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The moment that Gura and I heard Jansen's voice, both of us got out of our cuddling position, and we sat straight up as Jansen, Noel, and Amelia all walked out onto our balcony, holding an assortment of beer and food with them.
"Mind if we join you?"
My head suddenly felt foggy yet again, but this time, I just took in a deep breath and looked back at Jansen, trying to catch his eyes.
"Uhhh, yeah sure man." I said, trying as hard as I could to push the fogginess out of my mind. "There's plenty of room."
He gave me a big smile, then, both he and Noel took one of the sofas, cuddling up to each other just like Gura and I had been, and Amelia sat down on one of the chairs that was next to Gura and I, who had started to lean up against the other side of the couch, looking straight ahead with an angry expression. I furrowed my brow, somehow thinking that I had hurt her, but before I could say anything, I felt Amelia's hand on my shoulder.
"Micheal, there's something you should know. There's a ball after this, and Marine has been talking about dancing with you."
"Wait, what's a ball?" I asked. "Is that like a game?"
She gave me a dumb look.
"Aye Micheal, there's a dodgeball match after this." She said sarcastically. "A ball is a party, and a fancy one at that. It has a lot of fancy dresses, nice food, and slow dancing, thats why Marine wants to be there with you."
"Well, what about Gura?"
"What about her?"
"Well, I'm sure she's gonna want to go to the ball with us." I said.
"Micheal, I'm talking about Marine. She wanted to dance with you specifically."
My head felt foggy again, but this time, I didn't pay it much mind, since it seemed a lot less powerful than before, but I looked back over at Gura, who was still staring ahead and at the show as they prepared the ship for the performance.
"Hey." I whispered, trying to get her attention.
She still stared straight ahead, trying to ignore me as she stared at both the preparations and the steady stream of people that were trickling in, trying to find the best seats to watch the performance.
"Gura, come on. Just look at me." I said.
Finally, she looked over at me, her blue eyes shining with the light of frustration.
"What's wrong?"
"I just wanted some time with you, Micheal." She said. "Was that too hard to ask of you?"
"Oh come on Gura. That wasn't what I meant. We can spend some time together with the others here as well."
"No, Micheal, I wanted some time with you. Just you." She said.
The moment she said that, she scooted over to me, and she pressed herself against me, still staring into my eyes all the while, and my heart melted.
"Well, how about this. According to Amelia over here, there's a ball going on somewhere, and we should go there after this, if thats okay with you."
Her eyes lit up as I said that, and she gave me a big, toothy smile.
"Micheal, I would love that!!" She said. "Absolutely!"
Suddenly, as soon as she finished her sentence, the chamber around us got way, way quieter, and the lights dimmed just a little bit as the show began. Next to me, Gura gasped, and all of us scooted our seats up to the edge, eager to see the performance. On the aftcastle of the pirate ship, a large Atlantean, disguised as a human by makeup, walked forward, holding his hand against the railing of the stairs, and boy, the actor really sold the look. He had long, wavy coppery red hair that flowed all over his shoulders, and he wore a dominantly red and black pirates outfit, almost looking intimidating as he waved a large, metal cutlass around through the air.
"I AM CAPTAIN FIREBRAID!!!" He roared, pointing his cutlass at the crowd around him. "AND ALL YE VALUABLES BELONG TO MEEEE!!!"
He ran up to the secondary mast on the brigantine, jumped on top of the base of it, grabbed the lift system, and cut the rope right next to it, forcing the rope to fly upward, pulling him along with it. He sailed straight up to the top of the mast as the crowd gasped, and yet, as he got closer and closer to the top of the mast, he started laughing, even as he was rapidly running out of mast to ascend to. All of us, including Gura, held our breath, but at the very last second, he let go of the rope, and his momentum carried him, farther and farther up, until he reached out, grabbed the very, very tip top of the mast, and perched himself, on one leg, on about three inches of wood, waving his pistol and cutlass at the crowd.
He gave out a big, hearty belly laugh as the crowd feigned fright for their kids, and when I turned to look at Gura, not only was she acting scared, I saw that behind her, Noel was hugging Jansen around his neck and pointing excitedly at Captain Firebraid while Jansen was laughing so hard that his face was turning an even darker shade of gray. But, as the crowd looked on in absolute, completely not feigned horror, Captain Firebraid yelled down t his crew.
The crew cheered, and they began to push the cannons out of the sides of the ship, loading and cleaning them all the while, but suddenly, as Captain Firebraid was cheering loudly from his perch, there was a rumble, and from the other side of the chamber, behind the brigantine's stern, there came a gigantic, and I do mean gigantic torrent of water that suddenly came rushing out as two large stone doors opened, letting a river's worth of water connect the doors to the pool of water, where Firebraid's ship sat.
And, to my absolute astonishment, a large, heavily armed Kingdom frigate came out of the doors, and it rode the waves right down to the pool, and it crashed down into the water as the pirates backed away in feigned fear. Noel screamed right next to Jansen, tapping her feet and clapping her hands in excitement from seeing a glimpse of her old home, and on the frigate, the door to the Captains quarters opened, and a woman with bright pink hair came out of the cabin, holding a sword and a musket. She pointed the sword right at Captain Firebraid, and she turned around, addressing us in the crowd directly.
"This pirate has been terrorizing the theaters all around here, and today, he will be defeated, by me, the notorious Captain Bombheart!!"
And, before she said anything more, she turned right to captain Firebraid, and she lowered her voice to a nasty growl.
"And this is where your story ends!!"

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