Eldritch Goddess

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As I was trekking deeper and deeper into the Kraken, the sound of a beating heart began to get louder and louder in my ears, beating throughout the walls that were getting narrower and narrower around me. Right when it seemed almost like they would squish me, they opened back up into a very, very large and rather bright room. In the very center of the room, there was a mast from some ship that extended all the way up to the top of the Kraken, and at the very top, I could see that there were several giant holes in the hull of another ship, letting some of the daylight stream in from far above.
And, about midway up through the room, there was a massive blob of flesh and tubes that looked suspiciously like a heart, and right as I was watching, part of the sac that was around it pulsated, and there was a loud thumping noise.
"Well, there it is." I said.
Instantly, I got to work. I ran all the way over to the mast, then jumped straight up to the ropes and grabbed onto them, planting my feet against the mast to help my way up. I grabbed onto the ropes over and over, climbing my way over to the top of the mast, and I got closer and closer to the heart of the Kraken. At this point, my nose was nearly burning from the sheer power of the awful smell. I gagged and gagged over and over, but I pressed forward, climbing up the mast, until I was right up next to the heart as it pulsated in front of me. I could feel the life of the thing right in front of me. I slung the barrel of gunpowder off of my shoulder, then tied it to the mast, then pulled out three bottles of rum and tied two of them to the sides of the barrel, and one to the very top of the barrel, giving it a little bit better blasting power. And with that and my makeshift bomb set up, I clicked the hammer on my flintlock and got ready to climb.
Suddenly, and from all around me, a woman's voice exploded through the body of the Kraken, and as I hit me, I nearly let go of my hold on the ropes, swinging around wildly as the Kraken shook, I held on fast, then redrew my sword and held it at the ready.
"Who's there??" I asked out to nothing.
My eyes crept all over the walls of the inside of this Kraken, searching for the source of the noise, and suddenly, a slimy purple tentacle wrapped itself around my waist, and I was wrenched right off my feet and into the air off the side of the mast. Instantly, I screamed and wriggled, trying to get out of its grasp, but it curled tighter and tighter around me, forcing my arms to stay by my side as I looked around frantically. I followed the length of the tentacle that was around me, and at the base of the tentacle, it led to a darker part of the room around me, and there, I saw the figure of a rather short and slender woman, creeping at the edge of the room.
"Answer me." She said. "Who are you?"
"My name is Micheal." I said. "Who the hell are you?"
"I am Ninomae Ina'nis." She said. "And I've been watching you. What are you doing in here?"
"None of your business, so let me the hell go."
"I'm afraid I cannot do that."
"Then I guess I'll give you some help!!!"
With that, I wiggled my left hand free, and I stabbed my sword straight down into the tentacle. Ina immediately screamed, and she let go of me, dropping me straight into open air. Thankfully, my reflexes took over, and I grabbed onto the side of the mast and held on for dear life as she screamed in pain. I reached up and climbed farther and farther up the mast, but when I looked down, Ina came slithering out of the darkness, with a large mass of wriggling tentacles beneath her, and I finally got a good look at her. Just like in the shadows, she was a rather tall and slender woman, with long purple hair that flowed around her shoulders, and around her face, there were two small purple tentacles, fading into a bright orange halfway near the tips. Her eyes were a rather light purple, and they shone in the light that streamed down from overhead. She wore a very strange outfit, being just a purple one piece that covered her from her chest to her groin, and around her waist, she wore what looked to be a pair of wings that curved around her. On one leg, she had a white stocking that extended all the way up to the feathery skirt, and her other leg was completely bare, which threw me off just a bit.
"HOW DARE YOU??" She screamed, her tentacles helping her climb her way up the mast as well.
Thankfully, as I was watching, I noticed that she had no weapon of any kind, but that didn't make me feel any better as she climbed up the mast with a horrific and terrifying expression on her face. I gasped in fear, then gripped the mast with all of my might and leapt upward, grabbing onto the broken ladder of the mast, holding on for dear life as I heard Ina climbing her way up the mast below me. There was another shudder from the Kraken as I climbed farther and farther up the mast, and thankfully, I was starting to get relatively close to the hole in the top of the Kraken. My lungs, arms, and legs burned from all of the climbing, sailing, running and fighting that I had been doing, but I pressed on, closer and closer towards the light.
Unfortunately, I failed to notice that Ina had caught up to me, and out of nowhere, I felt a slimy tentacle wrap around my leg and drag me downward, wrenching me free of the mast and throwing me against the wooden wall of the Kraken. Instantly, I crushed multiple wooden planks under my weight, and I crashed down inside of the rotting hold of a long-destroyed ship.
"Guhhhhhh." I groaned, trying to recover from the physical shock.
Even though I was completely stunned from the shock of the hit, I still noticed the Ina had perched herself between me and the mast, holding onto the walls and the ceiling with her tentacles as she stared me down. I stumbled to my feet and held my sword right in front of me, readying for a fight, but Ina held her gaze instead of attacking.
"Micheal, do you not fear death?" She asked.
The moment she said that, her eyes began to glow white, and a glowing, pink hologram of a pentagram that hovered behind her.
"What the hell are you talking about?" I said, hefting my sword into a battle stance.
"I mean, do you fear death?" She said. "Do you fear that abyss that awaits you? The nothingness, the void, the oblivion after your short, pathetic life do you not fear it?"
I took that moment to ready myself, and I sneakily drew my boarding axe and held it behind me, out of her sight.
"No, I don't fear death." I said. "Otherwise, I would never have become a pirate."
She cocked her head, and I gripped the boarding axe.
"And I would have never done this."
Right then, quick as lightning, I hefted the boarding axe, aimed in a flash, and heaved the boarding axe at her. By a stroke of miraculous luck, the axe chopped straight into her flat chest, knocking her back. Instantly she screamed and shrieked, grasping at the axe that was embedded in her chest, and I took that opportunity to book it straight to her, my feet stomping against the ground as I pushed myself faster and faster. I took in one last deep breath, and I jumped as hard as I could, sallied through the air, then planted my feet against her shoulders and kicked off, using her as a launching pad. Again, I sailed through the air as she was disoriented, and I slammed against the mast, all of the air being crushed out of my lungs with a large "OOF."
For a split moment, I tried to regain my senses, but I shook my head and strode upward, trying my damndest to get to the top of the mast, and thankfully it was paying off, as I was only ten feet from the top of the mast, and from there, it was a five foot jump to the hole that led to my freedom. As I was climbing, another round of gunfire erupted from the man o war, and then, there was a series of smaller and much more tinny booms as our ship unleashed a broadside from whatever cannons we had left, both ships peppering the Kraken yet again. It shuddered all around us, and I saw that Ina was scrunching her face in pain, as if she felt the pain as well as the Kraken. I took the time while she was distracted by the pain, and I reached up to the top of the mast, and I hauled myself on top of the boom, trying to keep my balance as I braced for the jump.
And, right as I was about to leap, I felt another slimy tentacle wrap around my waist and attempt to pull me off the mast. I frantically stabbed and slashed with my sword, cutting viciously into the tentacle and forcing it to let me go, yet, as I looked around, I saw other tentacles from Ina coming up from all around the boom, approaching me just like the ship outside, and I got back into the battle stance, readying myself for a showdown with Ina. As if on cue she slithered her way up to the top of the mast, and she landed gracefully on the boom, holding the boarding axe in her hand at the ready.
"I hope you've prepared to die." Ina said, hefting the axe. "Because you WILL need it."
"Who the hell even are you? You're threatening me, and it isn't very scary."
The glow from her eyes began to get brighter and brighter, but as she loses them for a moment, they seemed to die down.
"You already know my name. But what you do not know is that I am the last of the True Leviathans. The last of the lineage of great monsters that used to rule the earth, before both the Split, and you humans killing us off and destroying our habitats. I am the Kraken, and I have returned to destroy all of you." She said, staring at me. "Any last words?"
"Aye, I got something to say."
This time, I drew another weapon, my flintlock pistol, and held it right in front of me, giving her a clear sight of the weapon.
"As long as I am alive, I won't let you, or Gura take anything else from me, or anyone on the surface, trust me on that."
And with that, I aimed downward, right at the bomb that I had created, and I pulled the trigger, forcing the gun to fire as I held it fast, steadying my aim. Almost in slow motion, the bullet flew right from the barrel of the gun and rocketed through the air, before striking the barrel.

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