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I looked away from Senchou, away from that cute blush that she was giving off, and I looked back at Jansen.
"How far have we gotten in two days?"
"We've gotten really far." He said. "Still on the course, and we're still on a good schedule."
"What happened to the pirates?"
"We dismantled their ship and repaired ours, then looted and sank the ship."
"What of the survivors?"
"Fed them to the sharks."
"Jeez okay." I said, a little freaked out by his calm disposition. "So what's next?"
"Well, your friend doesn't like this, but there's a treasure on an island, right in our way. We can stop and fix the ship fully, then fire up the steam engines and get out of there. Also, Senchou has been dying for coconuts and mangos, so its a win win."
"But we won't be late for the thing right? For us killing that guy?"
"No we won't, its just a quick stop for food and resting and repair. Once we're done, we're off."
"Sounds great. When are we gonna be there?"
"Two days time." Senchou said, adjusting her pirate hat with a yawn. "I'm dying for those mangos."
"Aye, we know." He said. "Anyway, I'm off to bed. Goodnight the both of you."
"Goodnight." Senchou said.
She leaned forward before he could close the door, and she blew out the candle that he was holding, causing him to curse under his breath as he closed the door.
"Mind if we take a walk on the top deck?"
"Sure thing."
"Hang on, just lemme grab something from my cabin."
I nodded to her, then, we left the hallway, and we went up one level to Senchou's cabin, and I stood outside the entrance as she went inside the cabin. There was a rustle, then the sound of a drawer closing, and then she came out of the cabin having a lantern on her hip.
"Just needed a light. Its a bit spooky out here."
I scoffed at her, and her jaw dropped as she slapped my arm.
"Don't make fun of me!" She said. "I hate darkness. It scares me."
I reached down, then grabbed the lantern off of her hip and held it in my hand. The light cast a pretty orange glow across her, and in that moment, I realized just how beautiful Senchou actually was. The way her eyes reflected the light as she looked right into mine, the slight blush on her face, the way her cheeks glowed in the light, all of it just had this effect on me, and I couldn't fight the effect. She was just way too beautiful.
"Why are you staring at me?" She said with a playful grin.
"I uh, uhh. Never mind." I said.
She giggled, and we walked out onto the deck, where the few night time crew were out doing their various duties. We both walked, without a word, all the way to the bow, and we stood right next to the foremast, just surveying the darkness and the foggy mist that was coming off the water. But suddenly, out of nowhere, there was a low hum that filled the air, rattling my bones and growing in pitch, until it was the beginning of a roar.
"AAAROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" The sound carried across the ship, shaking the planks and causing a primitive sort of fear to creep its way up my spine.
"What is that?" I asked, but I quickly realized that Senchou couldn't hear me over the roar.
Instead, I noticed her slightly creeping closer to me, trying to get away from the noise, even though it was impossible. Finally, after a solid minute of it, the noise died down.
"What was that?" I asked her again.
"Its a random Leviathan Call."
"Wait a minute. Leviathans? Like giant Sea Monsters?"
"Aye, but they're way worse than the stories that you hear. They're gigantic, and no two of them are quite them same, meaning that there is no surefire way to kill any of them."
She paused for just a minute, then, with a smile on her face, she made a jaw with her hands and pushed her hands up, opening and closing the jaw all the while.
"The come up from the sea, and they attack the sides and back of the ship, and if you're unlucky enough to fall off the ship during an attack, then so long."
"Can you fight it off?"
"I have, multiple times, all because they would attack the shipping and Pirate lanes, because they know that a lot of ships go through there. We've had to deal with them for a long, long time."
She brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face, and I saw that her golden eye was nearly gleaming in the light of the lantern. She gave me an amazing smile, and she giggled a little bit.
"Its kind of the hallmark of being a captain. You gotta be able to hold your own against one of them."
"So what, are you some kind of a SuperCaptain?"
As soon as I said that, she laughed, and very loud, might I add, and mid laugh, she leaned forward, placing her hands on the railing of the deck.
"Maybe I am." She said. "SuperCaptain. I like the sound of that."
I leaned against the railing of the ship, still holding that lantern, and I looked out over the moonlight waters, trying to spot the Leviathan, but so far, there was nothing.
"You won't see them." Senchou said with a giggle. "That one sounded far off, anyway."
"But won't it be, like, hunting for us or something?"
"No, probably not. It didn't sound angry." She said, then, she started grinning from ear to ear. "Well, if it does come around, maybe we can offer you as a sacrifice."
My jaw dropped, and Senchou laid her head on the railing to laugh at me and my shocked expression.
"I'm kidding, Micheal. Take a little joke, why don't you."
I shook my head at that, and I looked back out over the sea, at the very, very distant islands that dotted the horizon, and at the moon, which dominated the sky.

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