being made out of a very pretty black wood, with two cabins strung together, almost like a train, and on the inside, I saw that there was red carpeting and curtains that hung slightly in front of the windows. I looked over at Marine, and I saw a gleam of happiness in her eyes.
"Let's go, aye?" I said.
"Aye that."

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