Joking Around

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"Calli." She faintly heard from the living room.
She opened her eyes, trying to blink and rub the sleep out of them, and she stretched, her feet pulling the blanket off of her as she popped all of her joints. Finally, as she fully woke up, the muffled screams of the souls in eternal agony rose to her ears, pleasing her.
"Calli??" Kiara's voice called again, and her eyes snapped open.
"Yeah what's up?"
"I need a hand with cooking if that's okay."
"Yeah its fine." She replied, then sat up in bed, still rubbing her eyes.
She got up, feeling too lazy to get into her regular outfit, and she just strode out of her extremely fancy bedroom wearing her pajamas. She looked all around her, her eyes gazing at all of the fancy and intricate architecture and the overall modern design of the rooms, until her eyes rested on the kitchen, and, subsequently, her wife as she stood at the stove, cooking something that smelled quite amazing. She walked up behind her wife, her feet moving silently across the floor, and once she was behind Kiara, she wrapped her arms around her and crossed her hands over her stomach as she rested her head on Kiara's shoulder. At first, she felt Kiara jolt at her touch, but after the split second realization that it was Calli, she relaxed at her embrace. Calli breathed in her nose, smelling the delicious food that she was cooking, yet she didn't recognize the smell.
"Whatcha cooking babe?" She asked, rocking her and Kiara back and forth slightly.
"Just some of your favorite. Spaghetti!!" She replied excitedly.
Now that she said it, it finally occurred to Calli that she smelled the signature smell of noodles cooking. The oven next to them dinged, and when Kiara tried to reach over to the oven, Calli stopped her, hugging her around the belly and pulling her close.
"Awww I can't cuddle at the moment!" She said, very gently shaking Calli off of her shoulders.
Calli let go of her beloved wife, then, she walked over to the wine bar, grabbed one of the more expensive bottles of red wine, and poured a glass. She swished the wine around, then took a sip before giving Kiara a fake pout.
"Are you mad?" Kiara said, opening the oven with the protective mitt. "Are you mad that I'm not tending to your every need?"
Calli faked being angry and stayed silent, and Kiara gave a playful eye roll as she took a tray of garlic bread out of the oven and set it on the counter.
"Wow thats hot!!" She said, shutting the oven and throwing the hot mitt on the counter. "Now for the spaghetti! Can you give me a hand now, or are you not done sulking?"
Her jaw dropped at Kiara's comment, and she got up, willing to prove Kiara wrong, that she wasn't a big baby. She grabbed the spoon, then stirred the meat around, distributing the heat evenly across the meat and sauce. Once that was done, she reached over, grabbed the rim of the crockpot, took the actual pot part out of the cooker, and poured the cooked meatballs straight into the sauce. She stirred them around, making extra sure to equally douse every single meatball in the sauce. She wanted them perfect, mostly because she loved spaghetti and meatballs, and partly because she wanted to prove Kiara wrong.
"You missed a meatball." Kiara joked.
"Oh you're so annoying!!" She whined, elbowing Kiara right in the side of her ribs.
She looked over at her wife, and she smiled to herself, loving everything about her. Although she could be annoying at times, she truly loved Kiara, her love having only grown since they met, thousands of years ago. They knew each other, basically inside and out, but despite that, Kiara still managed to surprise Calli sometime. She giggled at that fact, and she shook her head as she continued to stir the meatballs. She heard the sound of Kiara cutting the garlic bread into slices, and suddenly, a mischievous idea popped right into her mind. She dipped the tip of her finger in some of the sauce from the meatballs, and she dragged her finger across the back of Kiara's neck, spreading the sauce across her skin. She recoiled at the touch, and she turned around, her jaw dropping with a laugh.
"Oh you did NOT!!" She said.
"Oh yes I DID!!" She replied, sticking her tongue out at Kiara.
Before she could react, however, Kiara leaned forward and planted her lips right on Calli's, and Calli recoiled against the stove, shocked at the sudden kiss. She felt the blood rise straight to her face, and Kiara gave her a wink.
"Finish up the meatballs." She said, pointing at the pot. "I'm getting hungry over here."
"Y-Yeah I know." She replied.
After quite a few more minutes of the meatballs marinating, she opened one of the cabinets, pulled out a clear glass bowl, and put a few spoonfuls of the meatballs and meat sauce into the bowl. She let the spoon sit in the bowl, then brought it over to the dining room and set it down on the table. She walked back over to the pot of noodles that was sitting on the stove, grabbed the spaghetti fork off of the holder on the wall, and scooped a bunch of noodles into another of the fancy glass bowls. She brought the bowl of noodles to the table, then went back to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of forks and knives, then grabbed some napkins and two plates, before setting them neatly on the table. Finally, to top off the entire mood, she grabbed a box of matches, struck one of the matches, and lit the candles over the dinner table, making for a nice, romantic glow. And now, after all the preparation was over and done with, Kiara brought the garlic bread over, and they sat down, ready to eat and enjoy a nice, romantic dinner.

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