Pearly Gates

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SPLOOSH!!! The moment my body hit the water, the shock of the cold ran through me, sending a tingly feeling running all through my body. I held my breath in, then squinted through the clear water, right at Gura as she swished her shark tail back and forth. She gave me a toothy grin, then, even though she was underwater, she spoke, loud and clear.
"Its okay, you can breathe down here." She said, her voice reverberating through the water. "Trust me, you're under my power. Just breathe, and relax in the water."
I felt a bit ambiguous about that, but slowly, very slowly, I shut my eyes, relaxed under the water, and took in a deep breath. Surprisingly, no water entered my mouth or nose, which was a large relief to me. I took in another deep breath, and this time, I tried to speak.
'This feels weird." I said, my voice echoing through the water just like Gura's.
She gave me a girly laugh, then, she grabbed her trident and held it with both hands in front of her, and it began to glow with a bright turquoise light.
"This is the power of Atlantis, Micheal." She said. "Its beautiful."
"It really is!" I replied, almost enchanted with the sight of the trident. "Its amazing!"
She gave me another smile, then, almost as fast as that seahorse, her tail swished back and forth and shot her through the water. She nearly screeched to a halt right in front of me, and in a flash, she laughed, grabbed my hand, aimed the trident down towards the lights on the bottom, and we rocketed through the water.
"WHOOAAAA!!!!!" I yelled. "Gura, slow down!!"
She threw her head back with a laugh, then tightened her grip on me as we continued to fly down through the water. The sound of the water roared in my ears as we blew through it, and eventually, the lights at the very bottom started to get brighter and brighter, until they finally came into focus, and boy, was it beautiful. The actual structure was a box building that was drilled into the ground, and the very, very front of it was a glass door that was adorned with brightly glowing seashells. On all corners of the building, there were little spikes that glowed even brighter than the seashells.
"What are these?" I asked, pointing at the glowing spikes.
"Those are Sea Lanterns, but don't touch them." She said, causing me to pull my hand back. "They're not poisonous, but they're really expensive."
"Aye, thats why we have them down here. Now, do you want to get to the casino, or do you wanna stare at the Sea Lantern all day?"
"But its so pretty...." I said, faking like I was mesmerized by the light.
She gave me that laugh again, then grabbed me by my shirt, reached down, grabbed one of the seashells, and twisted it all the way to the left. The moment she did that, the glass door in front of us slid open, and, through a small whirlpool, we were sucked straight into the inside of the box, which looked almost like a barebones airlock system. The inside was just a steel room, with rivets donning the sheets of metal that kept the walls at bay, but as we were floating inside the box, the lass above us shut, and the room began to drain, the water level slowly lowering until I rested on my own two feet once again. I took in a big breath of fresh air as I soothed out my now very wet suit, and I turned to Gura.
"So, what now?" I asked. "Is this your grand casino?"
"Of course it is, silly! What, is all this steel not good enough for you??"
"No no, its amazing, but I'm in the mood for a nice night of gambling." I said, touching the gold coins that I had grabbed during the festival.
I looked in front of me, and there was a large, steel door, submarine style, and the only interface that it had were two large buttons, one red, one green, and they were labeled with words that I couldn't read.
"What does that say?" I asked. "I can't read this shit."
"Well, 'this shit' on the red button says 'dry-off,' and the green one says 'open.'" She replied. "Now, if you wanna dry off, you should press that red button. But, if you want to walk in the casino sopping wet while you ruin all of the nice carpeting and hardwood floors, then you can go right ahead!"
I figured that was probably a bad idea, so instead, I pressed the red button, and it flashed red four times, right before a massive jet of air blasted from the sides of the airlock, threatening to nearly tear my clothes off as I gripped them with all of my might. Thankfully, while it was blasting me with air, all of the water was coming out of my clothes, leaving me dry, albeit very, very cold.
"Brrrrr." I shivered. "I didn't expect to get hit by a hurricane."
She turned to me, giving me that smile again, and she helped me straighten out my clothes, turning my collar and wrist cuffs right side out.
"There," she said. "Now you look all nice and handsome."
"Thanks mom." I said sarcastically, soothing out my lapel.
I turned back to the button interface, which, amazingly was also bone dry by now, and I pressed my hand against the green button. Immediately, it glowed green, and there was a cascade of mechanical whirs, hums, and clinks, and, slowly but surely, the metal, riveted and frankly very ugly door opened into a very, very, and I do mean very, lush and beautiful room. It was a furnished wooden hallway, with dark oak and pine wood donning the composition. There was a red carpet spanning the length of the hallway, and all throughout the room, there were more of those sea lanterns, dispersed evenly across the wall as they provided light to the hall.
"Wow..." I muttered, awed by the sight of the hallway.
Gura giggled.
"You haven't seen anything yet, Micheal." She said.
She pushed ahead, using her trident as a walking stick to steady herself, and I followed suit behind her, not wanting to be left alone in the rather decadent hall. As we got closer and closer to the end of the hall, which was a simpl wooden door, I could hear the sounds of laughter, music, happy shrieking, and cheering coming from another room, past the brown oak door. We finally got right up to the door, and when Gura grabbed the doorknob, she turned and gave me a smile.
"Well, Micheal, are you ready to have some fun?"
"Of course I am!!!"
And with that, she opened the door, and I was awestruck.

HoloPirates: A Tale of AdventureTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon