Ballroom Brawl

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I spun yet again, my footwork nearly perfect this time as I danced with Gura, both of us nearly in sync with each other as we danced across the ballroom.
"Hey Micheal?"
"Ya know, I really have enjoyed you down here in Atlantis." She said. "And I never really have offered this to anyone, but you know you don't have to leave, right?"
The comment nearly struck me speechless. Me, staying down here in Atlantis? No more pirates life and constantly nearly dying and looking out for other people. Just me, and Gura, down in Atlantis, forever.
"Are you serious?" I asked, attempting to swallow my nervousness. "Me, staying down here in Atlantis?"
"Of course, silly." She said. "You'll be the King of Atlantis. All of them will listen to you and I, forever. You can leave your poor little life behind and take this new one by the horns!! Or fins, if you will."
I stared at the floor, both of us having stopped dancing at this point, and I couldn't think of anything to say. And thankfully, I didn't have to, because before I knew it, Marine came storming up to us, pushing people out of the way, and when she got right up in between Gura and I, she planted her hands on Gura's chest and shoved her so hard that she fell on her shark tail at a bad angle.
    "Marine, what the hell?" I said, the same rage welling back up inside of me as before.
    I went to go and grab Marine's shoulder, but before I could even react, she batted my hand away, drew a flintlock from her skirt, and pointed it straight at Gura's head as she laid helpless on the ground.
    "Micheal, listen to me before your head conveniently gets foggy."
    "Wait, how did you kno-"
    "I know it because she isn't who you think she is, Micheal." She said. "She cast a control spell over you, and she made it to where almost none of us realized it."
    She gave Gura a nasty look as she clicked the hammer for the flintlock mechanism back, but as she did that, she turned and looked at me with a plea in her eyes.
    "Come on, Micheal, we need to get out of here." Marine said, reaching her hand out to me.
    My mind felt foggy yet again, but I looked at Gura with anger welling up in my heart.
    "Gura, is this true?" I asked. "Why is my head foggy? Did you put a spell on me?"
    "Of course not." She said. "Don't be stupid, Micheal!!!"
    "Shut up!!!!!" Marine screamed, putting the barrel of the gun against Gura's head. "JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!"
    "Marine, look, you can stay here with us if you want!" I said, earning another nasty look from Gura.
    "No, Micheal, come with us, please." She said. "Just come back to the ship with us, and we can get out of here."
    I gave her a confused look.
    "But why?" I said. "Why do I need to come with you?"
    Marine wiped some of the tears out of her eyes, and before anything else could happen, she dropped the pistol, and she turned to me fully.
    "Because I love you, Micheal!" She said, her voice nearly breaking under the nervousness. "I have, for a long time now. Since you pulled me out of the mud in that tiny pirate town, then brought me back to the pirate's life, and every event from there. Micheal, genuinely, I love you. Thats why I want you to come back."
She paused yet again, and she sniffled, more ears popping into her eyes as they watered nearly uncontrollably.
"I never thought I'd be doing this again. I hated love, but I can't help it, Micheal. I love you. Goddammit, I LOVE YOU MICHEAL!!"
   At this point, she was screaming, and the entire ballroom was dead silent, and everyone, including Amelia, Noel, and Jansen, were straining in to hear what would happen next. But, as Marine stood there, sniffling and shifting on her feet, I strode straight up to her, the fogginess of my mind clearing, and I pulled her into a hug, holding her tightly to help reinforce my message.
"I love you too, Marine."
I pulled back from the hug, and I saw that Marine's eyes were halfway shut, and she wasn't staring at my eyes. She was staring at my lips, and slowly, very slowly, we leaned towards each other, and, as soon as we were close enough, I noticed that both of us were breathing heavily, right before she leaned up, closing the distance between us with a kiss. I grabbed onto her back for support, and I pulled her off of her feet as she wrapped her arms around the back of my head, pulling me in, tighter. After just a moment of the sweet kiss, she let me go, and I set her back on the ground, our foreheads touching as both of us giggled quietly.
    "NOOOO!!!!" Gura screamed, getting to her feet as she summoned her trident out of thin air. "YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!!!!"
    I turned right to Gura in disbelief, but quickly, it was beginning to be replaced with betrayal, and anger.
    "You lied to me." I said. "You did put me under the spell!"
    "Of course I did!!!" She yelled, pointing the trident straight at Marine and I. "You were the easiest one to control, and they would listen to you. It was perfect!!!! But you! You ruined it for me!!"
    She stuck her trident in the ground, and right as she did, Officer Philip and a large groups of armed Atlanteans came into the room, wielding spears and harpoons that glowed with a magical blue light.
    I immediately put Marine behind my back and drew my sword, ready to defend my new love, but Officer Philip advanced on me, aimed his spear at me, and a ray of blue light with a sparkling lightning bolt encased around it shot out of the tip of the spear, slamming into my chest and sending me sprawling on the ground next to Marine. She drew her sword and attempted to attack Philip, but, just like me, Philip shot her in the chest, and the armed men began to arrest us, grabbing us and attempting to slap handcuffs on us.
    "GET OFF OF ME!!!!" I yelled, trying uselessly to shake out of their grasp.
    Suddenly, I heard screaming at the other end of the ball, and there were more Atlanteans, all of them grabbing Amelia, Noel, and Jansen, and they were arresting them as well.
    "GET OFF OF THEM!!!" I screamed, rage almost boiling over me when I heard Marine shrieking right next to me. "GET OFF OF THEM!!!!! GET OFF OF HER!!! GET—"
    And after that, I can never exactly describe what happened next. There was just an explosion from within me. A burst of power just...came out of me. It just felt like a billion joules of energy were released from me in the flash of a second, and my skin tingled and went numb almost instantly and I felt myself passing out as the ground shook under me. The sound of cracking stone and screaming hit my ears, then the worlds loudest rumbling, paired with the absolute loudest and most deafening explosion that this world has ever or will ever see in its life. It felt like I had eaten a hydrogen bomb, and it went off, detonating while somehow not killing me. The last thing I remember before blacking out from the pain was Marine grabbing me and dragging me towards the exit, right as the ballroom, and the rest of Atlantis, for that matter, came crumbling down around us.

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