Revelations 15:2

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    All of us crowded around the aftcastle of the ship, staying around Marine as she steered the ship towards the docks of the fortress. The Storyteller had just disappeared, and so far, none of us were exactly sure where he went.
    "Where the fuck did he go?" Marine said. "Did he just leave us alone out here?"
    "I don't know, he didn't say—"
    Suddenly, I was cut off by a flash of light from very, very top of the fortress, and I clicked my spyglass to the fullest length before looking through it at the top of the fortress. There, upon the ramparts, I saw the no eyed man, the girl with the purple hair, and the Storyteller, standing behind him, and amazingly, the Storyteller wasn't wearing his normal pirate clothes that I had more than gotten used to seeing him in. Instead, he was wearing a set of beautiful spectral-looking armor, and he had a crown that was somehow made out of water, somehow fashioned into shapes despite it being....well...water. He hefted a red short sword, holding it at the ready, and I saw that they were talking back and forth, likely just bantering to one another.
"Aye, he's up there!" I said, pointing at the ramparts of the fortress.
"Well, what's he doing?"  
"It looks likes he's just talking to the guy!" I said.
"Just talking to him? Well, he did say he wanted to take care of him while we handle the minions."
As I looked through the spyglass, I suddenly saw the Man from the Stars throw something right at the Storyteller, and he caught it right before it hit him in the face, simply plucking it right out of the air without any trouble whatsoever. He said something back at him, then flew up in the air, apparently yelling at the Man from the Stars, and I saw that a forcefield appeared around the girl with the purple hair, and suddenly a massive boom exploded through the air, shaking the entire sea. And it was followed by the absolute most horrific noise that I had ever heard in my life.
I looked up, trying to figure out the source of the noise, and I saw that a massive, burning meteor came screeching out of the sky, tearing and blasting through the air, all the way down until it slammed directly into the Man from the Stars, causing the fortress to crumble beneath him as the meteor crushed layer after layer after layer of stone. The fortress exploded beneath the crushing weight of the meteor, and I saw magma and lava from the volcano bled out of the side of the rock, almost like an ugly, gaping wound had been carved into the side of the mountain. My jaw went slack as I watched, but as my eyes were glued to the scene, there was a series of sonic booms, then, the screeching that I had heard from the meteor was amplified through the air, and when I looked back at the sky, I figured out why. There was about a dozen or so meteors that came screaming out of the sky, heading straight for the fortress.
And to my astonishment, all of the meteors hit against various parts of the fortress, crushing the ramparts, battle towers, fortifications, and the harbor, and one of the meteors slammed in the middle of the fleet of ships, disintegrating most of the ships while splintering and shattering the others. The entire fortress and sprawling base was leveled in about thirty seconds from the multiple strikes from the meteors, and from the many, many shockwaves of the impacts, all of us were thrown onto the deck of the ship, forcing us to watch as the fortress was completely obliterated in a matter of seconds. After the final meteor landed, crushing the last of the ramparts, most of it fell silent, besides for the crumbling of the stone bricks from the now destroyed fortress. Lava flowed all the way down the side of the mountain, pouring over the ruins of the fortress, and I sat there, on the deck, my ears still ringing from the dozens of booms, screeches, impacts, and explosions, and I finally found the courage to speak.
"Holy shit." I said, staring at the ruins of the fortress. "Wh—what the fuck was that?"
Marine grabbed onto my hand, trying to steady herself as the ringing of the explosions slowly began to die down, and I saw her draw her sword, holding it at the ready as she rubbed her ears with her shoulders. Both of us looked at the fortress, readying ourselves for anything that might happen, but suddenly, I saw the Storyteller, in all of his might and glory, come flying over to us, gliding over the destroyed remains of the fortress, as if in a mockery, and he shot across the hot ocean, going so fast that he slightly parted the waters beneath him and blasted the droplets behind him, almost like a comet that was shooting through the waters. He roared straight over to us as the ships and harbor burned behind him, and he came to a screeching halt off of the port side of our ship, and I finally got a good look at him.
Just like I had though, he had spectral, almost translucent armor on, looking almost like a knight from our world, but all over the armor, there were words that were floating in and out, like they were flying around in a small ocean, all to themselves. And his crown looked as if it was made of water, somehow suspended in place to form sharp points that formed the shape of the crown. And, just like up on the top of the fortress when he faced the Man from the Stars, both his mouth and eyes were glowing white with power, hiding all of the features of his mouth and eyes.
"Greetings, mortals." He said, his voice sounding so much more ancient and powerful than before. "This, Micheal, is my true form. I hath created the universe, I write the universes, I am the universe, and the universe is within me."
    So far, I had absolutely no idea what the hell he was talking about, but as he floated there, off to the side of the ship, I decided to bite my tongue and not say anything that might get me in trouble with an all powerful god.
    "Oh, what the hell am I saying." He said, and both his voice and the glow from his eyes and mouth died down, and he looked almost normal, albeit it still in spectral god armor, with a massive, burning set of volcanoes behind him. "Its still me, even through all of this."
    He hovered back down to the deck of the ship, and I walked forward and slapped him on the shoulder, but right as my hand made contact with the armor, it was like a static shock hit me, making the hairs on my neck stand straight up.
I recoiled from the shock, rubbing my hand, and the Storyteller flashed me a grin.
    "I wouldn't recommend touching the armor." He said with a grin. "It was crafted from spoken word, and is very, very ancient and powerful."
    "Aye, I can tell!" I said, rubbing the shocked part of my hand to try and relieve the pain of the static shock. "So, what, is that guy dead or what? Seems like you got him."
    "Oh, not by a long shot." He said. "He'll be back up soon, so get as close as possible before he..."
    Suddenly, and from the ruins of the fortress, a bellow of absolute pain and rage shook the mountain, and I heard the Man from the Stars screaming and yelling in pain.
    "AAAHHHHH IT BURNS!!!!" He screamed. "IT BURRRRNSSS!!!!"
    I pulled out my spyglass yet again as Marine readied herself, and when I looked through at the fortress, I saw a sight that nearly made me throw up. In one of the rivers of yellow and orange lava, I saw that the Man from the Stars was trying to claw himself out of the lava, his skin having been burned off, along with a lot of the muscles and tissue, leaving his bones visible as they burned in the heat of the lava. He screamed and screamed, but as I watched him flailing, I saw the skin and muscles on his arms were starting to regrow and attach to his arms, and he stood up from the lava, staring at our ship with a look of absolute hate across his very, very badly burned and melted face. He held his hand up yet again, but this time, he pointed it right at the ship, and when I took my eyes way from the spyglass, I saw a large, yellow beam of pure energy and magic shoot out of his hands, and it struck the engine of the ship before any of us could react. In the split second that I got to see it, the beam melted straight through the engine, and the engine exploded, tearing the ship in half with a great ball of fire.

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