Dealing with the Scum

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"Jeez, just chill out!!" Ackner yelled from in the cabin. "This ship isn't even yours!! It belongs to the Man from the Stars!! He has put me in charge!"
"Well, that be changing now!!" A new voice yelled from behind me.
I turned around, and I saw a very, very tall elvish man with a dark grey beard stepped forward, shouldering a large, silver battle axe. He had on the uniform of a first mate, but as he stepped forward, he slowly took the uniform off, leaving him in nothing but a regular sailors outfit.
"We have violated the Code, Ackner." He said, stepping up to the door to the cabin. "We mutinied against a captain because of a higher pay. Its over. You knew we weren't happy with this, yet ya kept going at-"
Before he could finish whatever he was saying, a bullet blasted right through the door, striking him in the head and sending him against the deck with a deathly thump. All of us backed up, but after just a moment, we heard shuffling from inside the cabin, and Marine charged at the door. She jumped mid run, and she kicked out with both of her feet, planting them against the door with a powerful kick, and, by a stoke of luck and power, the door was blasted open, nearly being torn straight off of its hinges. Gracefully, Marine landed without hitting the ground too hard, and she got to her feet, hefting her sword.
"GET HIM!!!!"
The moment she said that, there was a hail of gunfire from within the cabin, and to my horror, I saw Marine recoil from a shot, and that sent my blood straight into a boil. Without a word, I charged straight into the room, right at Ackner, who was cowering behind the men that were supposed to be defending him. I pushed past all three of the men, and surprisingly, with my adrenaline, I pushed them right out of the way with surprisingly zero effort, sending the three of them sprawling against the ground as they tried to regain their senses. I reached out and grappled Ackner, grabbing onto his stupid, fake officers uniform and pulling him out of the cabin. I threw him on the deck, letting him sprawl head over heels as his glasses shattered.
He grunted and groaned, trying to get to his feet, but I planted a vicious kick right to his ribs, and he landed on his back with a harrowing oof, all of the air exploding out of his lungs. I pressed forward on him, then planted my foot straight onto his chest and pointed my own flintlock right at his head, prompting him to throw his hands in the air in a surrender.
"Wait wait! We can talk about this!"
"Shut the hell up." I said, pressing the barrel of the gun against his head. "You are so fucking lucky that she wants you alive. If not, I'd make damn sure that you would go out really, really slow."
Marine's voice immediately ripped me out of my rage, and when I turned towards her, I saw that, instead of dying on the ground from the gunshot, the crew had given her a wide berth, and Amelia was treating her gunshot wound, trying to sop up as much of the blood as was possible. My heart melted when I saw her hurt, but when I went to rush over to her, she shook her head vigorously.
"Don't let him leave your sight!" She said. "Trust me Micheal, I'm fine. Its nothing that Amelia can't fix."
"Aye, shes right, Micheal." Amelia said. "I got this, you tie him up to the mast."
I didn't much like it, but I agreed with them. If I let Ackner go, who knows that could happen. So, instead of rushing to Marine's aid, I grabbed Ackner by the shoulders and hoisted him to his feet.
"Get the hell over here." I growled, dragging him to the mast of the Silent Serpent.
"Ow, be easier!"
"Just shut the hell up."
I grabbed rope and tied him up to the mast, making sure that the knot was extra tight, and I came back around to the front, making sure to keep my eye on the little weasel.
"So what the hell is y'all's deal?" Jansen said, addressing the Houshou Pirates collectively. "You mutinied us, tied us to a rowboat, and kicked us right off towards a deserted island to die. What the hell were any of you thinking?"
All of the pirates were silent, trying to avoid Jansens eyes, and only one of the pirates had the courage to speak up, being a much, much shorter bearded dwarf that held a small hatchet.
"To be fair, most of us weren't up for this. Mr Ackner here convinced us that the Man from the Stars would destroy all of us if we didn't go along with the plan."
"Then why the hell did you guys even let us aboard the ship?"
"Mr Jansen, I said that we weren't up for this. Just yesterday, most of us plotted to take the ship back and find you guys again." He said, then gestured over to Rodrick Ackner. "That little maggot there can't lead us for shit."
"I tried to lead the lot of you!" Ackner yelled, straining against the ropes. "I promised you riches, and I'll deliver! Kill them, I command you!!!"
Every single one of us burst into laughter, and Ackner's face went beet red as he stared Jansen, Marine, Amelia and I down, trying to kill us with his stare. Eventually, the crew calmed down enough to console themselves, and I saw that a few of the crew were wiping joyous tears from their eyes.
"Boy, I am glad that you and Marine are back, Jansen." One of the pirates said.
"Aye that, if you guys need us to do anything, just let us know."
Jansen looked at me with a smile, and I saw Marine get to her feet, assisted by Amelia.
"Aye." Marine said. "There is something that we need."
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Four hours later, every single thing that wasn't bolted down on our ship had been moved over to the Silent Serpent, assisted by the Houshou Pirates. Ackner was still tied up as we moved onto his ship, but, when we were finally done, Marine gathered the entire crew around the mast with Ackner.
"Alright Ackner,we'll give you two options." Marine said.
"You can tell us anything you know about this 'Man from the Stars,' and in return for the information, we won't kill you. We'll simply tied you to a rowboat and send you to an island. Or, you can stay silent, and we'll just execute you."
He hung his head for a moment, staying silent, but after just a moment, he picked his head back up and, with a huff, she spat right at Marine, striking her in the face. INSTANTLY, Marine's hand shot out across my chest, holding me back from Ackner, but, thankfully, I reached out, and my fist struck his face, nearly breaking his jaw as I rocked his head with the hit.
"Man, that felt good." I said as Marine gave me a smile.
"Aye, I'm sure that did." She said. "My turn."
She turned back to Ackner, and with a wonderful punch from her, more and more blood split from his mouth.
"Alright, I think he just wants to be executed." She said.
Marine turned around, then climbed on one of the cannons, trying to get as high up as possible to address the entire crew. She balanced herself on the cannon, trying not to fall, and she gave me a smile as she looked at the now very, very mixed up crew.
"Alright, we're heading out to take down the target." She said. "According to the Storyteller, he is very powerful, so I will make this proposition. We need most of you to stay here to man and guard the ship while we take the smaller one to go and destroy this guy. If any of you want to come along with us and help us to take him down, then you are more than welcome to do so. But I would request that most of you stay here while a small group of us go and get this done once and for all."
Four of the crew members stepped forward, but the rest of the crew stayed back, clearly not wanting to tussle with the Man from the Stars, and Marine nodded.
"Alright, keep the ship close by the Island of Death while we go at him." She said. "Jansen, I want you and Amelia to stay with the ship."
"Aye, we can do that." Jansen said, helping Cookie to bring a large box of spices aboard the ship. "Just give us the signal when you're ready for us to come and pluck y'all out of the rubble of the fight."
"Aye, trust me I will." Marine said. "Alright, everyone to your stations, lets get this done."
With that, Marine, Noel, Chloe, the Storyteller, me, and four of the crew boarded the steamship, and we started to unhook the steamship from the Silent Serpent. We let the ships detach from each other, and we fired up the steam engine as Marine took to the wheel, steering us towards the Island of Death. As the ship crested over the hot waves, I ran up to the back of the aftcastle and looked, once more, upon the Silent Serpent, where both Amelia and Jansen were watching us depart for the final part of our adventure.

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