Will to Live

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"Oh shit." I said, grabbing Marine and pulling her behind the mast. "BRACE!!!!"
CH-CHUNK!!! CHUNK CHUNK!!! The cannons didn't fire as much as they simply launched glass cannonballs filled with bright blue gas right at our ship. I ducked with Marine behind the mast as the glass balls impacted our ship, and as each and every one of them hit, they shattered, allowing the gas to escape. As it billowed over the decks, it finally reached us, and suddenly, my throat burned, feeling like I was inhaling a noxious gas. I doubled over on the deck as my throat, mouth, and eyes burned, and I frantically wiped at my eyes, trying to get the gas away.
"OPEN FIRE!!!!" I yelled as my throat burned.
I clawed my way over to the cannons, and through my burning vision, I saw that the crew were grabbing the cannons again and aiming back at the monster, trying to recover from the horrific gas attack. And, as if a shred of strength hit them, they began pulling the strings and igniting the cannons. Immediately, the rings and booms from the cannons hit my ears, and the cannonballs were finally launched right at the metal monster, exploding against its surface with showers of sparks and flames. It roared again, but this time, the roared sounded so much more pained. As it dove down underwater, I noticed that bits and pieces of it were hanging off of it, almost as if the machine was hanging onto life by a thread at this point. It gave another shrill screech as it dove down, completely out of our sight, and I wiped both the rainwater and the gas out of my eyes. I blinked harder and harder as I gripped the railing of the ship, and I looked down at the water, searching for any sign of the Leviathan.
"Where is that damn thing??" I yelled out to the crew.
"No eyes on it sir!!" One of them yelled, washing his face with water. "It could be anywhere!"
SCRRRREEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! That terrifying, painful mechanical roar sounded through the air once again, and all of us began to look around frantically, trying to find it before it could pull anything horrible on us.
"Stern!!!" The helmsman yelled, grabbing all of our attention.
Immediately, I bolted, pumping my arms and legs wildly as I tried to keep my balance on the rocking deck. I sprinted my way straight up the aftcastle stairs, pushing past some of the crew, and when I got to the very top, I saw that, way out behind us, there was the Leviathan, still badly damaged from our last scuffle, and amazingly, even from this distance, I noticed that underneath one of the damaged armor plates, there was a large glowing orb, almost like a heart.
"We gotta hit that heart!!" I hissed, then ran straight up to the unloaded cannons and grabbed a dry sack of gunpowder. "Somebody help me here!!"
Marine rushed straight up to me as Noel and Jansen grabbed the other cannon, and as I stuffed the powder and wad of paper down into the cannon, Marine loaded the shot and second wad while I grabbed the ramrod. I pressed the ramrod down into the cannon, stuffing everything until it was compact, and finally, we pushed the cannon straight to the back and aimed it at the Leviathan's heart.
"Are you sure about this Micheal??" Marine asked.
"Not really, but I'm hoping it works."
"And what if it doesn't??"
"Then we die. So it'd better work!" I yelled as more thunder boomed through the air.
It was only five hundred feet out, so I let Marine aim the cannon as I grabbed the ignition cord.
"Michael, fire the thing!!"
I gave it one more second as it slithered closer and closer to us, rapidly closing the distance, and I pulled the cord.
SHH-BRRANG!!! Both cannons launched the projectiles right at the heart of the Leviathan, and by a stroke of beautiful luck, both of them hit, blasting gigantic holes through the heart.
Immediately, the Leviathan writhed in the water, almost as if it was going through shock, and as I looked through the eyes of the head, I saw that both of the pilots were panicking, mashing buttons and pulling levers, but it was all futile as the Leviathan slowly sank beneath the waves, still thrashing as the both the heart and the eyes glowed brighter and brighter.
BOOOM!! Suddenly, the entire leviathan was ripped to complete shreds from a set of massive explosions, and then, it was completely gone out of sight.

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