
16 1 4

"We have to get out of here!!!" Marine yelled at the rest of the party.
She currently had Micheal's unconscious form draped over her like the world's heaviest sack of flour, and so far, his skin was tingly to the touch, almost as if she was touching a lightning rod that was still charged. And boy, as she ran, Micheal just was not getting any lighter.
"What the hell happened??" Amelia hollered as they all took off running through the rubble of the now completely decimated city. "How in the fuck did he destroy everything??"
"I have no clue!!" She shouted back. "He just screamed, and then everything came down!"
There was a cracking sound off to the left of Marine, and she saw that a large golden statue of Gura herself was coming down as the after shock tremors still tore the city apart. The statue broke apart at the waist, and her top half smashed into a small shopkeeper's building, crushing it and sending shards of stone, glass, and wood flying in their direction.
"We gotta get out of here!" Amelia yelled as the shop was crushed. "Whatever the fuck he did, the shock from it is gonna keep resonating through the ground until-"
Right as she said that, the city shook again, and there was a massive groan as a large temple with an aquamarine trident cracked apart at its base and fell, crushing an untold number of buildings and people under it as it fell with an earth shaking boom. But, under the sound of the boom, another sound echoed into their ears, being a loud screech, reminding Marine of the time that Kronii Ouro opened a portal to meet with her. Marine looked around, trying to find the source of the noise, and she saw that, up in the ruins of the palace, on top of the island, a purple and black portal was opening, and Marine, with one hand, took her spyglass out, trained it on the newly opened portal, and looked through it, trying to see if there was anything else happening. And, after just a moment, three people stepped out, and Marine was completely speechless. The first was a woman, wearing a rather revealing black dress, studded with brass buttons, and around her head, pink hair flowed around her shoulders as she held a large scythe. Mori Calliope, the Goddess of Death, in all of her glory. The second was another woman, wearing a farmers outfit, and she had long, orange hair that turned green at the ends of her hairstyle. Marine never thought she would see the Goddess of Fire in her lifetime, since she stayed in the underworld with her wife all the time. The final person stepped out of the portal, and this was a man, one that Marine had CERTAINLY never seen, dressed in a well tailored business suit, and he might have been handsome, but, his face was blurry, and the only detail that she could make out about him was the fact that he had no eyes. Just dark, hollow sockets that seemed to stare them down as Amelia grabbed Marine's hands and pulled her along, still running out of the burning city.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
"There they are!!" Sebastian yelled, grabbing onto Calli's arm and pushing her forward. "Go kill him!! Obviously that idiotic goddess of the sea failed to do her job!!!"
"Wait, I'm not killing him!! Look what the hell he did around here!!"
"And??? I don't care!!!" He said. "Both of you will be killed, unless you do as I say!"
"You can't even kill a goddess." She said, giving a Sebastian a dumb look. "You're full of shit, Sebastian."
"I can kill a goddess!!" He said. "What makes you think that I can't?"
"Because of Fauna. She's still alive, isn't she?" She said, shielding Kiara behind her to keep her safe. "All of the gods that you claimed were dead, they're all alive, aren't they? You told me you killed them. You gloated about it, like a proud child that won a fight, but it isn't true, is it?"
For a moment, Sebastian was taken aback by the comment, and she saw a sign of fear in his blurry face, right before his face morphed into rage. However, right as he opened his mouth to say something, a trident came flying out of the ruins, and it pierced him straight through the chest, spraying blood everywhere as he smacked, face first, on the ground with a scream. And there, standing far behind him, was Gawr Gura herself, still in the trident throwing stance.
"YES!!!" Calli yelled, holding her scythe in the battle stance as Kiara drew her fiery sword and shield.
Gura advanced forward, and she stuck out her hand, recalling the trident out of Sebastians pierced back as she walked up to them.
"I am NOT in the mood for his shenanigans." She said. "Let's kill this bastard. I have a city to rebuild."
"What the hell happened here, Gura?" Kiara asked.
"This bastard named Micheal used some kind of magic. I've never seen anything like it, but I do not feel like talking. I want this guy to die, and then I'll figure out what to do with that idiot Micheal and the ruined city."
All three goddesses advanced on the downed Sebastian, but, as they watched, his wounds closed up, and he stood back up, held out his hands, and a large, silver halberd appeared in his hands, the axe head, spear head, and pike looking extremely deadly in the lights of the burning city. Immediately, Calli struck first, slashing at him with her scythe, but he raised his halberd and blocked it with a shower of sparks, then lifted his halberd, arced it over his head, and brought it back down in a strike on Calli. She tried to raise her scythe to block it, but out of nowhere, Kiara jutted her shield into the action and blocked it before returning a strike with the flaming sword, striking his halberd away as he dodged the strike from the flaming sword. He backpedaled a little bit, then, as Kiara advanced forward, he extended his palm out to her.
"Get BACK!!" He yelled, and a force of energy exploded forth from his hand, struck Kiara, and threw her backwards, forcing her to land on her butt.
Seeing this, Gura extended her hand outward, and a large blob of water congealed itself around a piece of a shattered pillar and it carried the piece, at a very high speed, right into the back of Sebastian's head. The moment it hit him, there was a sickening crunch as more blood stained the side of the rock, and Sebastian was thrown to the floor yet again. Calli advanced forward yet again, swinging her scythe down onto his vulnerable back, and she stabbed him straight through the spine.
He screamed, and she began to notice that his skin was starting to glow brightly, just like the magma rivers in Inferis.
"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!" He screamed, and suddenly, a wave of fiery plasma burst forth from him, and all three goddess flew back yet again, and this time, as they landed, Calli's head slammed against a large broken stone slab, and stars danced around in her eyes as she was stunned.
She stuck her hands out in front of her, clawing at nothing, but eventually, they found purchase against the shattered marble floor, and she hoisted herself just as she heard a scream from her right.
"Kiara???" She yelled.
She blinked the stars out of her eyes, trying to get over the stun, and, to her absolute horror, the first thing she saw was Kiara, laying on the floor, with Sebastian's halberd pierced right through her chest. She screamed and cried, clutching the halberd that was through her chest, and Calli dropped her scythe, drew a dagger and ran right at Sebastian, screaming in rage.
"FUCK YOU!!!! FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!!!!!" She yelled.
Immediately, she grabbed Sebastian by the collar of his stupid suit, and before he could even register what was happening, she plunged the dagger right into his chest, pulled it out while it was drenched in his blood, and she plunged it straight back into another part of his chest. He cried out in pain, trying to shake her off of him, but she grabbed him by the neck, channeling the full power of death right into her hand, attempting to smother the tremendous life force right out of Sebastian. It seemed to work as he started to slow down from the power, and Calli squeezed his neck tighter, then brought him over to a ruined pool of water, grabbed him by the back of the neck, and held him down in the pool of water, her rage nearly splitting her head open.
"DROWN!!!!!" She screamed. "FUCKING DROWN!!!!!"
She kept channeling all of her power, and at this point, it was starting to drain her. It had been a long, long time since she used her full power, but now, with adrenaline and rage pulsing through her veins, she was feeling all of the power of the title of the Goddess of Death. But, she couldn't hold out forever, and Sebastian was starting to recover.
"Gura!!!" She yelled. "Gura??"
She turned to get Gura to help her, but, to her absolute shock, Gura was no where in sight, and neither was Kiara. Her body was gone, and Calli was so enraptured by this, that she failed to notice that her powers faded and Sebastian regained his composure. He grabbed her hand, forced her off of him, then, grabbed her arm, flung her off of her feet, arcing through the air, and he slammed her down on a small field of busted glass, the sharp edges cutting her back and digging in. She screamed in pain, then grabbed the dagger and swiped it up in front of her, trying to fend him off, but he grabbed her arm again, this time spun her around, and slammed her head against the wall, forcing her to nearly black out as her knees went weak. She collapsed on the floor, just trying to survive, but Sebastian retreated for a moment, tending to his wounds, and Calli took it to herself to charge up a DeathBeam.
If this doesn't kill him, then I don't know what the hell will.
She staggered to her feet, trying to recover even a tiny bit of her life, and right as Sebastian saw her standing back up, he smirked.
"You really don't know when to quit, now do you?" He said, smirking.
Before he could make another stupid remark, she extended her hand out to him, and suddenly, a beam of pure black magical power shot straight out of her hand, taking the fullest extent of her power to cast her trump card, and yet, as soon as the beam reached Sebastian, he held out his hand, and he simply caught the beam, absorbing all of the power of the beam as it was fired from Calli's hand. He smirked yet again, then, he drew a sword, advanced on Calli, and he grabbed her by the arm before plunging the short sword straight into her arm, cutting off the beam. She screamed yet again, but at this point, the pain was completely unbearable as she collapsed against the ground.
"Any last words??" He growled.
"You'll never win." She said, and just to add a layer of spite to him, she spat straight on his face.
Instantly, he recoiled, wiping the salvia off of his face as he stared at her with disgust, and, finally he grabbed her by the shoulder blade, and he stabbed her through the heart with the short sword. At this point, she didn't even bother to scream. She just slumped against the ground, her world growing darker, and darker, faster and faster.
"I already have."
And that was the very last thing that Calli heard, before her entire world went black.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

He leaned back against the stones of the ruined palace, breathing heavily as pain still coursed through his nerves. He had just defeated two powerful Goddesses, and forced a third to retreat. Now, his confidence was growing. He could attack Micheal and his little girlfriend and the Storyteller to kill them and end it all now, but, at the moment, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't seriously injured. And on top of that, he wasn't at his full power. If he was healed, he might take them on now, but, if he bided his time and waited, he could heal and grow in power, helping his chances of victory.
He watched as the steamship frigate slowly let down the sails to get going, and Sebastian smirked as he nursed his wounds.
"I'll kill you soon enough." He said to himself. "Just you wait, Micheal."

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