A Very, Very Good Save!!

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"STAY CLEAR OF THE BROADSIDE!!!!" The Officer yelled at me as their ship began to turn left. "We're gonna open up the side of that bastard for you to get inside!!"
"GOT IT!!!!" I yelled back, turning away as the officer went back to his crew.
Thankfully, at this point, there wasn't too much farther to go. Through the mass of wriggling tentacles, the surface of the Kraken was just twenty feet away, and I reached into my coat and pulled out a sharp boarding axe. I reached down and grabbed the gunpowder barrel, and I tied a rope around it and slung it across my back. I readied myself to grab onto the Kraken, and, right when it was within range, I jumped off of the rowboat, grabbed onto the side, and drove the axe into the wooden surface of the superstructure, getting a nice foothold as I held onto the side of the thing. I looked out over the sea behind me, and I saw that the man o war had nearly turned its broadside, and the officer was at the railing of the ship, watching the Kraken and its thrashing tentacles nervously. I held on for dear life as the ship kept turning, slowly and gradually, and I heard another round of gunfire off to my left. I turned and looked, and there was our ship, still under heavy attack by a large group of the tentacles, and they were releasing muskets and cannon fire into the tentacles as they thrashed around. One of the largest tentacles reached up,and to my horror, it wrapped itself around the mast at the halfway point, and it wrenched itself to the side, snapping the mast in half.
CRAAAACK!!!!! The wood of the mast snapped, and the top part of the mast came down on the deck, smashing against the railing of the deck and crushing another of the cannons. It was ripped free of the rigging and sails, and it splashed down into the sea below.
"NOOO!!!" I yelled, grasping that boarding axe for dear life.
More cannon fire erupted from the ship, but all of the shots missed as the tentacles dodged to the side. Two of them lunged forward to the deck, and they grasped two of the crew and dragged them into the water as another tentacle rose out of the water. In the midst of the pain from both my forearm and my shoulder, I steeled my nerves and gritted my teeth, waiting for the opportune moment to get inside the Kraken and kill the thing. As the man o war was nearing the best shot for its broadside, I tightened the rope that held the gunpowder barrel to my back.
And, finally, the man o war was completely parallel to the Kraken, and, in one swift motion, all of the 75 gun ports on the side of the ship opened at once, the large, black cannons sticking out and taking aim.
"HAHA!!!" I yelled at the Kraken. "You're so screwed now!!!"
And instantly, it was nearly deafening. The cannons on the man o war opened fire, and the side of the Kraken began to explode, shards and splinters of wood mixing with torn flesh and sprayed blood. The Kraken recoiled and roared, clearly in pain, and I noticed that through both the smoke screen and the broadside, I saw that a large hole had been opened up, leading to the inside of the Kraken's superstructure. I waited until the broadside calmed down a little bit, and I pulled the axe out of the side of the Kraken, hefted my sword with the other hand, and climbed into the Kraken.
The moment I was inside, my nose wrinkled as I was assaulted by one of the absolute worst smells I had ever smelled. And I had partied all night in a smoked-out crackhouse about a year ago, so I knew bad smells. But this, as I stood inside the superstructure of a creature, was so awful that I genuinely almost threw up in my mouth. I clasped my hand and sword hilt over my mouth as the putrid stench hit me, and I delved deeper into the Kraken. All throughout the inside, there were various levels and chambers from the ships that it had used to repair its own body, and parts of it were conglomerated with the purple flesh of its insides. The part that I was in was a cannon deck, still having all of the hammocks, cannons and shot boxes, albeit in a large mess as they had been strewn about the room. In the middle of the room, there was a single Krakenite, standing with its back turned to me, and its gaze was aimed at the floor, seemingly asleep. As the cannon fire was still going on behind me, I crept forward, using the Kraken's roars and the cannon fire to mask the sound of my movement. I snuck along the left side with the cannons, and once I was close enough to the Krakenite, I raised both my sword and my axe, and I struck at it. The axe chopped straight into the coral armor of its head, and it split it down the middle as my sword pierced it straight through the torso. It chattered and spat, twitching as it began to die, and it slumped off of my sword as my axe was pulled out of its split skull. I huffed, rather satisfied with the clean sneak kill, and I forged deeper, trying to see if there was a way to a heart or some other good spot to place the explosive. I ducked my head underneath the door that was at the farthest end of the gunnery deck, and I emerged into a branching hallway, having barrels of rotting fish and other supplies strewn about everywhere. Farther down the hall, there were lanterns that swayed from their hanging positions on the ceiling, and all of them glowed with a very unnatural blue light.
However, in this area, unlike the last, there were a rather large volume of barnacles, kelp, and other sea life that dominated the inside of it, and the smell was getting stronger and stronger by the minute.
"Good God this is awful." I said as I held my fist over my nose.
Above me, there was a shudder that ran throughout the entire structure, and the Kraken roared above me, obviously fed up with the attack from the man o war, and that pushed me to go further into the Kraken.

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