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"All hands on deck!" Amelia yelled from the bow of the ship.
Both Marine and I looked up, then at each other, both of us having the most concerned looks on our faces.
"ALL HANDS ON DECK!!!!" She screamed again.
We got up, throwing the blankets and pillows off the bed, and I grabbed the lantern from the holder and hefted it in front of me, lighting the way to the door as we both exited the room. Jansen's door was already wide open when we got into the hallway, but I payed it no mind as we raced for the door out of the hallway. We burst out of the door, then ran to the front of the deck, where Jansen, Noel, the Storyteller, Chloe, and Botan were all crowding around with the crew, following behind Amelia, who was at the very, very tip of the ship, looking down the Rift.
"Amelia?" I yelled, my voice carrying over the deck of the ship.
She turned around, and when I saw her, I noticed that she had the monocle over her eye as she looked at us with worry.
"Guys you need to come see this!!" She yelled to us.
We both pushed through the crowd of crew, then got up to the tip of the bow where Amelia was standing, and she took off her monocle and handed it to me.
"Don't break it, just look straight ahead."
I gingerly took the monocle from her, trying my hardest to be gentle with it, and I held it up to my eye. At first, there was nothing that I saw out of the ordinary, but after just a moment, a purple blob formed in the distance, with hundreds and hundreds, maybe even thousands of orange lights that dotted the surface of the dark purple blob.
"What is that?"
"That is a magical energy signature." She said, taking back the monocle and handing it to Marine. "And the little orange dots, those are regular energy signatures. So, electricity and fire."
"So wait, why is there fire underwater?"
"Better question is why is there so much magic underwater." She said. "But yes, on that subject, we are coming up to something."
"Where are we in the Rifts, like, are we close to the other side of the planet?"
"Oh not at all." She said. "We should be nearing the halfway point, however."
"Hopefully its just nothing." Marine said.
However, right as she said that, there was a loud, yet incredibly deep rumble that resonated through the Rift, and all of us looked around at the swirling wall of water that surrounded us, looking for the source of the noise, but so far there was nothing.
"You just had to say something." I heard the Storyteller say.
As we were looking around, I suddenly saw a gigantic shadow pass in front of one of the walls, swimming right past it and off into the murky darkness of the water.
"There!!" I yelled, pointing at the place that it had gone to. "There was something big in the water!"
Marine gave me a look that said uh oh, then she turned to the rest of the crew.
"All of you, run out the guns and wait for my command."
"Aye Captain!!"
The lot of them sprang into action, rolling the guns out of the ports and loading them, and the rest of them grabbed their muskets and swords, readying themselves for any danger that came our way.
"I don't like this one bit." Jansen said.
Noel stood right beside him, and I noticed that she had drawn her weapon and was now holding it at the ready, preparing to strike at any moment. I also grabbed one of my pistols and clicked the hammer back, readying the pistol to fire. The entire ship, now that the crew had finished with the guns, was dead silent as everyone scanned the water around us, holding their guns and weapons at the ready.
Everyone jumped from the noise, whirling around to try and identify it, but after just a moment, we all heard Cookie's voice resonate from the kitchen
"Got dammit son of a gun!!!" Cookie yelled.
We rolled our eyes, then, I walked straight up to Amelia.
"Where's the relic?" I said. "The thing we got from the shipwreck."
"I have it, but it hasn't activated yet."
"Can I see it?"
She reached into her pocket, then drew the emerald shark tooth out and held it up to me. I held the small tooth in my hand, turning it over and over, then, I held it above my head, almost like I was offering it to something.
"What are you doing?" Amelia asked.
"I have no clue, but it feels right."
"You look like an idiot."
"Oh shut up."
Right as I said that, there was another bellow from deep in the chamber, this one sounding a lot more....robotic than the last one, and it stirred all of u. But right as the roar reached the end, the shark tooth in my hand vibrated, almost making me drop it.
"What the heck?" I said, bringing it closer to my face.
"It just vibrated, at the end of the roar."
Amelia's expression grew from giddy into worried, and then into concern.
"Is it...communicating?"
"I don't know." I said. "I don't hear anything."
I held the shark tooth up to my ear, and yet, there was nothing.
"Its not making any noise."
"Hold it up again, see what it does." She ordered.
I held it over my head again, and just like last time, there was another bellow down the length of the Rift, shaking the timbers within the ship, and the tooth vibrated violently. But this time, the tooth began to glow a bright green, and a young girl's voice washed over the ship.
"έλα σε μένα." The girl said.
"What was that?" Amelia asked.
"I don't know, I couldn't understand what they said." I replied. "It was a girls voice though."
"Oh I know that much Micheal!!" She said, starting to get worked up. "You're a real help.'
"Whoa, what are you getting mad at me for?"
She looked ready to retort with something smart, but suddenly, the tooth vibrated again, and the small girls voice came from the tooth yet again.
"Φέρτε μου το κομμάτι που λείπει."
"Micheal, what is that??"
"I don't know!" I said.
Another roar through the watery tunnel, and this time, when we all looked forward, we noticed a gigantic, black shape moving through the water, heading right for the ship.
"Oh, this can't be good."

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