Mistress of Death

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I sat atop the mast, then lashed the rope over the sail, lifting the sails and tying them down with a good knot.
"Nice job!" One of the mast crew yelled. "We're off for the night."
"Awesome." I said, scooting over to the mast.
I grabbed onto the crows nest, then swung my legs over and grabbed onto the ladder, then began going down, foot by foot, closer to the deck, until my feet rested gently on the wooden surface. Once I was on the deck, I walked down the stairs, then into the hold, where all the crew were gathering for dinner. I grabbed a metal plate, then went up to good ol Cookie, to get some food for dinner. I stood in the line, watching all the crew joking and laughing around, and then, it was my turn.
"Hey Cookie, what's on the menu?"
"We got cooked beef, bread and slop."
I wrinkled my nose at the thought. Slop was basically the most disgusting thing that we could eat. It was a mishmash of leftover meats, mashed up vegetables, and other kinds of food, all thrown together into a dark brown hillock that we would eat while griping and groaning. The only way to really eat it was to plug your nose, choke it down, and then wash it down with an ungodly amount of whiskey. Thankfully, tonight, he didn't give me any slop, and he just gave me some beef and bread, free of the preservative that was on all the food. I took the food down to the bottom layer of the ship, then right to my hammock, where I began to chow down.
* * * * * * * * *
I couldn't tell where I was. All around me, it was just a dark void, but around my feet, which were bare, was water, as cold as death. Fog emanated from the water, swirling and misting and curling all around me.
"You shouldn't have come here."
The woman's voice resounded from all around me, and it shook the water, causing a million little ripples all over the water. As I looked around, I suddenly saw a woman, a very tall woman, appear out of the mist. And damn, was she pretty. And hot. She had long, pink hair, falling all around her shoulders. She had a black tiara right on the top of her head, holding a nearly transparent white shawl. She wore a costume, all black, with studs right around the chest region, which bulged under the size of her breasts. She had spikes on her shoulder pads, which parted her hair. Her eyes weren't pink like her hair, but they were a bright red, staring right into my soul.
She descended from her place in the air, then touched down, feet first, into the water, and began to walk over to me. She eyed me, making sure that I wasn't going to move, and then, she stood right in front of me.
Uhm, that's a little bit too close! I wanted to say. But for some reason, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get my voice to work. She constantly got closer and closer to me, then, she was right in my face, maybe about an inch and a half away. So close that I could literally smell the sweet, yet rather unsettling scent of strawberries that radiated off of her.
"Your life comes from another world." She said. "I can smell it on you. Where do you hail from, creation?"
"I'm uhm, I'm from earth." I said, my voice working again. "My...friend and I came to this world to save it-"
"From the man trying to harness the power of the Storyteller, yes I know. I know everything." She said. "You blipped right on my radar, and I knew I had to reach out in your dreams."
She suddenly grabbed my wrist and forced it in front of my face, and then suddenly, everything above her grasp, all of my hand, suddenly turned dead. The skin shriveled, and all the muscles turned green and rotted, right before my eyes.
Suddenly, I snapped awake, my hand the victim of a burning hot pain. I held up my hand to see what was wrong, and the most horrifying sight beheld my eyes. My hand was shriveled, all gross and horrific, with scraps of mottled flesh hanging right off of my bones. As I watched, the skin and muscles slowly grew back on, and my hand repaired itself, all the tissue and muscles sewing over themselves as they fixed one another, regrowing back into the normal shape and shade of my hand.
As my hand was nearing the end of the repair, I heard a deep laugh, a woman's laugh, echo and rumble through the ship. And it sounded IDENTICAL to the woman in my dreams.

HoloPirates: A Tale of AdventureHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin