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Finally, after quite a while of smooth sailing, we finally sailed out of the Rift and into the chamber, close to one of the docks. Most of the dock spaces were occupied by the mechanical leviathans, but one of them was empty, and we sailed straight into it, getting a ton of strange stares from all of the onlookers. As I looked around at all of them, I realized that all of them were half fish, half human, all of them having scales, barbels, fins, and webbed flesh that stuck out at random points all across their body. Up a ways from the dock and guarding the entrance to a well lit and populated marketplace, were two large statues, one of a large, toothy shark, and the other was a large octopus, its tentacles extended as if it were in some sort of battle. The two statues sat atop a large stone wall that encircled most of the city, having archer towers and more and more of the fish people patrolling the tops of the walls, holding various weapons.
As we pulled farther and farther into the dock, more and more of the fish people gathered around, their curiosity attracting them to our ship.
"Okay, just play it cool." I said to Marine. "As long as we get this 'festival' out of the way, we can get out of here and head to the Deep Fire."
"Aye, sounds like a plan."
As we docked, a group of the fish people threw us ropes, and our crew tied them to our ship to secure us to the dock, and the rest of our crew began to gather on the top deck of the ship, all of us fidgeting nervously.
"Micheal?" I heard the Storyteller say from next to me.
"Do you think it would be best for Chloe and I to stay near the ship and guard it?"
"Aye, I think thats a good plan." I whispered. "I don't trust these people much."
"Neither I." He said. "I fear what you might've gotten us into."
"Relax, if nothing bad happens, they'll probably want me, not you guys." I said. "If they wanted you guys, they would've just killed all of you and took me in."
As he considered that, I noticed the crab that Mr. Calloway had been driving docking a few rows down from us, right next to another leviathan that looked almost like a monstrous, metal barracuda. As the crab's mouth opened and Philip Calloway exited the crab once more, I felt my grip on the stock of my musket tighten. He briskly walked over to our dock space, pushing through the crowd of curious onlookers, and he shouted something in that weird language again, causing the crowd to back away from the ship.
"Alright, we need a party of you to follow me. We're going to head through the marketplace and up to the palace. Our leader wishes to see you." He said. "Gather your team and meet me by the entrance to the docks."
With that, he smoothed out his uniform, turned on his heels, and left from our ship, hurrying himself away from us and to the gate of the city wall. As soon as he left, I looked over at Marine and gave her a small smile, trying to reassure her that everything would be fine.
"Marine, who do you think should go up to the palace?" I asked, thinking that the responsibility might calm her down a little bit.
"Well, I want you, Jansen, Noel, Botan, and Amelia." She said. "What about the Storyteller and Chloe? Do they want to come with us?"
"No, they wanted to stay and guard the ship."
"Aye that, good idea." She said, then turned to the crew. "All of you, stay aboard until we say its safe to disembark."
"Aye Captain!" They said.
"Alright." Noel said, staying close to Jansen. "Let's go see him."

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