Meeting the Deity

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I opened my eyes, expecting to see the hospital or at least a graveyard, but no. Instead, I was in a massive room, with high arcing ceilings and plastered marble walls. All over the walls were these little letters that were etched into the marble. As I noticed them, there turned out to be thousands, then hundreds of thousands, then millions. Then billions. There were so many. There were so many etched all over the walls, some of which were in languages that I couldn't even recognize. Some weren't even from Earth, I'm sure. There were just so many of them. And even though I wasn't much into art or even modern art, it was still a glamorous sight to behold. As I looked around the room, I suddenly saw a guy, sitting at a brown oak desk in the middle of the room, with a massive book on the desk and one of those old quills that were used for writing in his hand. He dipped it in ink, then went right back to his writing. I almost considered just tapping him to get his attention, but he spoke before I could.
"So you're dead."
"I said 'So you're dead'." He spoke. "You're not supposed to be dead just yet. You were supposed to live well into your thirties."
I stood there in shock and silence.
"I know you're surprised, but you're dead, buddy. You need to live with it, pardon the pun." He said. "But the only problem is that you're dead before you should be dead. You need to live to be just a little bit older."
"Wait a minute, I died?"
"Yes, struck by a bus until your neck snapped. It was a very quick death, I'm sure. However, it was still pretty gruesome. The passersby were all splashed with blood and guts and-"
"Oh come on dude." I interrupted. "What do you mean I need to live a little bit longer? Where am I? Who even are you?"
He sighed, then closed his book and looked straight at me. He was maybe my age, around seventeen, and he had a messy crop of blackish-brown hair. He had square-rim glasses, dark brown eyes, and a leather jacket over a black shirt and black jeans.
"I am...The StoryTeller. It's not too important who I am." He said. "But as to where you are, you're in my palace in a fold between a ton of dimensions, and all souls who die prematurely are sent here to me. Premature death is very, very rare. Extremely rare, if you will. And any beings that die before their time have to do something because I can't reincarnate you for about another twenty years, for that would break over a dozen of the Ancient Laws. Are you willing to wait for about twenty years doing nothing to be reincarnated?"
"I guess not. But what am I gonna do?"
"Listen carefully. There's a man I whom I am willing to contract you to kill. He has been attempting to harness a sliver of my power. If he is successful, he will destroy and enslave the people in that world. He must be stopped."
"Wait, why can't you just stop him?"
"I am far too busy. If I were to leave the stories, the world and time would stop across all universes and dimensions. If I leave the Stories to no one, everything would collapse and disappear in an instant."
"Can't you leave it to someone else?"
He paused to think that over, then spoke back to me.
"Perhaps I can. But we will have to be deployed at one of the farthest islands because if we deploy too closely, he'll figure out that I'm there. And if he does, he'll prepare his defenses until his fortress is impenetrable even to me if I led the biggest army of the universe against him. Stealth is the only way through this particular mission."
I felt so overwhelmed. I had just died, and now some random guy was assigning me to kill some other random guy in another world, which was completely alien to me.
"So, are you coming with me or not?"
He pursed his lips.
"I can leave the Stories to a fellow that I trust much until I return." He said, rising from his chair.
He stood there for a moment, then closed his eyes and stood still, almost as if he was a marble statue.
"Alright. It is time to depart, yes?"
"Okay," I said, still trying to take in everything. "Alright, I'm as ready as I can be."
"Alright then." He replied.
He raised his hands, and then, he snapped his fingers, and the entire world went black.

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