Bombheart's Folly

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"FIRE!!!" Captain Bombheart yelled, pointing at all of the gunners. They all grabbed the strings for the cannons, and they pulled, causing fire to erupt from the mouths of the cannons in a wonderful show of force.
Immediately, Captain Firebraid's ship began to suffer heavy damage as the cannon balls blew gigantic holes in the side hull of the ship, ripping it apart and spraying shards of wood and metal everywhere, raining hell on both of the ships. Captain Firebraid, from his perch on top of the mast, grabbed onto part of the rigging and began to slide down, waving his sword all the while to intimidate Captain Bombheart's crew. She drew her sword and advanced against the pirate ship as her own crew grabbed planks and began to bridge the gaps between the ships for the boarding. Once the planks were in place, both crews grabbed muskets, pistols, axes, spears and swords and started having a go at it, and even from up here, as I watched, I saw that they were really trying to commit to the fighting without hurting each other, and so far, they were doing a rather good job at it.
And there, on the decks, Captain Bombheart and Captain Firebraid circled around each other, keeping each other at a distance, but in the flash of a moment, Captain Bombheart struck forward, thrusting her sword straight for the heart of Captain Firebraid, but he easily parried and struck back, bashing his elbow into the side of her face and sending her sprawling on the deck. She scampered to her feet, then held her sword at the ready, preparing herself for an opportunity attack against Captain Firebraid as their crew fought around them. Finally, Captain Firebraid struck forward, slashing his sword with the angriest expression on his face.
"YAAARRR!!!!" He roared.
"Oh come on!" Jansen said with a loud laugh. "We don't even say 'yar'!"
Noel laughed as Captain Firebraid pressed the attack, but suddenly, when Captain Bombheart struck back, he slammed aside her sword and bashed her in the nose with the butt of his sword, attempting to press the attack further. They fought farther and farther back onto Captain Bombheart's ship as Captain Firebraid's ship burned behind him.
"Come on!!" Noel yelled happily, bouncing up and down. "Kick his ass, Bombheart!!!"
Bombheart struck back at Firebraid, but, in the flash of an instant, he slammed her sword aside, forcing her to let go of it as he disarmed her, and he put the very tip of his cutlass against her throat as his crew cheered.
"Surrender your ship, Bombheart, you are defeated!!!" He yelled with a smirk.
With that, Captain Bombheart put her hands up, clearly in a surrender, and the rest of the crew followed suit, being rounded up by the pirates and stationed on the side of Bombheart's ship with her. The rest of the pirates rallied behind Firebraid as he stared Bombheart down, and finally, he turned to his crew.
"Have a go at the loot boys!!" He yelled.
Immediately, the pirates cheered, and they headed below, clearly ransacking the ship, and after a few moments, they came back up on deck, hoarding gold, pearls, jewels, and precious artifacts that they hauled aboard the ship, and after stowing them all aboard the pirate ship, Firebraid and his crew looked back at Bombheart and her crew, and Firebraid smirked.
"TOSS EM OVERBOARD!!!!" He yelled as his crew cheered.
Immediately, the pirates all grabbed Bombheart and the crew, and without another word, they tossed them straight overboard, and at the very bow of Bombhearts ship, there was an almost realistic explosion, and part of the ship began to flood, causing the deck to lean rapidly.
"ARRGHHH IT WAS RIGGED!!" Firebraid yelled. "Run, lads, before the ship sinks!!"
All of the pirates suddenly began to run, trying to cross back onto the ship, and just as the top deck of the frigate bagan to go underwater (with a lot of ooos and ahhhs from the crowd), Captain Firebraid leapt straight up from the deck of the ship and latched his hands onto the side of the hull, helping to hoist himself up and over the side of the ship. And, with that final act, both Firebraid on the deck of his ship, and Bombheart in the water turned to the crowd, and began yelling in Atlantean, earring a large amount of applause and cheering from the audience, including Noel, Jansen, and surprisingly Amelia, all three of them bouncing up and down as the cast gave their final bows, and the show wrapped up with thunderous applause.
"Okay, not even gonna lie, that was pretty cool for a play!!!" Jansen said as Noel hugged him around the shoulders.
"Aye! That reminded me of the plays back home!" I said.
"Did it?" Jansen said. "What did y'all have on your world?"
"We had this casino in this huge city, called Las Vegas, called Treasure Island. They used to do these performances of pirates in front of the casinos, but they stopped doing them after a while, apparently."
"Aye that. Would have been a sight to behold, from what I hear of your world!!" Noel said. "Jansen's told me a lot about it."
"Aye, I miss it a lot actually."
With that, as the cast and crew began to clean up the show, all of us stood up, ready to head to the ball, where, apparently, Marine was going to be.
"Hey Gura?"
"Where is this ball? Is it down here in the cavern?"
"No silly. Its up on the surface, with the rest of the royalty." She said. "Not a lot of royalty come down here, because its kind of an underworld down here, so not a lot of formal events are held down here."
"Aye, that makes sense."
And, with that, we began to make our way towards the exit, and back up towards the surface of Atlantis.

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