Pirate battle part three

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"YYYAAAARRRRRR!!!!" I yelled as I swung on the rope.
I swung all the way over to the enemy ships aftcastle, then stuck my feet out and kicked the helmsman so hard that he flew over the railing and into the sea below. I swung back around, and this time, I kicked one of the enemy gunners that was manning a cannon on the aft castle, knocking him off the ship. I made one final swing, but this time, I grabbed onto the rigging of the ship and let go of the rope, holding onto the ship for dear life with one hand while swinging the sword with the other.
"COME AT ME!!!!" I screamed as our crew boarded their ship.
Before any of the crew could respond to me, there was a sudden and awesome commotion that grabbed all of our attention. When our crew placed the boards to bridge the gap between the ships, I saw Senchou land on one of the boards and begin walking, very slowly, across the board, letting her flaming cape and murderous expression strike fear into the hearts of the enemy crew. She gave me a look of determination, and so I positioned myself, then leapt off the rigging and landed at her side.
"You take the ones on the left, I'll take the ones on the right?"
"Sounds great." She replied to me.
With a yell from us and our crew, we charged the enemy. Swords clashed, guns fired, and the pain in my thigh grew and grew hotter and hotter, but I tried my best to ignore it and just keep on fighting. I slashed and blocked, and at one point, I had the second to glance over, and I saw Senchou, fighting equally as hard as I was, slashing and cutting with the most wicked looking sword I had ever seen. Half of it was a sword blade, and the other half was made up of tiny, crescent shaped claws that had been ripped off of some unknown monster. As I watched, she threw her burning cape over the head of some unfortunate crew member, which lit him on fire as he screamed, then she smashed the clawed side of the sword into his neck, puncturing him and drowning his screams in blood. It was a horrifying way to die, but I put that out of my mind and blocked an oncoming sword blade. I parried and struck, cutting into his arm as I felt a wave of heat from Senchou's flaming cape wash over me.
I parried another blade and struck at the attacker, trying to channel the pain from my thigh into the force behind the strike. I channeled my anger, then struck at my foe, stabbing the sword through his shoulder and flinging him against the mast. I parried yet another strike, and then I kicked at the guy before clubbing him with the butt of my sword and sending him down on on the deck
We fought on and one, fighting all of the crew mates, and finally, there was just one guy left standing. The captain. He and Senchou stared each other down, and the entire crew backed up, giving her space to fight him. I did the same. I really didnt want to get caught by that flaming cape or horrific sword.
He jumped off the aft castle, yelling and screaming, and he struck at Senchou, failing the strike as she parried and nose bashed him with her arm. He spun, then kicked, sending his foot flying out at her and catching her in the side. She backed up, then swiped her cape through the thunderous air, the flames throwing a serious wave of heat over everybody and forcing the captain to back up yet again. He gave her a death glare as he regained his footing, then lanced forward, thrusting his sword, and they clashed, slashing swords and parrying each other, then, the worst thing happened. He clubbed Senchou over the head with his sword butt, and she fell against the mast, holding her sword up in front of her in a futile attempt to block any incoming attacks from the captain. But to my horror, he then stabbed her. It wasn't a deep cut, but he stabbed her right in the thigh, cutting her flesh as he pierced her with the sword.
She screamed, and that sent me into an ultra rage. I ran, then put myself between her and him, and I raised my sword, ready to strike and kill the bastard. But, before I could do anything against him, he raised a pistol, aimed it at my chest, and fired.
Immediately, I felt my lungs cave in as the bullet struck me right in the chest. The pain flared and exploded through my torso, and I collapsed to the deck, fighting to work my lungs and suck in breaths. I had no idea how bad the damage actually was, but given the fact that it was extremely hard to breathe, I knew it had to be worse that I could conjure up in my mind.
The last thing I saw was Senchou rise up from her stabbing, and she ran at the guy, swinging her sword before he could have a chance to react. The sword connected, and in that moment, she cut his head clean off of his shoulders. She limped over, looking at me, and she had the most worried expression on her face as I very, very slowly blacked out.

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