Telling The Truth

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    Both of us stood in the crows nest now, just leaning against the railing and peering out over the ocean that we had dropped anchor in for the night. The ship was no longer moving, but it was rocking against the waves slightly, which was a very, very soothing effect on my mind. The most beautiful part about the ocean at night, however, was the fact that the moonlight reflected off of the waves, casting glints and glows all over the waters. But, above us, was something far more marvelous. There was one of those Aurora Borealis that people always talk about but most people never see. It stretched across the night sky, twisting and turning and waving in the sky, almost like it was alive. The entire thing was casting a beautiful palette of blues, reds, and greens all over the ship and the sea, and above the Aurora, there was a near perfect view of the galaxy, with a stunning view of the many, many colors of the interstellar nebulae and bodies out there, vastly far away, yet still being an immense sight to behold. I looked over at Marine on the other side of the crows nest, and her eyes were sparkling as they took in the absolutely stunning view of the nighttime sky.
    "Its...spectacular." I said, almost being out of breath from the stunning view.
    "Its my favorite part about being out at sea." She said. "Every night, I come out and look at the stars and wonder what's out there."
    I nodded and looked back up at the stars and the almost soupy complexion of the galaxy as it stretched across the sky.
    "It really is beautiful." She said, then turned to me. "Micheal?"
    "Yeah?" I asked, not taking my eyes off of the near hypnotic view.
    "Where are you from?" She asked. "And who exactly is your friend?"
    The question admittedly hit me like a rock, but now, I just gave into it. No more running or hiding.
    "I'm from another world, and he was a deity that summoned me here, and now he's along for the ride."
    "Well, I already know that much."
    "Wait, you knew he was a deity?"
    "No, I didn't know that. I mean, thats not too uncommon around here. But I figured you were from another world."
    "Did Amelia tell you?"
    "What? No, Amelia didn't tell me anything." She said. "I could just kind of tell it, honestly. I mean, you had no idea how anything worked, so I assumed you weren't from here. Either way, thats not that rare, either. I mean, look at Jansen."
    "Wait, Jansen is from another world?"
    "His entire race just appeared one day. The Sirens just popped in existence. One second they weren't here, the next, they were. So I've dealt with things like this before."
    I nodded.
    "But still, I'd like to know more about your world, if thats okay." She said.
    "Well, it was very advanced compared to this one." I said. "I mean, it wasn't a gigantic ocean. We had a lot of land, and we built huge cities, with buildings that towered in the skies."
    As I described Earth and our societies, the Aurora Borealis in the sky waved and churned, reflecting in her eyes as she listened to me talk about my world.
    "Okay, so what food?" She asked.
    "Well, it was food that they made really fast. Like, you could just walk up, order something, and within a few minutes, the food would be ready."
    Her jaw dropped.
    "There's no way." She said.
    "Oh yes way." I said. "I mean, it wasn't really good, or good for you."
    "Well, if it was made in minutes, I'd imagine it was pretty shit, or at least it was worse that Cookie's cooking skills."
    We both laughed at that, and we both leaned against the railing of the crows nest as the wind picked up slightly, giving the both of us a little bit of a chill. I shivered slightly in my jacket, but when I looked over at Marine, she didn't have her jacket that she had been wearing when we met, likely being left in her cabin for the night. So, just to be nice, I shook off my jacket, scooted over to her, and put the jacket over her, shielding her from the chill of the sea's wind. She smiled, and in the light of the Aurora Borealis, I thought I saw her blushing.
    "Thanks Micheal." She said.
    "No problem."
    I went back to my place against the railing, but Marine slowly scooted over to me, and then, I felt her hand rest itself on mine, and my face heated up, all of the blood rushing to my cheeks and nose. I heard her giggle from right next to me, and that embarrassed me even further, but what happened next sent my heart into overdrive. She grabbed my hand, then turned it over and interlaced her fingers in mine.
    BA-BUMP BA-BUMP BA-BUMP. The sound of my heart pounding in my chest threatened to drown everything else out, but I just gulped and kept myself calm. She sidled up right next to me, and she rested her head against my shoulder, before gesturing to the mast.
    "Here. When I have bad days, I like to lay down here and watch the stars. Its a lot more peaceful than the rickety old Captains cabin."
    We both laid down on the platform, on our backs, and I felt Marine interlace her fingers in mine again, and we both stared up at the stars.
    "Did you ever do anything like this on your world?" She asked.
    "Lie down in the crows nest of a pirate ship with a girl next to me?" I asked. "Nah, we don't have pirate ships, and I've never had a long relationship."
    "No, not that. I mean, did you look up at the stars?"
    "Well, in the lights of the city I was in, Los Angelos, all of the lights drowned out the nighttime sky, and we couldn't really look at the stars."
    "Well, was there a place without the lights?"
    "Way up North, actually. In the mountains of a country called Canada, there were places where you could see the stars and the galaxy."
    "Did you ever go to....Canada?" She said, pronouncing the word a little awkwardly.
    "Well, once yeah. See, I lived with my mom, and she finally saved up enough to take us on a vacation, which is basically going somewhere far away to have a lot of fun, and she took me to Canada."
    "Thats really nice of her." She said. "Did you like it there?"
    "Yeah, actually! It was a lot of fun. I went ice fishing, which is where you drill a hole in the ice, then you go fishing in the hole that you just drilled. Now that I say it, it sounds really really lame, but when I did it, it actually was a lot of fun. But that wasn't all we did. We went out from this little village in one of the provinces, and we hunted moose, which were these big, fuzzy and mean animals."
    "They sound scary."
    "Oh they are. They're massive, being like six or seven feet tall, and they charge when you get too close to them. But at night, when we were still out in the snowy wilderness, my mom and I would look up at the stars and make wishes."
    "Make wishes? Wishes on what?"
    "Well, shooting stars." I said. "They look like a streak of light going across the sky. Let's see if we can find one."
    We both stared up at the stars for a little while, and before too long, one of the meteors came streaking across the sky, lighting up brightly as it burned in the atmosphere of the planet.
    "There! Let's make a wish, but don't say it out loud, because then it won't come true."
    She closed her eyes, concentrating, and a single wish popped into my head.
    I wish that Marine and I can be together. I thought.
    And after that, we both laid on the platform, slowly drifting off to sleep, to the sound of the waves and the gentle rocking of the ship.

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