Thirty-Fourth Poem:

29 3 1


Slower and Slower

My heart beats

I am dying inside

No voice to scream

No tears to shed

No words to write

Nails scraping skin

Get this Broken heart out of me

And let me feel no pain

My blood is rushing to my head

As I lay on my death bed

My head pounds

And shoulders shake

Is it okay

For me to die right now

Tears down my cheeks


Piece by piece

The year has been awful

To my aching Heart

No pill can relieve the pain

No scars can make me numb


Comes and goes

But never stays


Comes but never leaves

With this last shaking breath

I turn to the sky

I pray for a miracle

And reach to the Heavens where I will Reside

I whisper so softly

I let the wind take it away

My hand falls limply at my side

Next to the note

With one word


My Thoughts On PaperOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora