Time to go

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She thrust her mace towards the commander of the fort, and as she thrusted, red bolts of electricity and what looked like shards of red light formed around the mace, collecting and conglomerating at the very tip of the mace. In a flash, they were suddenly released on the commander, the bolts of electricity arcing all over his body while the shards of light exploded against him, sending him sprawling on the ground. As he fell, Noel simultaneously screamed in pure power, before dropping against the railing of the fortress, breathing heavily. I grabbed Noel and hoisted her back on her feet, then supported her as I went back over to Amelia.
"She activated one of her spells." Amelia said, slapping Noels face gently to wake her back up. "She's exhausted, but she'll be okay."
She pointed the staff at the ground, then began to whisper, whispering words that were way, way too quiet for any of us to hear. But after just a moment, the orb began to glow blue, and suddenly, the area around my wrists, hands, and my shins down to my feet began to glow the exact same blue of the orb, and I felt myself suddenly grow a lot lighter, as everyone else glowed the blue light around the wrists, hands, and feet.
"Alright, jump, and aim for the ship!!!" Amelia yelled.
We all ran for the railing, and once I got up to it, I jumped off of the wall, and I felt so much less heavy. I felt almost as light as a feather, as all of us glided through the air. Honestly, gliding trough the trees and along the face of the mountain was so cool, making me feel like I was a majestic bird, free to fly anywhere I wanted to, no longer held by the restraint of gravity.
BOOOOM!!!!!! The structure of the fortress exploded from the Armory fire that we had started, and it looked like a High Explosive bomb had just gone off as the fireball curled deep into the nighttime sky.
"WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!" I yelled, my voice echoing off of the mountain face.
I heard Marine laughing behind me, and when I looked, I saw her holding her hands out in front her face, Superman style, as we zoomed through the air. Noel seemed a little bit queasy as we went down towards the ship, but when I flashed her a reassuring grin, her expression softened and she flashed me a returning grin.
"The magic is close to fading!!" Amelia yelled. "We gotta move!!!"
We all soared down to the ship, and the closer we got, the faster it seemed to come at us, until I could make out the forms of Jansen, Botan, and the crew, looking up at us and wondering how we were flying.
"MAKE WAY!!!" I yelled.
Everyone on the top deck of the ship made way for us, running away from our landing area, and just in time, because I saw the magic light flicker, then fade away, and we all went into an angled free fall. I watched as Noel, Marine, Amelia, the Storyteller, and the girl with the mask land gracefully, but I tumbled and fell across the deck, hitting my bones and limbs on the hard wooden surface. Pain rocketed through me, but after just a moment, I felt soft hands grab my shoulders and gently bring me on my feet. When I looked, there was Marine, looking at me with a concerned look in her eyes.
"I'm fine, trust me." I said. "We gotta get out of the harbor, yeah?"
"Aye, lets get out of this blasted town."
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Alright, we're about to bring them in." Marine said.
I looked out the window of the Captains cabin, at the rolling sea that we were passing, and Marine's words jarred me out of my stupor. I looked around the room, and I saw Botan laying lazily on the couch, Jansen sitting in one of the chairs across the room, and Marine sitting in her Captains chair, looking over the table that had maps all over it. And right next to me was the Storyteller, still looking out at the sea.
Jansen got up from his seat, then exited the Captains cabin. After a few minutes, he came back inside, and in tow were Amelia, Noel, and the girl with the mask, who, still to this moment, had not spoken a single word, or even uttered a single sound.
"Alright, I have an offer for all of you." Marine said as they took their seats. "We have unfortunately lost crewmen in an attack on the Isle of Animals, so I am giving you the chance to join our crew."
Noel stared at the ground, contemplating everything, and I knew exactly what she was thinking. It had hurt her pretty badly to be labeled a deserter by the same people she worked so hard to join, and the wound had cut her deep, emotionally. Finally, she looked up, with Amelia following suit.
"Sure, I'll join the crew." Amelia said. "As long as I'm the chief medical officer."
"Well, I don't see one around here, so the position is yours." Marine responded. "And what about you, Noel?"
"I'll join." She said, a sullen look on her face.
"Alright, that just leaves you with the mask. Are you joining the crew?"
The girl looked up, but even though she didn't utter a single word or sound, she gave a slight nod as her response.
"Can you speak, at all?"
The girl shook her head, and Amelia perked up.
"She's a Mute." She said. "Courtesy of the SisterHood."
"Wait a minute, what's the SisterHood?" I asked.
"Its a group of religious fanatics, all female, and they abduct little girls to brainwash them into believing their teachings." Amelia replied
Marine's jaw dropped, and she turned back to the girl with the mask.
"Were you part of the SisterHood?"
Another nod.
"And they caused you to be a Mute?"
Yet another nod, and Marine turned back to Amelia.
"How did you know she was in the SisterHood?"
"Well, she's mute, and she has the markings and clothes of the SisterHood, especially the ones that are sent on assassination missions."
"Okay.... Can you fix the muteness?"
"Of course I can. If I can regrow a heart, I can fix a voice. I'll figure out the best method and get back to you on it soon, okay?"
"Works for me." Marine said, then stood up. "Alright, that settles the meeting for tonight. Welcome to the crew. You all are dismissed. Have a good night."
"Goodnight Captain." We all replied.
And one by one, we all filed out of the Captain's cabin and down into the hold of the ship, following the crew all the way down to the now upgraded crew quarters. Instead of a bunch of hammocks that were hung side to side in the room, there were now a bunch of bunk beds. They weren't anything particularly special, but they were white mattresses with blankets and a single pillow, and they looked much more comfortable than the hammocks. The entire crew were nearly squealing in delight as they took to the much more comfortable beds, getting comfortable in the sheets while they curled up in the blankets. The Storyteller and I took to the bed where our hammocks used to be, and we climbed in, while Noel and the girl with the mask took the one next to us, and Botan took the one next to that, all of us laying down for the night.
Honestly, I never thought I would get to sleep, but after listening to the rocking and creaking of the ship and the motion of the ship gently cresting over the waves of the sea, it had an extremely soothing effect on me, and before long, I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

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