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Where the hell are they?
That single thought had been going through his head all day as he stood in front of his map of the worlds he wanted to conquer. As of now, the ship that he was tracking, with that idiot Micheal on it, had completely disappeared, and since he lost contact with Gawr Gura, he had no idea if he was within the Rifts, or if he had just dropped off of his radar. He had to find him, But for the moment, he had to wait on those idiotic goddesses Calli and Gura to either find him and report his location, or simply to kill him, destroy that pathetic ship, and bring his corpse. But for now, as he stood in front of that map, he coughed, and he finally realized just how dry his throat was. He winced as he felt the thorn of dryness, an unfortunate byproduct of his stupid physical form.
"AQUA!!!!" He roared, his voice echoing through they black, volcanic stone of the fortress. "WHERE ARE YOU??"
He listened out for that bumbling airhead, and far off down the hall and stairwell that led to the kitchen, he heard a set of small footsteps, followed by a loud crash and crying. He rolled his eyes at the thought of her falling down, and very deep down inside, a small amount of rage was boiling up inside of him.
"WILL YOU HURRRY UP??" He yelled again.
He heard the pathetic crying getting closer and closer, and finally, Aqua Minato came up the stairs, holding a silver plate with tea, and there were tears streaming down her face. She was this rather short girl, maybe only 18 or 19, dressed in a naval maid outfit with white tights and black shoes, but the weirdest part about her was that she had purple hair, and on the inside of her hairstyle, the part that faced her head, was blue, like a layer, which is what inspired his nickname for her, Onion-Head. She had been captured from the Kingdom when a part of Sebastian's fleet had attacked almost a year ago, and from that point on, he took a certain liking to her idiotic and naive nature, amusing him with her stupid human antics.
"I called you, and it sounded like you fell, are you okay?" He said, trying to suppress a grin.
"Y-yes sir." She replied in a quiet voice, attempting to stifle a sniffle.
"You don't sound okay." He said, then pulled a chair out from one of the tables near him. "Sit, let me see what happened."
She sniffled yet again, but now, as she set the platter of tea down on the table, Sebastian clearly saw that she was limping, likely having twisted her ankle when she fell, and she limped over to the chair, sitting down as she flattened her maid outfit out. She winced as more tears streamed down her face, and Sebastian grabbed another chair and pulled it in front of her, letting her prop her feet up as she winced yet again.
"Take off your shoes, lemme inspect the damage and tell me what happened."
She seemed to finally relax, and she took off her right side shoe gingerly, trying to keep as much pressure off of her ankle as was possible, and finally, as her shoe was off, Sebastian saw that her ankle was swollen from the injury, the tights stretching very slightly under the swell.
"I-I was grabbing t-t-the tea that I knew you wa-wanted, an-and I slipped on the fl-fl-floor and t-twisted it." She said in between sniffling.
"Alright, lemme see the damage, so stay still, okay?"
She nodded slightly as she continued crying, and Sebastian looked over her ankle, trying to see if there was any other type of damage done to either the tendons or muscles, but as he was helping her, a growing rage began to wall up inside of him, hating the fact that he, an aspiring God of gods, was now nursing a creature far lower than he, and at the very rear of his mind, a raspy voice began to claw at him.
Pathetic. Why are you helping such a clumsy creature?
And he began to squeeze her ankle. At first, she just whimpered and winced, trying to bite back the pain in the presence of Sebastian, but after just a minute, she began to cry out, wailing and wiggling to try and get the pain to stop, but Sebastian held fast, squeezing her injured ankle in a sick act of spite. He hated the Storyteller, he hated Micheal, he hated these foolish gods who all failed him with such a simple task, and now, he was taking it out on this pathetic servant of his, and he felt nearly zero sympathy. In fact, he looked up from her ankle and made eye contact with her, watching her cry and scream, and deep down, he loved every second of it.
Suffer. He thought. Suffer like me. Feel a sliver of the pain I felt.
He ground his teeth together to hide the sadistic pleasure that he was feeling, and the blood began to roar in his ears as she screamed and shrieked from the pain.
Feel it. His mind screamed, reverberating off of his skull. Feel the pain.
At this point now, he was waiting to torture that stupid Storyteller. Once he could attain his full power, he knew that he could defeat the Storyteller and take back the power that was robbed from him. And boy, he would drag out that Storyteller's death. He would make him feel every single ounce of pain that he felt. But for now, the roar of blood in his ears was beginning to die down, and Aqua's crying returned to his ears. He had loosened his grip on her ankle, and now, she had stopped the screaming, replaced by a rather pitiful whimper. Immediately, the sympathy returned, however, this time, it wasn't followed by immediate rage, and he now knew that he needed to cover for what happened. So, he channeled a small amount of his power into her ankle, and he healed her enough to make the pain stop for now.
"Feeling better?" He said coldly.
"Y-yes sir." She said, thankfully not picking up on the lack of care in his voice.
"Good. Now get out of my sight, and leave the tea."

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