The Toughest Foe Yet

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The moment I ordered for the charge on Sebastian, all hell broke loose. Botan immediately charged at Sebastian, empty handed, and she grabbed the shaft of her spear that was still skewered through his chest. She steeled her muscles, then planted her feet securely against the ground and swung Sebastian, letting him slide off of the spear like a horrible shish kebab. She swung her spear around as Noel charged in, holding her mace, and she swung it down in front of Botan, the metal spiked club nearly crushing Sebastian's skull and knocking him to the ground yet again. He groaned in pain, then, I watched as both Calliope Mori and Botan swung their weapons down, with Calli's scythe and Botan's spear piercing Sebastian right through his chest. Before Sebastian could even react to the onslaught, Chloe ran in, and in one fluid motion, grabbed both of Sebastians ankles and cleanly cut the Achilles' tendons, fully crippling him. He screamed in pain, looking at me with an expression of pure hatred, but when I went to kick him straight in the face, he screamed.
"Thats ENOUGH!!!!" He shrieked.
Instantly, there was a wave of force that exploded out from Sebastian, and my eardrums nearly burst as all of us were thrown back and onto our butts, pain rocketing through my body as I fought the urge to throw up. I looked around, trying to blink the stars and blur out of my vision, and I saw that everyone was stunned just like I was, but Sebastian had risen from his injured position on the ground, and he was walking straight towards me, all of his wounds slowly closing up as he closed the distance between us. He opened his mouth to speak yet again, and even through the layers of ringing and pounding in my ears, I heard his voice, clear as day.
"I have HAD IT with you stupid pirates meddling in my plans." He hissed, standing right in front of me now. "And you wanna play pirate? You wanna play with the big boys? Here, I'll help you with that."
And with that, I watched as Sebastian crouched down, grabbed my wrist, and in one motion, drew a small axe from his belt, lifted it above his head, and brought it down on my wrist, successfully cutting my left hand clean off. Instantly, pain exploded throughout me, feeling like almost nothing I had ever felt before. What was left of my wrist felt like it was on fire as it bled, and I screamed, crying and cussing to try and stave off the pain. I tried to swing my right hand up to hit Sebastian, but, to my shock, he grabbed me by the neck and squeezed, cutting off my lungs from the precious air outside. I gasped and choked, but through my blurry vision, I watched helplessly as he drew a knife, raised it just like the axe, and cut it straight across my right eye.
It was agony. I screamed and cried as my vision decreased substantially, and through my blurry, half gone vision, I saw Sebastian smiling sadistically.
"There ya go." He said. "I completed that ridiculous look for you."
I couldn't even pay attention to him anymore. Instead, I curled right into the fetal position, nursing my agonizing injuries as I bled all over the surface of the cracked, hot stone. I heard Sebastian chuckling above me, obviously enjoying the moment of sick pleasure, and I looked up, helplessly, right into his blurry, empty eye sockets, filled with malice and cruelty.
"Well, its time to die, pirate." He said, holding his sword as he got ready to execute me. "Hope you had fun with your little play-along."
And as he raised that sword, I felt a horrible tingling sensation. Every single muscle in my body knew that time was up. Maybe the Storyteller would win, maybe Sebastian would win, I wasn't sure. But what I was sure about was the fact that it was over. It was a good run while I had it, and as he raised the sword, I saw memories flashing before me. Marine and I in Heaven's Gate, Atlantis, our first kiss, her training me in sword combat, busting her out of prison, the tavern brawl, the Isle of Animals, and even when I met her, pulling her out of a large, gross pile of pig shit in that tiny town, so very, very far away from here. I longed for the beach, and the comfort of the waves instead of the hellish environment around me, but it was all over. As he thrust the sword downward, almost in slow motion, I closed my eye, readying for the inevitable fate to hit me.
I flinched, tensing up every single muscle in my body, but I soon realized that I wasn't in any new pain. I opened my eye, and I saw Sebastian standing there, with his sword by his side, and he dropped to his knees, revealing a very, very nasty gunshot wound to his head.
"Uhhhhhh." He groaned.
I stared at him in shock, but when I craned my neck to see what had happened, I fell silent with amazement. There, standing over me like my guardian angel, was a certain pirate captain, with her smoking pistol having already been drawn.
"Get the hell away from my boyfriend." Marine growled.
I gave her a toothy, blood filled grin, but before either of us could react, there was a flash of white light from the Storyteller, and I saw him point the Sword of Deletion right at Sebastian, anger and rage plaguing his face. With a scream of godly rage, he charged forward, giving Sebastian zero time to react, and with an awful, sickly noise, he stabbed Sebastian straight through the chest. The moment the blade was through his chest, there was a bright white light that exploded from his chest, and he screamed as hard as he could, gripping the hilt of the blade as the Storyteller pressed the sword deeper into his chest. The white light got brighter and brighter, then, in a single moment, the light died down, and everything went silent. Sebastian stood there in complete silence as the blade sank lower and lower into his chest, but finally, with a groan of pain, his knees buckled. He went down hard on the ground, landing on his butt, and he was silent as he sat on the ground.
As soon as I was safe, Marine knelt down by my side, and I was crying, nearly bawling my eyes out as I held onto the stump of my wrist. The moment she was by my side, she gently pried my hand away from my injured wrist, then grabbed a bandage soaked with pink fluid out of her pocket, unraveled it, and started to tie it around my wrist. It stung, which caused me to cry out in pain yet again, but as soon as the pink part hit my wrist, I started to feel a tiny bit better. My breathing hitched as the remains of my eye irritated me, but Marine finished up the bandage, and she pulled my head into her lap to try and comfort me.

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