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    Instantly, my entire body was nearly seared as the fiery bomb exploded beneath me, showering the heart of the Kraken and all of the surrounding walls with fire and heat. The heart instantly vaporized, and Ina double over, clutching her heart as the force of the explosion flung me upward, straight at the hole in the roof and the sunlight outside. With lightning reflexes, I grabbed onto the rim of the hole, and I pulled myself through, straight on top of the Kraken.
    "Oh my god, that actually worked." I said, huffing and puffing. "What the fuck is wrong with me?"
    Before the universe could answer that for me, there was a low growl from the Kraken, and when I turned around to face both our ship and the man o war, my heart sank. Our ship was almost completely trashed, with nearly every single cannon having been either smashed or thrown from the ship. Alongside the hull, there were innumerable holes, having been smashed in by the Kraken, and I saw that the deck hadn't fared much better, being smashed and splintered all over. However, the absolute worst part was the fact that the front mast had been completely torn off, and the main mast had been torn in half, the other half lying quite far away in the water, along with the sails and ropes that were attached to it. However, in a stark contrast, the man o war that had done a lot of the damage was nearly completely fine, save for a few holes here and there, but the worst part was that its sails were mostly gone, just being empty husks of masts as the crew ran about, trying to repair their ship and reload their cannons.
    There was another groan from the Kraken beneath me, and suddenly, it began to sink below the surface, pitching forward as it did. It groaned for a final time, and as it fell down, causing a massive wave as it did, throwing the water up and into the air as the body crashed down. The moment I felt the body begin to pitch, I crouched down and held onto the planks of wood for dear life, trying my damndest to not get thrown off. And yet, as the wind was screaming and screeching in my ears, as soon as the Kraken was near enough to the water, I jumped off of the top, careening down into the water below.
    "COWABUNGA!!!" I yelled.
    Right then, the water encased me, and the shock of the sheer cold hit me like a rock. I was plunged about ten feet into the crystal clear water, and as I opened my eyes to see around me, I saw that the water was plagued with debris from both the Kraken and the ship, with cannons here, planks nearly everywhere, and the occasional chunk of flesh from the Kraken. Our ship was also very, very close to me, and with that in my mind, I kicked and paddled my way to the surface, until my head broke the surface.
    "GAAAHHHHH!!!" I gasped, pulling in a lungful of air as I treaded the water around me.
    I grabbed onto a floating plank of wood to steady myself, and I heard the sound of loud cheering coming from both our ship and the man o war, and when I looked up at the ship, through my exhaustion of everything, I saw Marine and Jansen pumping their fists in the air and cheering, and in return, I gave a small thumbs up before resting my head against the board with a smile as the water lapped at my face. I very slowly started to kick my way over to the ship, closing the distance between I and the damaged hull of the ship. When I was finally close enough to the ship, I grabbed onto the almost broken ladder on the side of the ship, and I climbed up the side of the ship. As soon as I was close enough to the top, I felt Marine's hands grab me around the shoulder and hoisted me over the side of the deck and onto my feet. The moment I was on my feet, Marine grabbed me by my collar and looked me straight in the eyes.
    "That was so stupid." She cursed. "But goddammit that was so brave."
    Before I could retort with a smart comment, she pulled me forward and planted her lips right onto mine, nearly crushing me with a kiss. We wrapped our arms around each other, embracing with the kiss, until I heard a woman's voice from behind Marine.
    "Uhhh, Captain?"
    I opened my eyes as Marine pulled away from me, and I saw Amelia standing there with Chloe, who was cleaning all of the blood off of her dagger.
    "Aye, how bad are the casualties?"
    "Pretty bad. We lost thirty of the sixty crew, and ten more are wounded. That leaves us with just twenty, and the heads of crew." She said, shifting on her injured legs. "How are you doing Micheal? I guess you got my messenger?"
    "Aye, thank you for that." I said. "Love ya Ame."
    "Always and forever." She smirked before turning back to Marine. "Alright Captain, what's the next move?"
    "We gotta recuperate." She said, then turned to her left. "Jansen! Damage report!!!"
    "Aye Captain!" He said, running below decks.
I looked around at our destroyed ship, and I saw that the crew were all trying to clean up as best they could, lifting the destroyed cannons and pulling them back into the belly of the ship. So far, we didn't have anything to repair either the masts or the hull with, but, as I was surveying the damage to the ship, Jansen came back up to the top.
"Small leaks below in the hold, but the damage is mostly above the waterline. You already know about the masts, so we'll have to use the engine to get to the nearest port."
"Wait, where is the nearest port?"
"Albahaarn, about eighty miles west of here. We can use the steam engine and get repairs at the town. Its a free town, so we don't gotta worry about none of the superpowers getting their grubby hands on our ship, or us for that matter."
"Aye, but you might wanna reconsider that!" Marine said, pointing behind me.
I whirled around as Jansen cursed, and I saw that the Elven man-o-war was sailing towards us, with whatever sails it had left. At first, I panicked with the rest of the crew, all of us backing up in fear of the ship, but, after just a moment, I noticed that the gunports on the side of the man-o-war were all closed, concealing their weapons. And, on top of that, standing on the tip of the bow was the same Elf that had talked to me before I fought the Kraken.
"How's about we parley, and share a word and some food?" He said with a smile. "Y'all sure do look hungry."

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