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Knock knock knock.
"Come on in." He heard Senchou yell from within.
He opened the door to the Captains cabin, and he saw Senchou standing at a table, holding a compass, the kind with the two metal pieces that was used to measure distances and draw angles. She was using it on the map, measuring the distance between their current position and the island they were going to dock at.
"You summoned me, captain?"
"Aye." She said, not looking up from the table. "I really need to talk to you about something."
"Sure thing. Whats up?"
He walked forward, then sat down on the couch, right next to Senchou's bed. She finished her calculations, then set the compass down on the map and jumped onto her bed, laying on her stomach and facing Jansen.
"I just need to know something." She said, looking him right into his eyes. "What does Micheal think of me?"
Jansen sighed, and he gave her a smug look.
"You like him, don't you?"
She looked at him, mouth agape, and she smacked his arm. But, after a moment, her playful nature ceased, and she looked down at the bedsheets with a sigh.
"Its probably just the Curse of Claritos." She said, eyeing the bedsheets.
"But what if it isn't?" He said, "Maybe Michael could break the curse."
"You can't break Claritos." She replied.
"Not Claritos."
He pointed at the locket that was around her neck, and seemed to set off something in her. She stood up from the bed, then walked over to the wardrobe, opened it up, and pulled out a bottle of rum. She stared at it for a moment, as if contemplating the drink, then she popped the top off and took a big swig of it.
"No one has yet to break that curse. I'm starting to think he was lying, and he just made it to where I can never take it off."
"You know that's not true." He said. "He was a horrible man, but you and I both watched him place the curse on it."
She grabbed the locket around her neck, and she pulled, straining to take it off, but suddenly, he saw it glow red hot, and it burned her skin.
"Listen to me!!" He yelled. "Stop, its not coming off yet. You have to give it time."
She sighed, letting the necklace go.
"Yeah, I guess so." She said. "But what am I supposed to do?"
"Give him some time. Make a few moves, just flirt with him." He said. "And if he makes a move on you, the curse should be broken, right?"
"I guess so. I have to have a man fall truly in love with me, I've told you that before."
He nodded.
"And if he really likes you, he'll return the love for you."
She nodded at him, then took another swig of the rum.
"Listen, that stuff really is bad for you."
She nodded again.
"Aye, I know, but I just....I just need the drink." She said, looking out the window and at the sea. "It just...it helps the thoughts. It makes them go away. Not forever, but for a time."
"But come on, you're killing yourself. Every drink you take, its killing you."
She shook her head.
"Its fine Jansen. I can quit anytime I want to."
He raised his eyebrows, and she saw the obvious look of doubt on his face.
"I-I can Jansen. Anytime I want, I can quit the drinking, okay? Just please leave me alone about it."
He sighed.
"Aye." He said. "I'll figure out what he thinks of you, sound good?"
"Aye, thank you Jansen." She said. "Thats all I needed. Have a good day, you're dismissed."
He nodded, then walked out of the cabin and into the midday sun, where the crew was busy working, pulling and tying ropes, hoisting and rearranging cargo, adjusting sails, and performing various other tasks. One crew member came tromping up the stairs, holding a bottle of strong rum in his hands, and Jansen grabbed his arm, stopping him.
"Where are you going with that?"
"The captain wanted another drink." He said.
Jansen grabbed the drink out of his hands, then walked over to the mast, and smashed the bottle on one of the metal parts of the mast, shattering it and raining rum down on the deck.
"Tell her we're out of strong rum." Jansen said. "Tell her I drank the last of it."
"Uhm, yes sir." He said.
He left, and Jansen put his hands on the railing of the deck, thinking over just about everything. Off to his left, Micheal and the Storyteller were chatting up a storm, talking over things that Jansen couldn't hear from that far away. But whatever they were talking about, it was important, because they were both focused, dead seriously, on whatever it was.

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