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"THATS A POINT BABY!!!" I yelled, extremely happy that the dice came out to an 8.
At this point, Gura and I had made our way to one of the casinos in the Skull of the Leviathan, and I was in a small bet against a big bet with Officer Phillips, who had gladly come to join us. He held a margarita in his hands as she shot craps with me, rolling against me to try and win the jackpot, which was three hundred Gold pieces on the table for either of us to win.
"You ain't gonna win against me, Philip!!" I said haughtily. "Try and try, it ain't gonna happen!!"
"Aye, keep talking like that, just you watch!!!"
He grabbed the dice from me, and he shook them in his hands before he threw them down on the table, letting them tumble all over each other as they rolled, and finally, after colliding with the opposite end of the table, the dice landed on a four and a five. A nine total, one point for Philip. If I rolled a seven this round, he would win. He handed the dice back to me, and a big smirk came across his face.
"Roll me that beautiful seven, Micheal." He said. "Do your old pal Phillip a favor, no?"
I stuck my tongue out at him, and cupped my hands together, holding both of the dice in my hands as I prayed.
"Alright, come on dice. Do me a solid here, huh?"
I threw the dice down on the table with a pounding heart, and they both landed on threes, giving me a six, and a point over Philips, which caused him to lament over the bad dice.
"YEAAAAH roll me a seven Philip, for your old pal." I said snakily.
I turned to one of the passing maids as Philip grabbed the dice, cursing under his breath as he readied another throw, hoping to change his luck for the better, and I grabbed one of the colorful alcohols that she was holding. I quickly put it to my lips as I turned back to the craps table, and truthfully, the alcohol was very sweet and hot at the same time, burning my throat and tongue while sweetening my mouth with the wonderful taste of strawberry.
Philip gave it a shake as he prayed yet again, but this time, when he rolled, it was a four and a three, signaling a win for me.
Immediately, Gura, the crowd, and I cheered as I won the three hundred gold pieces. I leaned forward on the craps table, and I began scooping up all of the golden coins greedily, loving the win that I had under my belt. Both Gura and I were cheering hard, extremely happy with the victory, and she was jumping up and down right next to me, her high pitched squealing echoing off the walls of the casino.
"Imma go get a satchel, I'll be right back!" She said, scampering off into the crowd, leaving me alone at the craps table with both the crowd and Philip, who turned to me.
"Liking it so far?"
"Aye, the casino is really beautiful."
"Oh, not the casino, Micheal. I mean all of Atlantis. How's it treating you?"
"I mean, its pretty good so far. I lost a bet in the Arena, so that wasn't that good." I said, sipping the Margherita. "But I guess I just won it back, didn't I?"
He put his head down in his hands, laughing all the while, and he gave me a red faced look, straining to hold back his laughter.
"Can't believe you beat me at a game of craps." He said. "But hey, I guess good news for you, 'cause I suppose you impressed Gura."
I gave him a weird look.
"What do you mean?"
"I think she got the goo-goo eyes for ya."
'''Goo-goo eyes'?"
"Aye! I think she got the hearts in her eyes for ya."
I scoffed at the remark, but as Gura came back to the craps table holding an ornamental satchel, she flashed me a beautiful smile, and I felt Philip elbow me in the back, trying to hint me. As I suppressed my smile, I noticed that behind Gura, there was Noel and Jansen, standing arm in arm, and behind them, as they threw their heads back laughing, there was Amelia, rubbing her hands together rather nervously as she looked around at the Atlanteans. As I looked at her, she shifted to the side to let a stewardess pass by, and I noticed that when her dress contracted against her thighs, there was a rather noticeable pistol-shaped bulge in the fabric of the dress.
"Hey Micheal!" Gura said, bounding up to me with the satchel in her hands. "Let's get your winnings in the bag for your keeping!"
"Aye that." I said, not really paying her much mind. "Listen, can you do me a favor?"
"Uhm, sure what?"
"I gotta go talk to my friend real quick. The blonde lady, so just excuse me for a sec."
For a moment, I swear Gura looked either jealous or angry, I'm not too sure which, but after the flash of the moment, she seemed to compose herself, and she gave me a smile, right as my brain felt foggy again. But this time, however, when I looked back over at Amelia, the area behind my eyes began to throb, almost like a migraine, and I held my hand up, trying to look away from her.
"Wh-what's going on?" I asked, wincing from the throbbing pain.
"It might be from all of the lights, Micheal, and Amelia's hair isn't helping much for that, since she is a blonde, you know."
"Th-that doesn't m-make any sense." I said. "Its not even that bright."
"Well, yeah, but it's the only explanation." She said. "Do you not trust me, Micheal?"
"I didn't say that."
"I know, but you implied it."
Again, my head felt foggy, and I took in a deep breath, trying to get acclimated to the lower oxygen down here, and I looked back at Gura, feeling a little bit bad about not trusting her.
"A-aye, I trust you." I said.
"Its okay, just try to get acclimated down here, and just stay away from the bright lights and bright hair."
I squinted through the lights, and I felt Gura grab onto my arm, attempting to steady me.
"Here, there's a show downstairs, and we can go and see it. Its rather dark down there, so it would be a lot better while you recover."
"Can we get back to the slots after this?"
"Absolutely!!" She said. "Let's get to the show, before it starts, okay?" "Aye that, lead the way."
She bounded forward, and she led me away from Jansen and Noel, still distracted by the poker table, and I caught eye contact with Amelia, who gave me a rather concerned look as both Gura and I disappeared into the crowd.

HoloPirates: A Tale of AdventureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora