One hour earlier

9 2 2

    The door to the prison room of the fortress opened, and the guard that was walking her in shoved her forward, before opening the door to her new cell and pushing her inside, and then locking the door behind her.
    "Alright, have fun in here, pirate." The guard, who she still couldn't see, said. "Make yourself comfortable with the rest of the scum in here."
    She finally took the blindfold off, and the sight of a very, very, very dirty cell smashed into her vision. The bars were old, rusted iron, stuck into the moldy stone bricks of the floor and ceiling. The moment she registered that she was in the cell, she sprung up, and grabbed at the bars of the cell, slouching against them when they didn't budge. She quietly whimpered, then slid down the bars and hit the ground.
    "Oh no." She said to herself. "Oh no no no."
    She looked around in the cell block, and she saw that there were a slew of other prisoners, all dressed in normal clothing, but as her eyes focused on the people in her surrounds, her vision settled on one lone prisoner sitting in the cell that was adjacent to hers. The girl was dressed in a very weird outfit, wearing a dominantly red, black and white jacket that had a hood, covering the top of her head. The shirt she was wearing was an extremely dirty white shirt, with three black belts on it, two of them crisscrossing around her stomach, and the other one crossing over her breast. The shirt connected to a patterned red and black skirt, extended just above her mid thighs, and from there, there were two straps that came from the tights that extended all the way down to her feet, which were concealed in black leather boots. But, the coolest thing about her was that over her eyes and the bridge of her nose, there was a black mask, with big white spots where her eyes should have been. As she watched the girl, she noticed that the white spots blinked as the girl blinked.
    "Hey." Marine whispered.
    The girl didn't budge, just blinked again as she stared at the ground of the cell.
    "Hey." She whispered again, and this time the girl looked up.
    She stared right into Marine's eyes, and in that moment, Marine felt a certain amount of uneasiness that sprouted in her heart. As she looked at her, she got the feeling that she did not know what this person was capable of. She thought, in that moment, that maybe she shouldn't have talked to her. But now, since she had gotten the unknown girls attention, there was no going back.
    "Are you okay?" She asked.
    The girl in the mask offered no answer, but even though her mask didn't change, Marine thought that she could see a very, very sad look in the eyes of her mask. Marine nodded at her, and the girl looked at the floor again. This time, Marine scooted close to the side of the cell, but right before she could even say anything, she felt the area around her neck grow hot, and she knew it was the time.
    No, not here. She thought, her mind racing and panicking as the pain grew more and more intense. Not here. Please, please don't make it happen here.
    The pain grew hotter and hotter, and finally, after whimpering and groaning from the sheer amount of burning hot pain she felt, she ripped the locket open, and a hologram of the images appeared on the ground of the cell, just like every time she opened the locket. In the first image, she saw her push her ex fiancé back, during a little argument that they had gotten in, and he reared his hand back, and with a deafening crash, the back of his hand slapped her right across the face, leaving a large red mark and sending her sprawling on the ground. He didn't look back, didn't offer his hand like a gentleman, he just walked away from her. In the next image, he was screaming at her as she cowered on the ground, and she felt all of the words bite right in her soul.
    "USELESS!!!!" He screamed at her, threatening to strike her again. "You old hag! You let that stupid old lady rob us of food!!!"
    "It was a single loaf of bread!" She yelled back in protest, but her ex-fiancé wasn't having any of it.
    "You old sack of shit!!! You should know better!!!"
    He grabbed her arms, and he forced her on the bed, and that led into the final image, which was the absolute worst memory of her life. He forced her down on the bed, pressing his body weight against her to force her down. She screamed and struggled against him, but he wasn't stopping as he kissed the side of her neck, even as she writhed under his force. She screamed his name, screamed no, shrieked, cried, and pleaded for him to stop, but he forced her clothes off and proceeded to rape her in the bed, forcing himself against her. As she watched the image, she felt tears coursing down her face, and finally, the images ended, and the locket snapped back shut, cutting off the images as she curled up in a ball on the floor and cried. She sobbed, letting her tears flow freely down her face as she cried. She heard a shuffle of movement to her right, and when she looked up, through the tears in her vision, she saw the girl with the mask standing up, both hands on the bars of the cell, and she was looking at Marine with an extremely worried look. She tapped on the sides of the bars, trying to get her attention, but still, she spoke no words, even as Marine sobbed on the floor of the prison cell.
    Please Micheal. She thought. Please save me.

HoloPirates: A Tale of AdventureOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant