A New World

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I'm afraid to push

I shouldn't be

Together so long

This big step

Another stepping stone

It's happening

A dream

A conversation

What once was far down a path

Is closer than ever

I'm afraid I overstepped

You say you would be honest

I feel the distance growing

Is this too much?

Too stressful?


I'm scared too

No longer would distance

Make the heart grow fonder

In each other's space


Stepping on toes

Stepping on lines


Needed to be said


It is easy to say

We are ready

Then to pack the boxes

The bags

Have we talked enough

Seriously enough

Is this what you want?

Is that enough?

Is that what you need?

I can't turn away

I can't watch you turn away

I want to be there

When I cry

I won't have to call

I can hug you

To calm you down

When the world is too big

When the room suffocates you

I will be there

I am so scared

How do I tell you?

Without insulting you

Without insulting your love for me

Such a big step

Hard to turn away

The only time

To be honest

Is now

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