It's Isekai Time!!

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I hated detention.
But, for now, I had no choice as I sat in that seat, scribbling on the desk with my pencil. It was the last day of school, I had gotten in a fight, the school had called the police, and Paolo wanted to press charges against me for assault. I silently cursed Paolo, just wanting all of this to be over. But, as if God had decided to take a shit right on my face, I glanced up at the window, and I saw a police cruiser roll right up to the school.
"Aww hell naw," I said, shifting uncomfortably in my seat.
I saw the police car pull into a parking space, and after just a second, I saw the police officer get out of the car and meet up with the principal.
I gotta get out of here somehow. I thought as my mind raced through all of the horrible outcomes that could spring from this.
I walked straight up to the other window in the room, facing away from the police officer, and I checked to see if it opened, which, thankfully, it did. I slid it straight up, climbed over the air conditioner, landed on my own two feet outside, and shut the window behind me, praying it didn't make too much noise. I started to sneak around the side of the courtyard I was in, knowing that if I hugged the left wall, I could escape through the construction site, where they were building a new section of the school. I crept along that wall, trying to keep low so that none of the teachers inside saw me, and I started to get closer and closer to the edge of the courtyard, where the walkways branched off one leading to the cafeteria, and one leading to the bus stop, where there were tons and tons of teachers, faculty, and students. A death trap for me if I went that way. I still crept along the wall, until suddenly, I stopped dead in my tracks, as I heard voices. Just two, but one of them was Mr. Tillet, and the other was some female teacher.
"-and he just swung on this kid." Mr. Tillet said. "Just grabbed him, little Paolo called him a pussy, and he just started beating the kid senseless."
"Horrible." The lady said, probably shaking her head. "That's just insane."
"Well, I think there was a reason." Mr. Tillet said. "Last month, he robbed a store down the road, and he got caught. But when he talked to me about it, I thought that the poor kid isn't mean or a bully, but he's just a product of unfortunate circumstances."
"Unfortunate circumstances?" The lady asked. "What do you mean?"
"Well, I spoke to his mother." He said as I leaned against the wall to hear him better. "His father left a long, long time ago. His mother works a lot and isn't around much. He isn't a bad kid like I said. He just messes up sometimes."
"Okay, gotcha." She said. "Is he still in the detention room?"
"He should be." Mr. Tillet said. "The police just arrived, so I might try and talk them out of taking him away."
When he said that, my heart nearly dropped straight into my stomach. I just snuck out of detention, and for what? Just to spite Mr. Tillet as he now wanted to calm the entire situation down? It wasn't fair, even I figured that, but at that moment, it was way too late to turn back. As the door opened and they left, I turned the corner, and there was Mr. Tillet, never having gone inside, smoking a cigarette, and the moment we spotted each other, both of us just stopped and stared right at each other.
"Uhhh," I said. "Th-this isn't what it looks like."
"What the hell, Micheal?" He said. "I was gonna talk Paolo out of pressing charges, man."
I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could, the intercom rang out, echoing off of the walls.
"Micheal Fuentes, report to the main office now."
Mr. Tillet looked right at the loudspeakers, then looked back at me.
"Go. Get out of here."
"Mr. Tillet," I said, my voice nearly breaking. "But you'll be fired."
"Micheal, I'm 72 years old. I don't give a flying shit if I get fired. I'm retiring anyway." He said with a chuckle. "Get out of here while I go and give my resignation."
A massive smile grew over my face, and I felt a lot of relief get lifted off my shoulders. However, I didn't wait around for anything. Immediately, I took off running, trying to get away from the school as fast as I could. I entered the construction site, and quickly, I started looking for some kind of out. And there, at the very end of the site, there was a wall that I was sure I could scale to get out of there.
I instantly bolted for it, jumping and dodging around the construction workers and various piles of equipment. All of the construction workers parted before me, clearly not paid enough to play the part of security.
I turned and looked, and there was what looked like the foreman, and he was quickly being tailed by the police officer, and behind him, there was the principal, yelling at the officer and the foreman to catch me.
"Awww shit, come on man," I said.
I turned back around, and I saw that there was a large set of scaffolding, used to build up one of the walls of the school, and immediately, I leaped for one of the layers of scaffolding. I landed on it, planting my chest against it with a loud "oof," and I scrambled to get onto the layer. I got to my feet, then took off running, trying to get around the piles of construction materials. I climbed onto a small pile of bricks, and I leaped for a set of steel beams that made up the superstructure of the new building.
Unfortunately, I didn't stick to the landing. Instead, I just barely grabbed onto it, hanging on for dear life as the police and foreman came running after me. I mustered all of my upper body strength, pulling myself up and over the steel beam, and I began to balance myself as I ran along the beam, running through the site and getting closer and closer to the wall. However, I was running out of beams, and there was still a large excavator in between me and the wall. Before I could freeze up, I just jumped straight to the excavator, and this time, I stuck the landing near perfectly, both of my feet landing right on the large, moving arm. I wobbled slightly, then clambered my way up the arm, and I jumped on top of the scaffolding against the wall, then, I grabbed the top of the wall and vaulted myself over it, straight down towards the pavement below. I tucked and rolled as to not break my legs, and I stood back up, staring at the foreman, Police officer, and principal, all of whom were staring at me in shock. I took just a moment to catch my breath, but suddenly all of them started yelling at me. I looked back up, expecting them to be jeering and booing me, but instead, all three of them were pointing off to my right, and when I looked, I barely had a second to register that there was a bus, heading straight for me, going about fifty miles an hour.
"OH FU-"
That was all I had time to say, right before the bus plowed straight into me. And you know how people say that an instant death doesn't hurt at all? Bullshit. I felt every single second of my death as all of my bones snapped under the weight of the impact of that bus. Blood vessels and arteries burst, muscles were torn, and organs were punctured as time seemed to slow down, dragging out my impending doom and never-ending agony. In a whirl, I was pulled underneath the bus, and the world started to get blacker and blacker, faster and faster, until the last thing I saw was just pure total darkness.
And then I woke up.

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