The "It" Girl

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Let me start this off by saying

That I love you so 

But this doubt is clouding in my mind

I gotta let it out

I know she's perfect

I can hear you talking with her

So much better at it than me

I just stay behind in the dark

Even if you don't love her

She is such a good example

Why I feel I can't be the one for you

She plays all the games you like

She can keep a conversation going

She is always upbeat

You can't remember

Anything about me

Don't like saying hey to me

Before you get in a call with her

Why don't you think about me

Like I think of you

I'm so insecure 

And shes not

You may not like her

But she's a perfect example of why

There may be another girl

Who is so perfect for you

She doesn't on your nerves

Isn't boring at night

Likes to go outside and hang out

As you talk to her

I listen in

I know

You say you love me

You wanna spend your life with me

We go back and forth on why

You don't seem to remember me

Yet you always remember her name

I can't be that It Girl

That can do what you like

I can't be that It Girl that likes all the games you like

When you finally get bored of me

She's the type of  girl you're gonna wanna meet

I can't be that It Girl

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