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My lungs spasmed again, and that gave me the realization that I truly needed air. I climbed out of the ravine carefully, and my lungs spasmed again, nearly forcing me to inhale the water around me, but I fought down the urge and swam upward, then towards the Diving Bell, which was still hanging by the chain, connected far upward, to the ship. My lungs spasmed once again in their attempt to get air, and at this point, as I was swimming, a bright streak of light appeared in my vision, and I realized that I was beginning to hallucinate. I blinked the stars out of my vision, and I kept pushing through the water, kicking and kicking while I was paddling, each and every stoke and kick adding to my deficiency of oxygen. At this point, the burning of my lungs was so severe that it was extremely hard to concentrate and head for the Diving Bell, and now, even biting my tongue wasn't helping at all as my lungs and throat burned. As I neared closer and closer to the Diving Bell, my vision started to get more and more black, all of the color draining out of my vision as spots and splashes of light danced in and out of my sight. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, my fingers grazed the edge of the Diving Bell, and I pulled myself inside just as the last of my strength drained away.
"GGGUUEEAAAHHH!!!!!!" I gasped, sucking in the gigantic amount of air.
I fully filled my lungs as I pulled myself inside of the Diving Bell, sucking in huge gasps of air, filling and deflating my lungs over and over again.
"Holy shit." I said, holding the edge of the metal side.
I hung there, just thinking about the fact that I had almost drowned, and once my breathing and heart rate returned to normal, I dove back down, and I swam for the midsection of the ship, hoping that the potion that I had drunk was still working. So far, my breath was holding, which was a good sign, since all my life I was pretty bad at holding my breath.
I kept diving down, kicking with all of my might to get to the other section of the ship, but as I was going, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a large part of a coral reef move suddenly, then stop as soon as I looked over. I watched it for a few moments, but so far, there was no movement, almost as if it had never moved at all. But, I was almost sure that it had moved, even as I kept swimming to the midsection of the ship. I kept my eye on that reef, until I got to the shattered hatch for the hold that was stuck in the top deck of the midsection. I grabbed the sides of the hatch, then pulled myself inside, and I started searching for Marine, looking around all of the rotting support posts and the broken and smashed pieces of barrels and chests. So far, there was nothing, but as I went down one more flight of stairs into the ruined crew quarters, Marine suddenly popped right into my vision as we both rounded the corner. Both of our eyes went really wide as we both startled each other, but after just a second, we looked at each other with smiles as we realized that we were still safe. I gave her a friendly wave, then reached into my pocket, grabbed the pearl and ruby necklace, and held it out for her to take. The moment she saw it, her eyes widened as she took it out of my hand, and she pointed at herself, wondering if it was for her. I nodded, which earned a massive smile from her, and she happily took the necklace from my hand and put it around her neck as she examined the ruby. I knew she couldn't talk, but the gleam in her eyes told me all I needed to know. I knew she loved the gift.
I gave her a genuine smile, then grabbed her shoulder and the ruby, turning it over in my hand. Truthfully, the ruby was extremely beautiful, showing the light reflecting around inside of the ruby as I turned it over in my hand. I gave her a thumbs up paired with a happy smile, then I reached down, grabbed her hand, and led her up as we both swam for the top deck of the shipwreck. We went up through the gunnery deck, keeping our eyes out for any treasure chests, and as we went through the deck, my eye flicked over to a sunken chest that was hidden underneath a collapsed part of the deck, with one of the top deck cannons having fallen through the deck and on top of the chest, nearly blocking it from view. I squeezed Marine's hand, then pointed right at the chest, drawing her attention to it.
She gave me a smile, and when we swam over, we both began to look over the wreckage, trying to find a way to get to the chest. She pointed at one of the crashed pillars, and I grabbed the bottom of it while she grabbed the top, putting her feet against the wall to push off of it. I planted my feet against the destroyed cannon, and on the count of three, we both pushed with all of our might, and the crashed beam was torn loose, launching us across the gunnery deck. We got back upright, and I pointed at the cannon, indicating that it was the only thing left to get. We got back over to it, then grabbed the cannon and planted our feet against the soggy wall, ready to push off at any given moment. We counted down yet again, and we pushed off the wall, tearing the cannon loose and letting it crash against the deck, rolling around like a corpse. Now, the chest that we were trying to get to was fully exposed, showing us that there wasn't even a lock on the chest. For the third time, we both swam up to it, and I grabbed the rim of the top of the chest, creaking it open and revealing the inside of it. At the very bottom of the chest, there was a single shark tooth, made entirely out of emerald. I reached down and grabbed it, then showed it to Marine, and she smiled before nodding, letting me know that we had got what we came for. We both kicked off of the deck, launching ourselves upward and to the top deck of the ship, where we were finally out of the shipwreck. I looked around, and I saw that Jansen was swimming towards us, obviously having no luck with finding anything. Marine began to swim towards him, with me hanging back, and when they got close enough to each other, she held out the emerald shark tooth, and he gained a smile. They both turned towards me, and I gave them a thumbs up, but as I did, both of their eyes widened as they looked at me, and Marine pointed to something behind me. When I turned around, the only thing that I saw was this gigantic, tooth filled grin smiling right at me.

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