Sneaking In

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I snuck around the side of the gate, careful to keep out of the patches of dead leaves and haystacks as Noel strode right up to the front of the fortress. The moment she was within view of the guards, they both stepped forward, refraining from drawing their weapons as she approached them.
"Noel?" The man on the left said.
"Aye, its me."
She walked up to them, and as she did, I moved up silently behind them, drawing two knives to kill them, but suddenly, the guy on the right side of me drew his spear, and he pointed it at Noel.
"You aren't welcomed here anymore, Mrs Shirogane." He said.
"What? But I'm a valid knight of the Kingdom." She said, her eyes having grown wide. "I literally have worked my entire life for this."
"Well, the King declared you a deserter. You need to leave, right now, before things get really bad for you."
At that moment, I felt her pain. She had just had her life's work stripped away from her, and there was nothing she could do to return to it. I prayed no one was watching, and out of pure spite, I plunged both knives into the necks of the guards, cutting off their vocal chords and piercing their throats before they could scream. They both gargled, and I dragged their bodies into an area of dense vegetation to hide them from the prying eyes of the soldiers in the fortress. I searched both of the bodies, ignoring the small coins that I found on them, and I took one of their sets of keys for the Armory, and I tossed them to Noel before pulling my daggers out of their necks and sheathing them. I gently grasped her arm and brought her behind a wagon that held barrels of unknown substances, and I put my arm around her. As I looked at her, I saw a very, very deep pain in her eyes, like her entire world that she had spent so much time building was torn to shreds in front of her eyes.
"I know how that feels, okay?" I said. "Having everything ripped from you like that, I know that pain, okay?"
She nodded and sniffled, then held up the keys while wiping her eyes.
"Let's get to the Armory. I just want to get out of here." She whispered.
"I get that. Let's move."
We both crouched low, crawling through the patches of bushes and leaves, keeping out of the sight of the soldiers that were on the walls, keeping an eye out over the harbor and the town below us. Once we were in the right position, I stopped Noel, and we looked right at the Armory doors.
"Alright, I'm about to signal Jansen and Botan, okay?" I said, eyeing the doors.
"Okay, how is that going to work?"
"Easy. I took this from the weapon room aboard the ship."
I pulled a small black orb out of my pocket, and Noel recognized it for what it really was: a bomb, with a magical vial attached to the side of it, a nice little gift from Amelia. I took a match out of my pocket, struck it against her armor, lit the bomb, and waited a few seconds, cooking it in my hand.
"Micheal? Throw the thing!" She hissed.
"Give me just a second."
The fuse was almost up, and that's when I finally threw the bomb in the air, soaring decently high in the sky before it suddenly exploded into a magical green light. All of the soldiers snapped at the sound, but before they could do anything, there was a serious of booming rings from out in the harbor, and the side of the fortress exploded under the force of the shots.
"TO ARMS, ALL OF YOU!!!" A big burly man, who I suspected was the commander of the fort, yelled. "MAN THE GUNS AND DEFEND THE FORTRESS!!!!"
Throughout all of the chaos, the doors of the Armory burst open, and a bunch of soldiers and knights came pouring out of it, running up the stairs to fire back at our ship.
"Now's our chance!" I hissed. "Go go go!!!"
We both sprinted for the doors of the Armory, and Noel jammed the keys into the keyhole, unlocked the Armory, and shut the door, locking it from the inside.
"Alright Noel, where to?"
Suddenly, the entire fortress shook, and she looked up at the ceiling before wiping sweat and dust from her face.
"Uhh, this way!"
She proceeded down a dark and musty hall, her armor clanking as she went through, and we got up to a staircase, which led both up and down.
"Which way?"
"We gotta go down!" She said. "Prisons are never on the top level."
"Okay, lets go Noel!" I said. "We gotta hurry!!!"
We kept going down the stair well, and as we went, I downed the vial that would turn me visible again, and after grimacing at the horrible, rotten taste of the water, the air around me rippled again, and I saw myself again. We kept going and going, until finally, we got down to the prison, and we got off of the stair well.
"Marine!!!" I yelled.
"Micheal!?" She yelled from one of the farthest cells.
I pushed past Noel as we both sprinted down to her dank, dirty cell, and we saw that it was locked with a rather thin and rusty metal chain across it. Directly next to Marine's cell, there was another girl, maybe a little bit shorter than Marine, and she had a black mask that covered both her eyes and the bridge of her nose. She cowered in the corner of her cell, watching us as Noel positioned herself to break the chains, and I saw that the eyeholes of her mask were white, and they blinked as she blinked, which I thought was kind of cool.
BANG!!!! Noel swung her mace down on the chains, and they snapped like butter, falling to the floor of the prison cell and letting me yank the door open, freeing Marine. For a moment, all I felt was her embrace me as she hugged me tight and buried her face into my shoulder, but after a moment, I noticed a tapping noise. I turned and looked, and it was the girl with the black mask, and she was tapping the bars of her cell while pointing at the lock.
"Can you free her?" Marine asked, looking at Noel expectantly.
She sighed.
"Yeah sure, lets do it."
She swung the mace at the chains, and just like Marine's cell, they broke loose instantly, and the girl was let out of her cell as the fortress shook again, raining dust down on top of us.
"We gotta get out of here!!" Marine said.
"Yeah, lets go!" A voice added.
All of us turned and looked, and there was the Storyteller, holding his sword in his hand, and it was stained red with blood.
"Its chaos out there!" He said. "If there ever was a time to leave, then now is that time!"
"Then lets go!" I said
And we all ran for the stairwell.

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