Silence After The Storm

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    I collapsed down onto the bed, right next to Marine as our labored breathing filled the silence that was between us. Both of us were coated with sweat, and I laid on my back as I stared up at the ceiling, my mind clouded from what I had just done.
    "Wow." I muttered.    
    Marine didn't say anything as she stared at the ceiling as well, yet, I felt her hand creep into mine and interlace her fingers with mine. I leaned my head over, and I planted a small kiss on her head, and I felt her snuggle closer to me as we both laid there, reveling in the moment.
    "Are you tired, Micheal?" She asked, her voice only a tiny bit above a whisper.
    "A bit, why?"
    "Just asking." She said, snuggling back up against me as we both faded out of the daze and back into reality. "I'm just really, really happy that the locket is off."
    I turned and looked at that stupid locket, sitting in the corner of the room, almost like it was stalking us, and I held Marine a bit closer to me as I was staring at the locket.
    "I really wanna break that fucking thing." I said, startling her with my tone.
    "W-what?" She asked, propping herself up on one arm and staring right into my eyes.
     "That locket, I wanna break the thing." I said. "You wanna break it real quick?"
    She gave me a smile and silently, we both got up to the bed, still completely naked, and I grabbed the locket from the corner, surprisingly okay with the fact that I was naked with Marine. I brought the locket back over to the bed as Marine was rifling through the pockets in her clothes, and I watched as she pulled a dagger out and unsheathed it, holding it at the ready as I held the locket. I set it down on the nightstand, in the perfect position to stab the stupid thing, and Marine held the dagger up and brought it down, right in the center of the locket, crushing the little gears and gizmos inside of the locket. As soon as it was damaged in the slightest way, I heard Marine giggling, then, I grabbed her hand and looked in her eyes.
    "My turn."
     She smiled, then handed me the knife, and I reared back with the knife and brought it down on the locket, stabbing it through the center again and split it straight down the middle, smashing it to pieces as its little bits fell all over the floor. Both of us laughed at the pathetic destruction of the locket, and both Marine and I started kicking at the bits on the floor with our bare feet, both of us so happy by the destruction of the locket that we barely even remembered that we were both naked, until my eyes were, once again, drawn to her bare breasts. And as I was staring at them, I stood up, held my arms out as she looked at me quizzically, and when I got close enough to her, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in, kissing her on the side of her neck.
    "I was wondering." I said. "Maybe we could go for another round?"
    She looked at me, her eyelids fluttering, and she kissed me right on the lips, before opening her mouth to deepen the kiss. She took me in her hands, more and more tingles going up and down my spine as she began to rub me. I walked her backward, my hands slowly palming her ass, and when she hit the bed, she bent her knees and buckled on the bed. She kept up the motions with her hands, and at this point, she was double pumping her hands, helping to keep me in the mood as I pressed my lips onto hers. I pulled back for just a moment, my hands trailing further and further down her sides, and boy, her skin felt like it was on fire under my hands.

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