The Worst Luck

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"YES!!!! HELL YEAH!!!" I yelled, grabbing the window frame as the ship rocked over another wave.
I reached up and grabbed the top of the window frame, then shimmied myself across the window as the crew, blinking to keep the pelting rain out of my eyes. I wiped my eyes clear of the water, then put my hair out of my face as I climbed across the stern, keeping my footing to prevent myself from falling into the stormy sea below. Lightning flashed through the sky again, illuminating my way across the outside of the cabin, and finally, I got to the side of the ship, where, when I looked up, I saw Marine aim the musket and take out another of the unlucky crew members. I stared up in wonder at her, then yelled up to her.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT WORKED!!!" She hollered back, her voice somehow carrying over the roar of the storm.
I giggled despite the current situation, and I began to climb up the side of the ship, being extra careful to not lose my footing now. And, as i was nearly halfway up, the sky flashed again, and a streak of lightning came down, right on me. It felt like I stuck my finger into the worlds largest electrical socket as a world of white light flashed straight into my vision, and all over me burned and tingled as I was thrown from the side of the ship. Through the ringing of my ears from the explosion, I heard Marine shrieking as I felt myself plummet straight into the ocean. The very last thing I saw through my dark, blurry vision was Marine diving right into the ocean after me, swimming after me furiously as I slowly blacked out.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
The rumbling in my ears grew louder and louder, accompanied by hums that sounded like different people talking. I breathed in heavily, then slowly opened my eyes, the rain from the storm still pelting my face and washing through my hair and clothes. I shivered as I blinked the water out of my blurry vision, just trying to see what was happening around me. My eyes very slowly focused, and there was Marine, holding my head in her hands as she very lightly slapped the side of my face to wake me up.
"Micheal!" She yelled, the ups and vibrations ringing around in my ears. "I'm so glad you're okay!!"
I blinked the blur out of my vision, and I looked straight up into her eyes, wondering exactly what had happened to me.
"What the hell happened?"
"Well, you got the spike off the ship, but when you climbed back up, you got struck by lightning."
"Struck by lightning?" I asked. "What are the fucking chances?"
"Pretty low." She laughed, then helped me sit up on the deck, where I saw a few of the crew looking at me nervously.
"You're alright now though. Amelia cleared you and said it more shocked you than actually burned you."
"Aye. It still feels bad."
"I'd imagine. Now come on, on your feet."
She stood up and offered her hand, and I shakily got to my feet. I blinked over and over again, but finally, the hums of my ears and the blurry vision cleared up, and I saw the stormy sea that we were still in. I looked out to the port side of the ship, and there, through the flashes of lightning and dips in the rain sheets, there was the Bounty Hunters, aligning themselves parallel to us.
"Marine!!" I yelled, pointing at the Bounty Hunters.
She turned and saw them, then backed against the mast, breathing heavily as the gun ports gleamed in the light of the lightning. I swear I could see the captain of the enemy ship smiling at us, but suddenly, behind the ship, I saw this massive silhouette outlined against the flashes of lightning in the clouds. When it came out from behind the curtain of rain, it looked like a massive sea dragon, with hard, armored plates running from the toothy snout all the way down to the tail, which split into the two fins that I had seen earlier. It also had tons of fins running up and down the length of its body, all of them flapping in the sheer wind of the hurricane. It arced through the air, heading right for the Bounty Hunters, and finally, after the near slow motion jump through the air, it hit down on the ship, snapping the wood and splitting the ship in half. Immediately, both masts collapsed as the rigging was pulled taut from the impact, yanking the sails off the masts and throwing any of the crew that were up there down into the destroyed remains of the ship. The enemy crew screamed, begging for their lives, but the Leviathan flapped its tail and twisted its body, plunging down into the depths below and leaving the ship to sink.
Everyone on our ship was dead silent, staring at the event that just unfolded before us, as well as the shattered remains of the sinking ship.
"What the hell was that?!!!?" Noel yelled from one of the cannons.
"Its a Leviathan!!" Marine yelled. "Gunners, wait for my command! Everyone else, grab muskets and guns!" Keep the monster away from the engine and defend the masts!!"
"Aye Captain!!"
I grabbed the pistol out of my pocket and clicked the hammer back, waiting for the Leviathan to make another appearance, but so far, it was just the stormy seas and the torrent of rain blasting down on the deck. I looked around, trying to spy the monster again, and while I didn't see it, I saw Botan slap her bracelet and spawn the large spear. I also saw Noel loading one of the cannons and running the barrel out of the port, readying to fire the guns at a moments notice. I looked up at the aft castle, and there was Jansen with the Storyteller, both of them handing out weapons and ammunition to the crew, getting them ready for the attack.
"OUT THERE!!! PORT SIDE!!!" Marine yelled to my left.
I looked out over the port side of the ship, and sure enough, there was the Leviathan, about five hundred feet away, and it was circling back and forth, like a predator sizing up its prey.
And we were the prey.
"Wait for it to get closer." I said to Marine. "Let it think we're helpless. Then, when it gets close enough, unload into the thing."
"Aye, good idea." She replied, aiming her musket right at it.
The monster completed one more turn, then, as if it just had an idea, the monster came charging straight at us, twisting and flopping its body around to get to us faster and faster.
"Hold your fire!!!" I yelled as the monster got closer and closer.
Four hundred feet. Three hundred. It was closing in fast, but we needed to land every shot we could.
"Hold your fire!" I yelled again, raising my fist and holding it there.
Two hundred feet.
"Micheal?!?" Jansen yelled from the aft castle.
"I know shut up!" I yelled back.
The leviathan bellowed, and I tore my eyes back to the charging monster. One hundred feet.
"FIRE!!!" I yelled.
Immediately, the entire ship shook as a mountain of booms and rings sounded through the air, almost deafening Marine and I. All of the cannons simultaneously fired, launching the ammunition right at the monster, almost all of the shots hitting. As each one hit, there was a ball of flames that would explode from the skin of the monster, searing the thing alive with every strike from the cannons. The entire crew cheered, but it was short lived as the monster bellowed, opened its disgusting mouth, and latched onto the side of the ship, very narrowly missing the vulnerable engines. The ship shook again from the impact of the monster, and the thing slithered through the water, threatening to tear a gigantic hole in our ship if we didn't do anything.
So, just like last time, I drew my sword, and I had a very stupid idea.

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