Running Out Of Time

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I blink

The day is over

I wait

The sun is setting

I try to live

For one second

Suddenly it's been an hour

I want to do all these things

My mind is crying out

You're running out of time

So you have to do this now

I feel bad when I sleep

So I stay up

Till my body is weak

But when I sleep

When my body is screaming

You tell me I'm being lazy

So many things

Can happen

I know

I risk so much

Just waking up in the morning

I want to see the colors around me

But here I am

Running out of time

So many things to do

I am calling out for help

I don't want to sleep

There's too much to do

I'm running out of time

Spending hours working 

To give the money away

When I relax

Try to breathe

The day is behind me

Where does the time go?

Where did this year go?

I feel like it just began

Then I look back and then

I see its been 6 months

I blink

Another month

When will the time slow down

Someone holds on to the clock's hands

While I beg for the time to fly

When I do something I don't like

I go somewhere I need to go

Looking down at the time

On my phone

Begging for the time to go by

Then I relax and someone has decided

They need the time to go by

So it does

When I grasp the hands of a clock

Hurting my hands

My arms going weak

Just to have them break on me and run faster

Go faster

Hour by hour

I'm running out of time

When will the time stop

And I can be free

Of the chains that bind me

From father time himself

Time is my prison

Watching the clock

Tick by

Running out of time

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