Godly Smackdown

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As we were nearing the fortress, I noticed something about Marine. She was trying to hide it, but failing as she rubbed and gripped her ankles, right where the beam had rested on her, and she looked like she was hurt.
"Do you think you wanna sit this one out, maybe?"
She turned to me, ready to protest the idea, but when she pulled her legs closer to her chest, she winced yet again, and she had a slight look of defeat on her face.
"I know I probably should, but I'd feel useless if I didn't go up there and fight with the rest of you."
"Marine, trust me." I sad, grabbing her hand to help comfort her just a little more. "You brought us all this way, and thats so much more than we could ask for. You've saved me multiple times, and you've stayed pretty calm in the face of things that would make anyone turn and run."
"Aye, but so did you." She said. "Every time something dangerous would happen, you'd come up with a crazy plan that always seemed to work."
"Listen, you shouldn't compare yourself to me." I said, trying to remember what my school counselor had said to me, long ago. "I mean, we all have different struggles, and we have differ strengths, so if you compare yourself to me, or anyone else for that matter, you'll always be critical of yourself."
She gave me a smile, then winced again as she held onto her ankles, and I took the opportunity to hammer home my point.
"So just sit this one out." I said. "Just trust me on that."
She nodded and fell silent, and finally, the rowboat hit the shores of the island, and it came to a halt as the waves lapped at the volcanic rocks and sand. I gave Marine one last kiss, then jumped out of the rowboat with everyone else and began to scale the mountain, as Marine was left alone to nurse her wounds.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

He was in so much pain. Being encased in lava had been the most agony that he had ever been through in his life, and now, he was sitting against the rocks, finally having destroyed that pesky ship that Micheal had been on, but he knew that he hadn't destroyed the Storyteller just yet. He'd get his chance, but it wasn't going to happen yet. And, just as if he was on cue, he saw the Storyteller come flying out from the wreckage, flying straight at Sebastian as he parted the waters before him. Sebastian readied all of the power at his disposal, then took off running, right for the Storyteller, ready to have a rematch. His legs pumped and his arms swung as he propelled himself forward at his top speed, and right when he reached the edge of the rock he was on, he leapt, right into the Storytellers chest, and he landed one of the hardest hits that he could muster, causing the Spectral armor to vibrate against the force of the strike. The Storyteller grappled him, twisting him around, and he felt both of them fly straight up into the air, plunging into the clouds of the Deep Fire. The air around them was thick and choking, but they fought on, grappling, clawing and punching, landing punches that could crack planets. But gradually, as they flew farther and farther up, Sebastian began to notice that the air around them began to get thinner and thinner, and it was much colder than the Deep Fire.
The Storyteller grappled him yet again, forcing his arm behind his back before locking him in a headlock, squeezing the air out of his neck as he strangled him. As Sebastian was clawing at his arm, both of them exploded through the tops of the clouds of ash, and Sebastian saw that they were zooming, at extreme speeds, towards the empty void of space. He reached forward, then thrusted his elbow right into the Storyteller's armor, hitting with just enough force to throw the Storyteller off of him, and he turned around, channeling his power to keep him from falling down to his death. The Storyteller gave him a look of absolute hatred, but instead of backing down and showing weakness, Sebastian kept a stone cold expression on.
"You won't win this." The Storyteller said, drawing his sword and holding it at the ready.
"Thats what you think." Sebastian spat, staring at him as his clothes flapped in the thermospheric wind. "I'd like to see you try."
The Storyteller let loose a battle cry, his voice ringing throughout the thin atmosphere, and their swords met, sparks raining down on the two of them. Sebastian immediately backed up, trying to regain control, but the Storyteller grabbed him yet again, and this time, Sebastian saw that the Storyteller's eyes were beginning to glow brightly as he grappled him. Before he could react, or even think to react, the Storyteller reared back a fist, then swung it forward with enough force to break a mountain, beating Sebastian right in the face as he felt his brain smacking against the inside of his skull. He recoiled from the hit, but out of the blurriness of his vision, he saw a rift in the fabric of space and time opening, and they both plunged straight through the portal. The moment they passed through the rift, every single one of Sebastian's senses were overwhelmed. All he could see around him ware colors, lights, and ripples, almost as if he was inside of a kaleidoscope, but amplified by a thousand times. All he could hear was a deafening set of noises, like screaming, screeching, explosions, and voices, all of them mixed into a horrible mixture as he glared at the chaos around him.
"Welcome to the Folds!!" The Storyteller said.
Sebastian frantically looked around, trying to spot him through the seam of foamy colors and lights, but so far, there was nothing except for the chaos that he could see.
"This is where every single failed idea, in all of the universes that have ever existed, goes." He said, his voice somehow ringing louder than the nightmarish surroundings. "If I were a witless worm like you, I would prepare to join them."
He spun around wildly, searching through the foam of chaos, and he saw the Storyteller explode out of the rippling walls of color, and he swung the Sword of Deletion straight at him, going for a clean decapitation. Instead, Sebastian flew downward, dodging the wavey walls of chaotic ideas, and swung upward wildly, thankfully blocking another of the strikes from the Sword of Deletion, and he struck back, and this time, he landed a clean hit to the Storytellers side, cutting his blade across the spectral armor, not enough to pierce it, but just enough to leave a small scratch against its surface.
The Storyteller screamed out a battle cry yet again, then charged forward, pressing on as they fought across the Folds.

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