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"So thats why we're going to kill him, right?" I asked, "Because he's trying to regain the power that he lost to you."
"Yes. I am now the most powerful Storyteller ever in existence, because I am entrusted to the Old Storytellers's powers, as well as this one. Well, before he began to regain his power, that is."
"I uh. I have a question." I said.
"Sure thing."
"If you and this guy fight, what would that be like?"
He stopped for a moment to contemplate that, then he scratched at his head and looked back at me.
"If he is at his full power, we would make the original war look like a water gun fight. We would tear through and destroy universes and wreck cities. So many more lives would be lost if he was at his full power."
"So we have to get to him before he's at full power."
"Don't worry dude. I'm sure he has no idea we're coming, or else he would have sent somebody, you know?"
"That is true." He said. "At least we have the element of surprise."
"Aye that." I said, then got up from the floor. "Alright, I'm going to see Marine. Have a nice night."
"You too." He replied, tucking himself under the blanket. "Good luck."
I left him to finally get back to sleep, and I walked up the stairs of the hold and onto the gunnery deck, where I stood still for a moment, listening for any of the crew walking around, but thankfully, the only thing I heard was the very deep and quiet rumbling of the Rift. I looked at the door of the Medical Bay, which was slightly open, and I saw Amelia sitting at her desk, scribbling notes in her journal in the light of the candles and lanterns of the Medical Bay. I crept around the tables of the galley, trying not to disturb anyone, and I also saw Cookie, sitting on a chair in the kitchen with a gigantic pot on his lap, and he was facedown on the pot, fast asleep. I kept myself from laughing at the sight, then got over to the stairs that led to the top deck, and when I got up, I was fully exposed to the extremely moist and muggy atmosphere inside the Rift. So far, it wasn't exactly hot, but it felt like a Spring day down in the south. I looked around at the tunnel, and even though it had a very faint glow to it, it was still breathtaking, and a little bit scary, to look at, which prodded me to get to the aft castle. I climbed the stairs to the door, then pulled the door open and entered the hallway that led to the Captains Cabin, the First Mate's cabin, and the Second Mate's cabin, which was unused since we didn't have a second mate yet. I headed right up to the Captain's cabin and gave a small knock on the door. After just a moment of waiting, I heard a few bumps from the cabin, then, the door cracked open, and I saw Marine peeking out from the crack of the door, holding a lantern in her hand to identify me.
"Its just me, don't worry." I said.
She gave a small smile, then, she opened the door, and there she stood, barefoot, in white and red pajamas that partially bulged under the size of her breasts. Also, unlike how her hair was with her usual pirate uniform, she had let her hair out of her ribbons, letting it flow freely down her back and around her shoulders. She brushed a little strand of hair out of her face, and she reached up, hanging the lantern on the hook that was built into the ceiling.
"Good evening Micheal." She said as she hung the lantern. "Couldn't sleep?"
"No, not really." I said, starting to feel just a little bit queasy from the rum I had drank and a bit of anxiety. "I haven't been able to sleep since we got in here."
She gave me a nod, then, she walked over to the table, grabbed a tray of little cakes, and she began to snack on them. She grabbed one of the cakes, then held it up to me, offering it.
"Sure!" I said, and I took it from her, turning it over in my hands.
The cake was small, with blue, white, and red stripes of frosting, and as I took a bite out of it, it felt like it melted right in my mouth. It was sweet, and tasted great, which wasn't very common on the ship, and I gave Marine a smile.
"Thanks!" I said with a mouth full of cake.
"Of course." She said, setting the cake plate down. "Is there something you needed?"
"Uhm, yeah actually." I said as she started rifling through one of thee drawers. "Its about your locket."
For just a split second, she paused, stopping whatever she was doing, but she immediately corrected herself and kept rifling through the drawer.
"Go on." She said.
"Well, uh, I know that the locket is bad, and that you hate it, and I just wanted to say that I wanted to help with either that or the memory of Charlie."
The entire time I was speaking to her about the locket, she kept giving me side glances, but the moment I said the name Charlie, she shot up, slammed the drawer, and turned right to me, having a serious and angry expression.
"H-how do you know about him?" She said. "How do you know about Charlie?"
"Jansen....may have told me."
"That stupid fish." She hissed, and I saw her reach for one of the pistols that was laying on the nightstand next to the bed.
Before she could grab the loaded gun, however, I lunged forward and grabbed her wrist, pulling her away from the gun and towards me.
"Get angry at me. He told me because he wanted me to help you." I lied. "He knew I could help you because you listen to me, and thats why he told me, okay?"
Honestly, I hated lying to Marine, but right now, it was either that, or face a potentially dead Jansen. She stood there, contemplating my words, and finally, I guess the pieces clicked together in her head, and my reluctant deception worked as I let go of her wrist. She sat down on the bed, then patted the sheets next to her as I sat down on the bed. My eyes immediately went to that stupid locket, then back up to her eyes, and when our eyes met, I saw a deep sadness that I had never seen in her eyes before.

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