Forty-Seventh Poem: Memorable

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I am so tired of

Being Alone

I gave you a chance

I wanted you too

Now I am pulling


I want you by my side

Isn't that what you wanted?

I wanted someone

So I wouldn't be lonely

I am finally happy

Or am I?

You tell me

If you don't answer

To text you again

Am I that invisible to you?

Do I leave your mind so fast

To where

I have to remind you

That I exist?

If you really like me

Do you think of me

Like I think of you

Did I fall too fast?

Did I fall too easy?

Am I that forgettable

All I wanted was memorable

Do you even like me?

Am I wasting my time

Baby if you don't want me

Just tell me

I am a big girl

I've had it said before

So please

Am I wasting time

I'm lucky to be alive

I thought you saved me

Now, you are breaking me

I m easy to crack

Like a phone

You drop me

You break me

After you

I am done

I want to be done

If you don't want me

So please

I want to be memorable

Not forgettable

I am pulling and pulling

Why aren't you pushing

I'm not in this to be lonely

I'm in this to feel alive

With you by my side

So when hours go by

You still haven't texted

Maybe you are pushing

Pushing me away

I shouldn't have to text you twice

It only takes a second

It only takes a second

To make me

Or break me

Your choice

I want to be memorable

Not forgettable

Don't waste my time

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