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The giant shape moving through the water was gaining speed, rapidly moving through the water to get to us, and it nearly threw all of us into a panic.
"Ready the guns!!!" Marine yelled.
"Wait, hold your fire!!" I shouted, holding the shark tooth above my head again. "Just trust me."
I approached the tip of the bow, holding the tooth above my head, and a final message from that young girl rang out of the tooth.
"έλα στο σπίτι σου στην Ατλαντίδα."
We all stayed silent as the giant black form moved through the water, gaining speed as it quickly closed the distance to our ship, but, right before it would have rammed the ship, it stopped, grinding to a halt in the water.
"Hold your fire!!!" I yelled.
"Micheal, are you sure??" Marine whispered, holding her gun in her left hand and her sword in her right.
"Yeah, I'm sure." I said. "The Leviathan that we fought was being piloted. If they want the tooth thing, then maybe we can trade it for safety."
As she thought about that, the giant form in front of us suddenly began to shift around, and I noticed two large, almost claw looking appendages, almost like it was a gigantic crab. It writhed under the water, then, after just a moment, it burst out of the water, unfolding itself and towering over the deck of our ship. Two gigantic orange lights shone out of the thing's eyes, blazing down the length of our ship so that it could see us. I stared the giant metal monster right in its eyes, and just like with the other Leviathan, I faintly saw the pilots inside as they controlled the metal behemoth. It rose about thirty feet above the deck, towering over us as water fell off of it in streams and clouds, pounding down on the surface of the deck and splattering everywhere. My eyes wandered up across the surface of the giant as I tried to keep my calm, and just like I had predicted, I was looking right at the face of a giant, almost alive looking crab as its mouth foamed. I stepped up to the front of the bow, holding the tooth above my head, clearly in sight of the giant machine.
"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF." The thing hissed, dripping foam out of its mouth and letting me know that I had the pilots' attention.
"I KNOW YOU WANT THE TOOTH!!!" I yelled, hoping that I was correct.
The thing stared me down, and inside the crab, I could faintly see the pilots talking to each other, clearly having been confused that I knew what they wanted. As I watched them, the giant crab shifted, and suddenly, the mouth opened up, extending all the way down to the surface of the bow, about four feet in front of me.
"Step to the platform on the bottom of the jaw." A mechanized voice erupted from the crab's mouth. "Present the artifact at all times, or risk total annihilation."
Before I could ay anything, Marine grabbed my arm and held it, keeping me from walking to the platform.
"Micheal, I don't think thats a good idea." She said. "They could just kill you."
"They're not gonna kill me, not while I have the artifact." I said. "As long as I use it as a bargaining chip, they can't do anything."
I leaned down to her ear, still holding the artifact above my head, and I dropped my voice to a near whisper.
"Just trust me."
She gave me an uneasy nod, then let go as I drifted to the edge of the platform, stepping over the edge of the deck and onto the soaked surface of the metal. However, as soon as I was on the platform, the computerized voice came on again, and I saw that deep within the cockpit, one of the obscured pilots was holding what looked like a microphone to his mouth.
"Step forward on the platform, and present the artifact."
"No." I said, and before I could stop myself, I did perhaps one of the dumbest things I could imagine myself doing.
I briskly walked right over to the side of the platform, and I held the tooth over the side, threatening to drop it right in the ocean.
"What are you doing?!!?" The voice cried from the crab.
"First tell me who you are, and who you work for, or I swear to God I will drop this thing right into the ocean so fast." I said, then dropped my voice to a murmur yet agin. "Try me."
Both the crab and the pilots were dead silent, but after a few tense moments, the very back of the crabs mouth opened up, and a lone figure stood out against the orange light of whatever room he was standing in. The figure put his hands up in a surrender pose, then marched forwards, towards me and the light, until finally he was visible, and by far, this was the weirdest thing I had yet to see. The man stood about six and a half feet tall, towering over both me and the deck, and he had a rather well tailored uniform on, almost like he was an officer of some kind, and it bulged around his stomach. On his belt was a sharp looking sword, and embroidered on his army boots was the symbol of a three pronged spear, I think called a trident.
However, the worst and weirdest part about the man was the fact that he was part fish. He had the scales and colors of a smallmouth bass, being a mottled green and having dark green patches all over his oily skin. He had sets of fins and flaps of skin hanging and protruding from his face, and his eyes were a bright red, as if he hadn't slept in weeks. He crossed his scaly, oily, and near filthy hands in front of him, surveying us, and I saw that, running down his back, was a bunch of webbed fins, held together by ligaments that supported their structure. He eyed the entire crew, including Marine, and finally, he turned his attention to me.
"" He said, somehow struggling on the words. "Please hand over the artifact."
"Mr. Fish-Thing, how do I know you won't kill us all as soon as I hand this over?"
"Because, by handing that over, you will be doing us a great service." He said, rubbing his fingers together.
I thought about the offer, but when I looked over at Marine, I shook my head at the Fish Guy.
"Y'all never answered my question." I said. "Who are you, and who do you work for?"
He pursed his fat fish lips, then gave me a repulsively grotesque smile.
"I am not required to answer your questions." He said. "Now, hand over the artifact."
I gave him a dumb look.
"And I'm not required to hold this thing any longer, now am I?"
I feigned dropping the artifact right into the ocean, and the Fish Man lunged forward ever so slightly, panicked at the fact that he thought I was dropping it to never be found again. The moment that he knew I was just faking, he instantly composed himself, soothing out the wrinkles in his uniform and giving me another of the horrific smiles.

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